Teacher Patricia Del Valle
1. You are at Hebraica. I’m your friend, my name is Owen. We are on a holiday and we are at the swimming pool. We see a lot of blood on the water and a paper flying. You run to take the paper. Go to 10. You ask someone there who was in the pool. Go to 7.
2. Now we are at his program! This is my dream and I am making it:  Now we are with the mystery person. Go to 10.  We have to go out and now, we are at Africa. Go to 17.
3. We run after the man and take our food back, but we bump into something and we fall in a hole (mystery/secret room).  We explore the place. Go to 18.  We start shouting. Go to 24.
4. The person takes a hand gun and shoots at our heads. Now, we are drinking tea with Sonia, the crocodile. We slide on the pool slider and now, we are at Hebraica’s pool area. Go to 10. We are teletransported and we go to Hebraica’s pool area. You ask someone there who was in the pool. Go to 7.
5. We hit our heads on the desk and we get out of the place.  We start talking with the person. Go to 11.
6. The dragons’ homework is about History. It is about the Ottoman Empire. We jump on the paper and now, we are in Turkey. We ride a balloon in Cappadocia. Go to 15. We go to Mr. Grinch’s house. He lives in a cave. Go to 25.
7. ‘‘I don’t know, but I think somebody got hurt…’’ You get curious and ask the same person again. Go to 21. You don’t believe this person and you ask the lifeguard. Go to 27.
8. “Well, that reminds me of Zubumafu!” I said. “But I am Zubumafu!” he said. Go to 23. “Now you are my prisoner and I will make you to go to 31!” Go to 31!
9. We are stinking and we can’t see anything. We drink tea with Sonia, the crocodile, and we slide on a pool slider. Now, we are at Hebraica’s pool area. Go to 10. We drink tea with Sonia, the crocodile, and she eats us. Now, we are at Hebraica’s pool area. Go to 20.
10. We are running and we fall into the water.  Go to 20.
11. “Hi…” you said. We break the floor and now we are at the sewer. Go to 9. We break the roof and we go to the sky. Go to 16. We break the wall and we go to another room. Go to 25. “I hate you!” the person says. Go to 4. We go to Itú. Now everything is big. Go to 13. We mess with the person’s hair and we run to Israel. Go to 29.
12. We land the balloon in China and we just sing: “Ching ling ling, lililing!” We take the balloon and we go to the Grand Canyon. Go to 30. We slide on a pool slider and now, we are at the Great Wall of China. Go to 33.
13. Something falls on us. It is COTEL. We die. Our ghosts go to Hebraica’s pool area. Go to 10. Our ghosts go to Israel. Go to 29.
14. You run after the person to know what is happening and this person disappears like magic. You go to the bathroom. Go back to 7.
15. We land the balloon at Hebraica’s pool area. We slide on the pool slider and we are swimming. Go to 10. We take the balloon and we go to China. Go to 12.
16. “Look! Now we can see Charlie Chaplin and Charles Darwin!” I say. We drink tea with them and we slide on a pool slider. Now, we are at Hebraica’s pool area. Go to 10.
17. We meet a Kangaroo. Her name is Dagoberta. She tells us to run away because a gang of Buffalos is coming. We run away and we slide on a pool slider. Now, we are at Hebraica’s pool area. Go to 10. We get inside Dagoberta’s pouch. She takes us to Vietnam. Go to 19.
18. The place looks fantastic! Everything is organized, but there is a problem… We see the same person that was in the pool and at the Japanese restaurant. We start talking. Go to 11. We hide under a desk. Go to 5. We throw a bottle of sparkling water on the floor. It explodes. Go to 34.
19. We are at Hanoi (a city in Vietnam) and we visit the Stone Dragon. It dances Macarena with us. After this, he goes to his home because he has to do homework. He is sad. We slide on the pool slider and, now we are at Hebraica´s pool area. Go to 10. We help the Stone Dragon with his homework. Go to 6.
20. You get out of the pool very fast and you fall again. You break your finger.  Go back to 1 and start again.
21. The people get scared and run away.  Go back to 1 and start again.
22. We find the man who did all of those things! He was Mr. Grinch. And the man who we messed his hair (11) was his prisoner.
23. Mr. Grinch takes off his clothes and turns into Zubumafu! We go to Sumatra. Go to 28. We go to Hebraica’s pool area. Go to 10. Mr. Grinch (Zubumafu) wears his Mr. Grinch clothes. Go to 31.
24. Someone hears our screams and with magic, make us fly away. We don’t know where we are. Go to 32. When we look, we are at the Buckingham palace. Go to 10.
25. Now, the room is a cave and Mr. Grinch is singing to us: Me, you, and Mr. Grinch! Go to 8. I am the mean one, Mr. Grinch! Go to 28.
26. We leave Hebraica and we eat Japanese food at an Italian restaurant. I throw up. Go back to 32.
27. “Hum… I saw a person that was carrying a bowl with many packages of ketchup, but then this person left the bowl next to the pool. I turned my head and when I looked there, the person wasn’t there anymore.” Go to 32.
28. After visiting Sumatra we go to Hebraica’s pool area and… Do you want to know what we did? Go to 22. Do you want to swim? Go to 10
29. We are at Israel in a mystery house, there we meet Zubumafu it says: “Me, you and Zubumafu!” Go to 2. “Nice to meet you!” Go to 10.
30. At Grand Canyon we ride a helicopter. Go back to 1 and start again.
31. “We hate you Mr. Grinch!” we say. “We will buy a Unicorn to go to Sumatra!!” To drink tea with Sonia, the crocodile at Hebraica’s pool area, go to 10. To go to Sumatra by Unicorn, go to 28. “You are still going to be my prisoner! You can’t do this!” Mr. Grinch said. Go to 23.
32. We leave the pool area and we go to the Japanese restaurant. We see the same person that was in the pool with us. This person sees you and runs away. Go to 14. Some person takes our food and runs away. Go to 3. We ask to get our food to go but when they give it to us, we run away without paying. Go to 26.
33. We ride a helicopter at the Great Wall of China. We find a pool slider. We slide on it. Now we are at Hebraica’s pool area. Go to 10. We find a pool slider. We slide on it. Now we are at Grand Canyon. Go to 30.
BUM!  We start talking to the person. Go to 11.