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Minn fuq l ixkaffa

Minn fuq l ixkaffa


I am in a jungle of nerves. You told me that stress comes from excessive work, comes from sleeping all morning and from getting up in the middle of the afternoon refreshed and triumphant to live by the word which stops in other lips.


But, the Poet's work however is a hole with no exit, is also like a tango well sung or badly sung that suffers in the spacial circles.

My sorrow doesn't come from working. It is the opposite: my work comes from suffering, from the word of stone which makes the horror to explode while I wait for life to start again.



An impulse seeking manifestation separates from the whispering notes that beguile the mind perpetually.

In its own flow the molten instinct, shapes into a question or an erudite statement, and when mingled; perhaps forms a riddle

Inducing the critic to be the learner and trace transient images concealed within the realms of a blossoming poesy.

RAJENDER KRISHAN L-Indja (minn https://www.boloji.com/poem/26772/expression)


Ho nel mio cuore l’urlo che indelebile scava la ferita del ricordo Stretta la gola tra mantici ferrei sacchi di corpi percossi grani di polvere a medicare ferite noi sordi, ciechi

Aria malsana a mendicare amore

Stretto al petto il figlio della paura lo strazio della violenza negli occhi tuoi bambini sorriderà domani tenerezza

IRENE VALLONE L-Italja (minn Seno amaro, miġbura minn Giuseppe Napolitano u Ida Di Ianni, Volturnia Edizioni, 2019)


Già matura la foglia pel sereno suo distacco

discende nel cielo sempre verde dello stagno.

In calma languore della fine, l’autunno s’immedesima.

Dolcissima la foglia s’abbandona al puro gelo.

Sott’acqua con incessanti foglie va l’albero al suo dio.

EUGENIO MONTALE L-Italja (minn Montale. Tutte le poesie, Arnoldo Mondadori, 1990)

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