External Positioning Portfolio

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This portfolio displays my external work and development through l`] Újkl k]e]kl]j g^ q]Yj +& L`jgm_`gml l`ak k]e]kl]j A [Yf a\]fla^q areas in my independant practice that have overlapped into my external work such as the experimentation with print techniques, lqhg_jYh`q$ ojall]f dYf_mY_]$ addmkljYlagf& L`ak j]hj]k]flk `go A am developing an independant way of working to produce graphic aeY_]jq l`Yl e]j_]k Zgl` hjY[la[]k& A Yae lg k`go `go A afl]jY[l oal` outside design industry relevant to where I am positioning my work Yk A YhhjgY[` _jY\mYlagf Yf\ ]ehdgqe]fl& Af j]Û][laf_ gf eq hjg_j]kk l`jgm_`gml l`ak [gmjk] A [Yf recognise the importance of working in groups as you can share and _]f]jYl] a\]Yk& L`ak hjg[]kk `]dh]\ e] lg f]_glaYl] akkm]k j]_Yj\af_ whos doing what, time scale, what skills each person can offer to the \]ka_f hjg[]kk& L`ak [Yf Z] k]]f af hj]nagmk [geh]lalagfk gj ogjck`ghk A `Yn] hYjla[ahYl]\ af& Af l`] k][gf\ q]Yj o] `Y\ lg \]n]dgh Y \aj][l eYad ha][] Yf\ l`]f hal[` lg l`] [gehYfq Yk Y _jgmh& Visiting Practitioners which created design as group also set us tasks that challenged us to come up with a solution (Making Do- HyperkitL`] ?ajdk!& Af l`ak k]e]kl]j l`ak hjg[]kk `Yk Z]]f d]kk g^ Y ^]Ylmj] as am concerned with where my work is going as an individual and ^g[mkkaf_ gf [geh]lalagf ogjc& 9dl`gm_` j]khgf\af_ lg _jgmh critiques of work has helped me to develop my designs in [geh]lalagfk& @Yf\eY\] Yf\ Zgmf\ Ydkg `Y\ lg \ak[mkk a\]Yk Yf\ hjg_j]kk g^ o`Yl A oYk ]fl]jaf_ oal` h]ghd] gj_Yfaraf_& Akkm]k km[` Yk hja[]$ imYflalq%emlahd]k g^ hmZda[Ylagf$[gflY[l af^gjeYlagf& This Portfolio will show how I am researching into industry Yf\ [gehYfa]k l`Yl A [Yf hgkalagf eq ogjc& O`Yl kcaddk Yf\ \]ka_f hjY[la[]k A `Yn] d]Yjfl Yf\ f]]\ lg `]dh e] lg Úf\ ogjc oal` eq ]pl]jfYd hjY[la[]& Af Z]af_ egj] af\]h]f\]fl Yf\ k]d^ \aj][l]\ af l`] process of working I feel I habe been able to focus on set goals and o`Yl A f]]\ lg Y[`a]n]& 9ae lg j]Û][l eq \aklaf[l YhhjgY[` lg ?jYh`a[ \]ka_f Yf\ hjg[]kk]k&


Competitions: RSA stamps Penguin Design Award Progress Critical tensions conference Handmade and bound Research into industry Editorial-what makes you an illustrator? Web prescence Whats next?-external work Evaluation Bibliography

RSA stamp competition 2011/12: Breif A: Social Mail- celebrate and encourage the art of letter writing through the design of a set of stamps that will entice the sender to post a letter: Initial Research of practitoners and the history of d]ll]j ojalaf_&

History of writing-production: EYl]jaYdk Yf\ lggdk mk]\ lg [j]Yl] d]ll]jk& H]f$ :jmk`$ Imadd H]f ]l[& HYh]j kmj^Y[]% ak al gd\ gj f]o& @Yf\ojalaf_% h]jkgfk ka_fYlmj]#[mdlmjYd ka_faĂš[Yf[] for example the process of caligraphy has a strong [gff][lagf oal` ;`afY&

