From the Deck! My River of Stones January Challenge 2012!
Patricia Anne McGoldrick!
Author’s note about the title! The house in which I live is a two-storey, ! built into the side of a hill. This location! has provided our family with the chance to see ! and enjoy the changing seasons from that perspective.! As I have shared with many, one of my favourite writing spots is the deck adjoining our house and overlooking an amazing view.! Even in the winter, each day brings a different view that I try to capture in photos and poems. ! That has been the focus of the January challenge for me. ! From the Deck is my title of choice for this collection of small stone poems, written in January 2012. Enjoy!!
January 1 ! Snow falls on deck! Lines emblazoned by sun on white! What shall I write on snow paper?!
January 2!
Crystal snowflakes! Landing on deck! Winter’s new year!
January 3!
Temperature falls! below zero! Even thermometer wears a hat!!
January 4!
Sunlight is shining! Through band of snow lining rail! Temperature up!!
January 5! A murder of crows! Black feathers orbiting round! Circling overhead.!
January 6!
Tenth Day of Christmas! Make a scroll of these wishes! 2012 so gold!
January 7! Red and green! Orange and gold! Coloured globes! Dangle! Jangle! On neighbour’s oak tree.!
January 8!
Moonlight softly glows! Piercing through silver maple! Bare branches shade night! White fingers clawing! Cold blue January sky! Winter’s far reach. !
January 9!
Creamy coloured ears perk up! on eleven year old pup! when he hears the word! Scrabble!!
January 10 "
January moon glow! Filtered through the clouds! Cold winter’s night!
January 11!
Fog so grey covered the night! Mist is in the air! Morning moisture droplets! Falling from linden tree!
January 12 Winter is returning! Storm watch ! turns to! Storm warning!!
January 13!
Deck is coated once again! With winter white.! Clear unlined stationery! Waiting for my words this Friday.! What luck!!
January 14! Cody! Creamy coated! Eleven year old pup! Loves to play! in the cool white snow!!
January 15! Moon, only half full, is resting in crisp blue sky Cradled by winter's grasp.!
January 16 !
Calendar X marks the spot.! Reminds to observe! Martin Luther King Jr. Day with peace.!
January 17!
Fog frames silver maple today.! No red cardinals are caught in the sway of my camera lens.!
January 18! Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was celebrated on Monday. He spoke for freedom.! His words echoed from mountain-tops.! Today, people are still needing to hear that call to “let freedom ring!”!
January 19! Blank slate of snow beckons me to write.! With paprika spice ink, ! I shake out the word sno–! Sadly, “w” has no place to go!!
January 20 2012!
Snow is thick on the deck. ! White layers of flakes are everywhere.! Barbecue smiles,! blissfully, ! on winter staycation. !
January 21!
Cardinal ! red and bright! resting in pear tree branch! Gives hope! amidst blankets of white snow! spread all around the backyard trees.!
January 22!
Holly green! Berries red! Snow white on branches so sweet!!
January 23!
January rain! Pouring down! Washes away yesterday’s snow. !
January 24!
Snow stationery! lined and unlined! rain washed from the deck. !
January 25!
Solar flare! Excited by chance to see Northern Lights! Not happening with this cloud-filled sky! !
January 26! Poets! network ! connecting! composing words! like fire flies flashing! in cold January day!!
January 27!
Red cardinal,! crafted by an artisan,! what do you see as you peer through our window screen! on this snowy white January day?!
January 28!
Emerald touches! against backdrop of white! are a winter delight! !
January 29! Silver maple! is winter white, now.!
January 30 Cumulous clouds ! on January blue.! What else is a poet to do ! but write?!
January 31!
Cardinals are back.! Brownish female with brilliant red male—! Red beaks are a sure sight!! Find them if you can! In this small final January stone.!
From the Deck!
Š2012 Original poems and photos by Patricia Anne McGoldrick!