Applied Project Management Certificate Program

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Applied Project Management Certificate Program - Online Winter & Spring 2014 This Project Management program provides an introduction to the fundamental theory and approach used to manage projects successfully. It focuses on the application of project management methods and tools during initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing processes. Employing standardized practices to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of project management is emphasized. This program is online in a modular approach and will require 80 hours to complete over a 14-week duration. Participants are free to work on the content at any time, day or night, but must complete all of the coursework and assignments according to the weekly schedule. There are 6 modules in the program and they must be taken in order. They can be taken over more than one semester, but the program must be completed within 2 years.

WHO IS THIS PROGRAM FOR? This program is for anyone who is interested in learning to better manage projects. You do not have to be in a project management position, but many of our students are working as project managers, supervisors, or project coordinators. Past participants have come from very diverse backgrounds and education levels. It is recommended that you have business experience as well as experience working on projects in some capacity so you can put the learning in context, but it does not matter what industry you work in.

WHY TAKE THIS PROGRAM? Many other project management programs are designed for technical audiences, and they give students a generic case study to work on with a team. Sometimes working on an assignment as a team means that students only learn their part of the assignment instead of all the skills; and working on a case study may not be applicable to your field or industry. In our program, you choose your own project to work on, and you complete individual assignments. This means you will learn all of the skills, not just part of them; and it will be using a familiar project rather than an unrelated case study.

To register call 250-370-3550 or go to

HOW WILL THIS PREPARE ME FOR MY PMP®? The Project Management Professional (PMP)® credential requires education, project management experience, training, and completion of an exam. This program provides more than twice the training hours needed and all of the content aligns with the most current version of the PMBOK® Guide. We also provide guidance on studying for the exam.

HOW DOES ONLINE LEARNING WORK? The online learning in our program is called asynchronous, which means that you do not need to be online at the same time as the instructors or the other participants. The courses are accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. Past students have studied from all over the world - one student even studied from a camp in the middle of the Amazon jungle. You can study at a time and place that is convenient for you and your schedule. The courses are divided into modules that follow a weekly schedule. Each week you will learn a module or two and complete a practical assignment applying the skills learned that week. This helps you pace your progress through the courses to ensure that you are able to learn without falling behind. The content of each module includes readings, online videos, samples, templates, exercises, and an assignment to help you learn the techniques, see how they are applied to a sample project, and then practice using the skills with a project of your own.

HOW IS THIS PROGRAM RECOGNIZED? Camosun College, as well as our partner, the Applied Management Centre, are Global Registered Education Providers (R.E.P.) with the Project Management Institute (PMI)®, which means that the program has been reviewed annually and it is current to the rigorous standards of the leading international professional association for project management. You can be assured that you will learn the most up-to-date skills of project management. Past students have received credit for this program towards undergraduate and graduate degrees through prior learning assessment; however, the final decision on credit award is always up to the granting institution. HOW MUCH WORK IS INVOLVED? The program is designed to be approximately six hours per week of study plus six to eight hours per week to complete the practical assignments. These are average numbers based on feedback from hundreds of students who have taken the program, but each student’s experience will be different depending on their prior experience, their efficiency with the tools, and their time constraints.

Our program also uses a wide variety of tools, like discussion forums, blogs, wikis, group activities, and email, to increase the collaboration between you, the other participants, and the instructor. The instructors are also available by appointment for consultation by phone or online chat. You can feel confident that you will be guided through the learning process as much or as little as you prefer. HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? You will receive a letter grade for each course in the program. All marks are awarded based on completion of written assignments in each course. The final course in the program consists of an integration project and a final exam, which covers all of the material learned in the program. Upon successful completion of the final course and project, you will be awarded your Certificate in Applied Project Management from Camosun College.

ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR Rob Clark, PMP, is certified as a Project Management Professional (PMP)® by the Project Management Institute (PMI)®, and is a graduate of the George Washington University School of Business and Public Management. He is an executive with a proven track record as an effective leader, skilled communicator and negotiator, and successful strategic planner. His background includes more than 20 years of experience in all areas of business management, including: project management, operations, consulting, financial management, cost control, marketing, and performance analysis. As an instructor, he shares his knowledge, skills and experience in management with hundreds of people, teaching several business management and project management courses at Camosun College, the University of British Columbia, and other postsecondary institutions. He has trained and mentored thousands of people in a wide range of topics that include leadership, project management, instructional skills, business planning and technical subjects.