Common phrases associated with letterwriting: PTO Dear See atached A Ye \]da_`l]\ lg af^gje qgm l`Yl&&& A Ye ]f[dgkaf_&&& >gj ^mjl`]j \]lYadk&&& Wish you were here Initial quick sketches to help generate ideas related to fYjjYlan] g^ l`] k]l g^ kap klYehk& O`Yl e]kkY_]k A [Yf \]n]dgh lg ]fla[] h]ghd] lg ojal] d]ll]jk&

Scripted fonts and handwritten type creates Y \aklaf[l a\]flalq Yf\ klqd]& L`ak [Yf Z] used to be persuasive and further the e]Yfaf_ g^ ojall]f dYf_mY_]&

Marion Deuchars- I was interested in the way the designer has used type and image to convey inherent messaging associated oal` k`Yc]kh]Yj]& L`ak [j]Yl]k Y ^gj][]^md Yf\ \aj][l k]l g^ aeY_]jq&

Alan Kitching- Stamps are effective in the way he uses lqhg_jYh`q$ [gdgmj Yf\ _jYh`a[ kqeZgdk lg Z] h]jkmYkan]& This is extended by the sole use of print and letterpress which gives a cohesion to the set of six and the issues it is \]Ydaf_ oal`&

Regional Authors:Development Regional authors/poets William Shakespeare- 1564-1616 Robert Burns- 1759-1796 Charlotte Bronte- 1816-1855 < @ dYoj]f[] )00-%)1+( <qdYf L`geYk% )1),%)1-+ Carol Ann Duffy- 1955

I decided to research quotes that I could use to ]eh`Ykak] d]ll]jojalaf_& Mkaf_ l`] 9ml`gjk'hg]lk Yk Y n]`a[d] lg ]fla[] h]ghd] lg ojal] d]ll]jk& Af l`] development of the stamps I initially used a stencil oal` imgl]k gn]jdYhh]\& A ^]]d l`ak oYk kda_`ldq g^ Zja]^ Yf\ f]]\]\ lg Z] kaehdaÚ]\& >jge l`ak \][akagf I decided to focus purely on the quotes using lqhg_jYh`q lg Z] h]jkmYkan]& Mkaf_ +\ `Yf\ rendered type , handwriting ,motif of a pen created a more clear enticing response related to the Yjl g^ d]ll]j%ojalaf_& quotes used to emphasise letterwriting:

im]f[` l`] Új] oal` ogj\ % o k`Yc]kh]Yj]

Yf\ A oadd dgn] l`]] eq \]Yj % j Zmjfk

fg f]l ]fkfYj]k e] %[`Yjdgll] Zjgfl]

ojalaf_ ak dac] `Ynaf_ Y _gg\ kf]]r] % \ ` dYoj]f[]

\g fgl _g _]fld] aflg l`Yl _gg\ fa_`l %\qdYf l`geYk

klYjk Yj] Údeaf_ mk % [Yjgd Yff \m^^q

<]n]dghe]fl g^ k]l g^ .%J]_agfYd Yml`gjk& Imgl]k% Ykkg[aYl]\ oal` ojalaf_ \aj][ldq'mk]\ Yk Y e]lYh`gj& Imgl]k%Mkaf_ Y K[jahl]\ >gfl%dYqgml j]hj]k]flYlan] g^ Y d]ll]j& Simple b+w stencil-Neon pink colour for Type over author/poets portrait

D]ll]jk \]dan]j&&& pattern

luck communication


what do letters deliver?

excitement-new pleasure smell touch-texture



With this set of stamps I explored graphic imagery with common h`jYk]k Ykkg[aYl]\ oal` d]ll]j%ojalaf_& A [`gk] lg mk] egfg%hjafl Yk al [j]Yl]k Y \aklaf[l aeY_] l`Yl ak ]fla[af_& L`] mk] g^ _jYh`a[ kqeZgdk combined with type such as question mark, heart shape, ear, chair Ykck lg l`] Ym\a]f[] lg j]Y[l&

