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Upcoming Events...

The Splash Pad

Now open daily from 9am-9pm.



Senior Yoga every Monday, Wednsday, Friday 10 am

Regular Yoga every Tusday & Thursday 6:15 pm contact yoginature@hotmail.com or 204-290-5336 to registar.

Ste-Anne Food Bank AGM

The Ste-Anne food bank will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday June 15th at 7 pm at the Sainte-Anne Roman Catholic Church (162 Centrale). The guest speaker will be Meaghan Erbus from Harvest Manitoba. All are welcome!

Seine River Services for Seniors AGM

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on June 15 from 3 - 4 pm at Club Jovial, 123 Rue Centrale in Ste Anne. We would be pleased to have you attend the meeting. Please RSVP to our coordinator, Melanie Bremaud, regarding your attendance labseinerss@gmail.com

Richer Young at Heart Club

Dinner and dance on Saturday June 17 with live music. Cost is $25 per person. Doors open at 4:30 pm, Dinner is at 6:00 pm. Music and dancing till 11 pm. Call Ron at 431-275-0874 for tickets.

InSeine News Deadline June 27 to submit events, info and advertisments contact

InSeine News at inseine@live.ca

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