Fashion Portfolio. Vogue Italy Editorial

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A WORLD OF APPEARANCES Inspired by Hitchcock’s masterpiece Vertigo


FASHION PORTFOLIO PATRICIA PAYĂ GUILLOT BA Fashion Marketing & Communication, Level 6, 2018-2019 6FAMK003C Visual Arts CWK2 Chiara Legittimo, Gina Ripoll, Anna Mary Rowe 1000 words

A WORLD OF APPEARANCES While developing CWK1 and analyzing Hitchcock’s film ‘VERTIGO’, one found the interest of Hitchcock in playing with the audience, showing that appearances can be deceiving. He was fascinated about how blind we can be. In his plots nobody is what it seems, they all hide something. Identity is the sum of the masks, such is its central message: we are also what we hide. In this film, Madeleine (Kim Novak) fools Scottie (James Stewart) by playing a game of appearances. Scottie falls in love with that, with a perception; with a woman who turns out to be another. For this reason, the student decided to focus the editorial on the theme of appearances. To portray the game that Hitchcock used to deceive the viewer through identities. And above all to show how the director managed to deceive us in the film Vertigo, through an actress (Kim Novak) who represented two different characters, Madeleine and Judy, and who constantly played with identity. In the following editorial the characters Madeleine and Judy are represented. Through this editorial, the author wants to capture the same game of appearances that Hitchcock offers in the movie Vertigo. For this to happen, several elements of the film are used in the editorial. The bouquet of flowers is a very important symbol. Throughout the film this element is used in order to become someone you would like to be, to create an appearance of your true identity. Madeleine uses them to become Carlotta, while Judy through these elements becomes Madeleine. Moreover, Hitchcock creates a game of mirrors during the film symbolizing the dual identity of Madeleine, as if through the mirrors the director wanted us to realize what Judy hides: that she is just an appearance. The editorial narrates a story, similar to the movie, divided into three parts. The editorial begins by showing a Madeleine that seems pure, real, and that is unattainable. It shows her incredible beauty, her blonde hair, and her superior position, as if no one could reach her, through a low-angle shot, which shows superiority. Inspired by the game of angles that Hitchcock used in his films. The second part of the editorial shows the process of Madeleine becoming Judy, when during the movie, Scottie does not realize that she is the same person, and Hitchcock at the same time tries to warn the protagonist and the viewer. For this to be represented, the author applies one of the resources used by the director, the mirror game. And finally, the last part of the author’s story is the moment in which it is discovered that Madeleine and Judy are the same person and that everything was a mere appearance. It is staged especially in the last image where both faces seem to be unified.

As of the styling, the author wanted to merge the two ways of dressing that Madeleine and Judy had, but in a contemporary way and adapted to the current trends, and also maintaining the elegance that keeps the whole film in the styling and aesthetics. Regarding Madeleine, the author wanted to adapt Dior’s “The New Look” to the current era, transforming the costume she wore - covering her entire body - into something more modern. Therefore, the model that represents Madeleine in the editorial, wears a camel suit and a white turtleneck, in reference to the actress. Regarding Judy, the student wanted to highlight above all the bright colors of her clothes in the film, such as red, green or purple. To portray this, the model wears a plain maroon suit, and dark and red turtlenecks, denoting a voluptuous and carnal woman. Regarding the models, the author chose them consciously. The model that represents Madeleine, with blonde hair, has a weaker, pure, simple and sweet face, which shows a more sophisticated person. While the model that represents Judy, with dark hair, has more aggressive facial features that denote the terrible action she was committing in the film by deceiving the protagonist. However, the student tried to make the faces resemble each other as much as possible to show the audience that game of appearances and finally show them that they are the same person. The place of the shooting is The Archaeological Museum of Valencia, since the student is from there and knows well the places of the city. Although the place is not the most important part of this editorial, the student took into account that the background of the images were stone or marble, since they are light tones and the student did not want the tones of the costumes to be influenced by it, because they had to stand out. The magazine chosen by the student is Vogue Italia. This editorial fits perfectly with the magazine. It maintains the elegance that characterizes Vogue Italia in all its editorials. In addition, the images of this editorial go beyond straight fashion to be about art and ideas. One of the references of Vogue Italia that the student has used is Steven Meisel. The student has taken as inspiration this photographer’s way of capturing elegant and powerful images, images that speak for themselves. In addition, the tone of the images that Steven Meisel usually makes today has also been an inspiration.

A WORLD OF APPEARANCES Inspired by Hitchcock’s masterpiece Vertigo By Patricia Payá

Personal Assistant Ana de Celis


Masha Vladimirova Lisa Montesinos

By Patricia Payรก

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