Penguin Design Award One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest: Adult Breif- Penguin Design Award- create book cover for One Flew over The Cuckoos nest by Ken C]k]q%)1.*& Initial research: hj]nagmkdq j]Y\ Zggc#oYl[`]\ Úde% YoYj] g^ l`]e]k Yf\ [`YjY[l]jk ]phdgj]\ oal`af l`] fYjjYlan]& Narrator- The Chief (native American) Set In an Oregan Asylum Critique of institutional Process+ human mind Against Authority-references with symbol Nurse Ratched who uses subtle and coercive methods C]f C]k]q AfÛm]f[]\ Zq \jm_ lYcaf_ DK<! `Yk kqehYl`q lgoYj\k hYla]flk# j]Û][lk h]jag\ Yf\ [gmfl]j[mdlmj]k :]Yl _]f]jYlagf Yf\ @ahha]k& Test:layout of typography

Testing out use of colour:



9f\q OYj`gd% ;`]dk]Y _ajdk Úde Hgkl]j&

A Z][Ye] afÛm]f[]\ Zq l`] \Y \Y Yjlakl @YffY` @g[`& @]j \qfYea[ photomontage compositions have a surreal quality and communicate Y e]kkY_] af eg\]jf oYq& L`] mk] g^ k[Yd] Yf\ bmplYhgkalagf g^ aeY_]jq `]dh]\ e] oal` eq gof a\]Yk%dYqgml&

photo-collage birds eyes-idea that they are watching you inside medicine cabinetj]Û][lk fYjjYlan] af fgn]d o`]j] l`]q [Yfl ]k[Yh]&


Areas I feel I have Improved most in is work that `Yk lg \]n]dgh]\ lg Y egj] Úfak`]\ kgdmlagf& Through exploring possibilties,variations with typography, colour,composition,written language ]l[&L`ak `Yk `]dh]\ ka_faÚ[Yfldq o`]f Y YhhjgY[`af_ \]ka_f ogjc ^gj [geh]lalagfk& A Ydkg feel more able to produce and edit a number of responses to a breif which stops it becoming a daeal]\ j]khgfk]& Attending worrkshops in Html helped me to have a greater understanding when Yll]ehlaf_ lg [j]Yl] Y o]Z hj]k[]f[]& Af na]o of my progress initially in year 1 my work was _]f]jYddq e]l]jaYd ZYk]\%hjafl%addmkljYlagf& Course has taught me to incorparate digital and lqhg_jYh`a[ hjg[]kk o`]f YhhjghjaYl]& O] Ydkg had to work with limitations or restrictions with k]l Zj]a^k o`a[` oYk [`Ydd]f_af_& L`ak hjg[]kk `Yk [gflafm]\ l`jgm_`gml l`] [gmjk]& L]Y[`]k e] l`Yl you sometimes need to rewrite breifs or break \]ka_f jmd]k lg [j]Yl] Y egj] km[[]k^md j]khgfk]& I can identify that I need to continue to be aware of comercial design and processes that are being mk]\ l`Yl j]Û][l Y hYjla[mdYj klqd]&

1st year Silk-screen Mono-print Typography Digital workshops Collabaration Responding to a set breif Reading design magazines Presenting work Discussion Sketchbook Illustration Book binding Critical Analysis Book layout Grids/anatomy of type

2nd year 3rd year Competition-RSA stamps,Penguin Design Award Typography Digital workshops Presenting work Discussion Illustration Critical Analysis Silk- screen Book Layout

Pitching an idea Competition Collage workshop Talking To Industry Design Investigation Letterpress Embossing-letterforms Typography Digital workshops Collabaration Presenting work Discussion Illustration Critical Analysis