WHAT ARE THE PREREQUISITES? The courses in the program must be taken in sequence, even if you intend to spread them out over several terms, so you must have completed the previous course in the sequence before you can take the subsequent course. Other than that, you must have a reasonable level of computer literacy, and you must have sufficient proficiency in English to communicate your learning in your assignments. (See Registration Checklist) WHERE CAN I SEE A SAMPLE OF THE COURSES? Go to: Click the button "Login as a guest" and under the Guest category, click on the AMC Sample Course. Within this sample course, you can click on any of the links to see examples of various features that you'll find in the courses.

WHAT MATERIALS WILL I NEED? The program uses several resources to help you learn practical project management skills. When you enroll, you will receive detailed instructions on what is required, but you can expect that you will need:  Computer with Internet access and current browser software  Windows Operating System (Mac users can create a virtual PC on their Mac using software like Parallels)  Microsoft Project (any version)  Microsoft Word & Excel  Suggested Text Book: Project Management: A Managerial Approach. J.R. Meredith and S.J. Mantel Jr., John Wiley and Sons. 8th Edition. ISBN: 9780470533024 (Available used online, details will be discussed during first course.)

REGISTRATION CHECKLIST Before completing your registration, please review the following information to ensure this is the right program for you! 1. Over 18 years of age 2. Basic computer knowledge: □ Understand file name extensions (e.g. .doc, .docx)

□ Save files in specific folders □ Copy and move files/folders □ Send and receive email □ Add attachments to email □ Working knowledge of MS Word and Excel 3. Business/Project Management background: □ Work in a business setting □ Experience working on projects □ Strong interest in learning the project management process 4. Fluent in written and spoken English 5. Access to a computer and the internet □ Windows based PC

WHAT WILL I STUDY? The courses are designed to be taken in sequence to give you the opportunity to progressively work through the entire life cycle of a project.

Project Initiation & Charter Development (1 Week)

Project Planning, Scheduling & Budgeting (5 Weeks)

Project Initiation & Charter Development Learn the fundamentals of project management for organizations including project selection and start up methods. Gain practical experience defining specific project needs and developing a project charter that provides the correct level of detail for your situation. Project Planning, Scheduling & Budgeting Learn the tools and techniques used to create a comprehensive project plan in this introduction to the detailed planning process. You will learn to include all the appropriate components and then summarize the information into a collated summary plan. Project Execution & Control Learn how to execute and control the progress of the project by effectively managing the administrative challenges. To ensure your project remains on track, you will discover how to measure performance, control change, and take corrective actions when necessary. You will work through the process to understand how to manage quality, manage procurements, and administer contracts. Project Leadership & Communications Learn the leadership skills to effectively manage your project. You will review effective methods to manage information related to your project including creating and storing information. As well, you will create a communication plan to help you effectively distribute that information.

Project Execution & Control (3 Weeks)

Project Leadership & Communications (2 Weeks)

Project Closing & Continuous Improvement (1 Week)

Applied Project Management Integration Project (2 Weeks)

Project Closing & Continuous Improvement Learn the close out procedures for an individual phase or completed project. You will work through an administrative closure, financial closure, and transfer to operations, using the lessons learned review process for continuous improvement. Applied Project Management Integration Project This is the capstone course in the Applied Project Management Certificate program. It is a comprehensive evaluation of the skills and knowledge developed throughout the first 5 courses in the program. You will be evaluated in two ways: with an integration project and a knowledge exam. Those successful in passing both components for a combined grade of C or better will be granted their Certificate. Free Information Session Join us for a free, face-to-face information session to learn more about the Program. Call 250-370-3550 to register.

COURSE COSTS & DATES APMC 590V 001 APMC 500V D01 APMC 501V D01 APMC 502V D01 APMC 503V D01 APMC 504V D01 APMC 505V D01

Information Session Project Initiation & Charter Development Project Planning, Scheduling & Budgeting Project Execution & Control Project Leadership & Communications Project Closing & Continuous Improvement Applied Project Management Integration Project

Winter 2014 FREE $449 $1,849 $1,149 $749 $449 $849

6:30-8:30pm 1 week 5 weeks 3 weeks 2 weeks 1 week 2 weeks

Nov. 28, 2013 Jan. 4-9 Jan. 11 – Feb. 13 Feb. 15 – Mar. 6 Mar. 8-20 Mar. 22-27 Mar. 29 – Apr. 10

Spring 2014 February 20, 2014 Apr. 12-17 Apr. 19 – May 22 May 24 – Jun. 12 Jun. 14-26 Jun. 28 – Jul. 3 Jul. 5-17 Phone: 250-370-4565 Program Coordinator: Patricia Larose “PMI”, “PMBOK”, “Project Management Professional”, “PMP” and the PMI Registered Education Provider logo are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc.

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