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Embracing Self-Love as a Choice You Make Every Single Day
When we approach self-love as a way of living, rather than some elevated state of being, we can choose at this exact moment to start.
The more you choose acts of self-love, the more they become habitual, and they all add up, like putting coins in a piggy bank. Your days are then filled with more acts of self-love than negative habits. The more you build on that internal stability, the less your selfworth will be influenced by other people and external triggers.
Dr. Sean Stephenson inspired us by saying, “Never believe a prediction that doesn’t empower you.” Letting go of the power you allow others to have over your life is possible by choosing to empower yourself through living a life focused on your strengths. Loving yourself is seeing yourself as a whole. Focusing more on what you know you are capable of rather than how other people see you. It is knowing how to deal with your darkness. It is knowing how to respond to the ugly parts of life.
Self-compassion is a way of relating to yourself that does not involve harshly judging or punishing yourself for every mistake you make, or every time someone does better than you. Dr. Melanie Greenberg shares that research on self-compassion shows that it is associated with:
- Less anxiety and depression.
- More optimism.
- Better recovery from stress.

- Better adherence to healthy behavior changes, such as exercise or diet.
How much you love yourself is how peacefully, humbly and gracefully you live out your life. The ultimate gift of caring for yourself is loving yourself first through all aspects of your daily routines and lifestyle.
Every human being just wants to be loved. Most importantly, to be able to look in the mirror and love themselves. If you can do that, then you have opened the door to possibilities and opportunities never before imagined.
Author: Stephanie den Hollander Phenomenally You Life Coaching www.phenomenallyyou.ca