Living in Texas

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Living in Texas‌

Felipe Zanforlin Mautner Reinaldo roizen adoni Bruno zugman arkader

Teacher Patricia del valle ColĂŠgio I.L. Peretz, 2014

1 You are in Texas, in the Wild West in the year of 1893. You are walking and you hear a woman’s shout. she’s your mom.

-to follow the sound, go to [22].

2 You open the paper, and IT is written an address: P.SHERMAN 42 WALLABWAY, SIDNEY

-TO Go to Sidney by boat, GO TO [21]. -TO go swimming, GO TO [27].

3 You GO to your house. YOU open the door. everything IS dark‌there is no clue.

-To search FOR other clues, go to [19].

4 You try NOT to move, but you scream for help and the snake kills you

-Go back to [1]

5 You reach them, THEY are very furious and THEY ask YOU for a duel.

-you shoot AT THE RIGHT time, GO TO [11]. -you shoot AT THE wrong time, GO TO [13].



-You snakes. To fight them, go to [16]. -You see a cave. To enter it, go to [28].


-to Go back to Jamaica, go to [31].

9 Congratulations! you HAVE escaped, but the journey IS NOT OVER. Now, you need to face the enemy and save your mom.

-TO go Look for clues, GO TO [19]. -TO ignore the mystery, GO TO 24. -TO Run without an OBJECTIVE, GO TO [7].

10 You go to the place your mother was kidnapped and see a paper that IS on the floor.

-TO Open it, GO TO [2].

11 He shoots ON THE RIGHT. You fall down. There is a bullet on your chest, you stop breathing and die slowly‌

-go back to 1.

12 When you go back to the cave, they aren`t THERE ANY more.

-go back to [1].

13 The police see you shooting AT the wrong time, and you are arrested because this is illegal.

-TO GO to jail, GO TO [15].

14 You can kill them but no one can find you or give you any help.

-Go back to [1].

15 Now, you are in the jail but you need to escape to find your mother. -TO try to run away FROM the guards, GO TO [20]. -TO make a tunnel using a spoon, GO TO [9].

16 There ARE some snakes in the cliff. -TO fight the snakes, GO TO [14]. -TO NOT move, GO to [4].

17 He IS going to Jamaica.

-TO go with him, GO TO [31]. -DO NOT GO with him, GO TO [8].

18 You see your mother beING kidnapped and call the police. You are at the police STATION, YOU tell theM THE story, they think you are wrong and THEY ARrest you.

-YOU go to jail, GO TO [15].

19 You are looking for clues in the street, where do you want to start? -In your home, go to [3].

-in the place that your mother was kidnaped, go to [10].

20 The guards see that you have escaped, they catch you and they hang you.

-Go back to 1

21 You go by boat, but your boat sinks. you are in the middle of the ocean alone‌ -to swim without a direction, go to [26]. -to stay there waiting for help, go to [6].

22 When you reach her, she has been kidnaped by outlaws.

- You try to stop them, go to [5]. - You call the police, go to [18].

23 You punch him and he falls on the ground, you get your mother.

-go to [29].

24 Don`t you like your mother?

-go back to 1.

25 You forget the mystery. -Go back to 1.

26 You swim a lot and finally get to an Indian island.

-to ask for help, go to [30].

27 You swim and find a fisherman in a boat.

-to ask for a ride to Sidney, go to 17.

28 You are now in the cave and you see your mother -to punch the gang`s leader, go to 23. -to go away and try to come up with a better plan, go to 12.

29 You are in Texas and everything is all right! Congratulations!!

30 The Indians help you and take you to Sidney. -go to 33

31 You`re in Jamaica. what do you want to do?

-LIVE THERE, go to 25. -BUY A TIcKET TO SYDNEY, go to 32.

32 You are buying tickets to Sidney.

- To go to Sydney, go to 33.

33 You are in Sydney but unfortunately the boat you’re in explodes. -Go to 1

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