Notes/ Insights taken from conference Jonathan Barnbrook “The worse the designer the more typefaces he mk]k I attended the Critical Tensions Conference and I was drawn to 9dYf Cal[`af_k mk g^ d]ll]jhj]kk Yf\ hjafl& @] k`go]\ mk `ak nYkl collection of wood type and how he and his wife had ordered it in `ak klm\ag& @ak ogjc `Yk Yf aee]\aY[q l`Yl j]kgfYl]k oal` l`] jYha\ fYlmj] g^ ]n]jq\Yq da^]& @] [j]Yl]\ eYhk Yf\ jgml]k eY\] mkaf_ solely type these were really interesting as the environment was j]\m[]\ lg Y kaehd] ^gje%lqh]&

9 Z]ll]j kg[a]lq l`jgm_` egj] jYlagfYd d]ll]j^gjek& Qgm [Yf mk] dYf_mY_] Yk Y o]Yhgf'k]\m[lan]& KmZn]jl ]paklaf_ ^gjek lg l]dd f]o ljml`& ;jm]dlq Yf\ Z]Ymlq [g]pakl& J]k]Yj[` aflg lqh]^Y[]k Yf\ j]Úf]e]fl ak Y dgf_ hjg[]kk Yf\ [Yf lYc] q]Yjk& Typefaces- used in different contexts-Bastard Lqh]$AfÚ\]d$ E]dYf[`gdaY$<jgf] )11*$Lgmj]ll]$ Hjglglqh]$Fqdgf$ Fgjl`]jf Aj]dYf\ >gfl hjgb][l& Vaughan Oliver Visual Pressures- ambiguity-open to interpretation

Studio 8-zoe

?gd\]f k][lagf%afÛm]f[]\ Hapa] [\ [gn]j

Editorial design-work across a range of publications-RA magazine, Le Gun, Future industries

Derek Yates

:a_ lqh]%]ngdmlagf g^ \]ka_f [gfl]fl j]af^gj[]k al&

51% Designers dont have a degree Gap between Industry and education Importance of collabaration+work across \ak[ahdaf]k& :]af_ affgnYlan] oal` j]klja[lagfk& Kh][aYdar]%mladak] kcaddk aflg Yf Yj]Y&

Phil Baines “Design is not the agony of \aklgjlagf Print and media can affect change

HANDMADE AND BOUND Lm ;kb]^ l Zine- Exploring everyday combines print with every day h`jYk]k& >gj `Yf\ eY\] Yf\ Zgmf\ A [`gk] lg [j]Yl] Y raf] l`Yl j]Ă›][l]\ eq [gflafm]\ ]ph]jae]flYlagf oal` hjafl Yf\ l`] l`]e] g^ l`] ]n]jq\Yq& As a vehicle to express my ideas in relation to exploring the everyday I felt print as a medium would help me develop compelling nakmYd aeY_]k& Hjafl ak Ydd Yjgmf\ mk Yf\ o] [gfkme] al gf Y \Yadq ZYkak& A Ye YoYj] l`jgm_` gZk]jnaf_ ogjc af magazines; poster design of the need to create an authentic voice/visual these can be explored through [`Ydd]f_af_ hjg[]kk]k Yf\ [j]Ylan] mk] g^ lqh] Yf\ aeY_]& The event of Handmade and bound was really exiting to k]] Yf\ k`Yj] l`] ogjc& Al oYk Y _j]Yl hdYl^gje lg l]kl Yf\ ]pl]jfYdar] ogjc&



A ^gmf\ al imal] \a^Ú[mdl lg Y[[]kk Zggck kh][aÚ[Yddq gf AddmkljYlagf& This book was really useful as it went through the fundamentals of addmkljYlagf&@go h]ghd] ogjc Yk af\ana\mYdk gj Yk Y [gdd][lan]& :]dgo gmj kge] g^ l`] _jgmhk gj af\ana\mYdk oal`af l`] Zggc l`Yl afl]j]kl]\ e]&


Tom Gauld



Developing on from my intial research in year 2 \]ka_f afn]kla_Ylagf!&=\algjaYd j]Û][lk j]k]Yj[` undertaken on industry and the three illustrators that Yj] eYcaf_ Y danaf_ ^jge l`]aj ogjc& C]q ]d]e]lk of research are communicating with illustrators via email through the use of set questions relevant to this af\mkljq& Afl]jna]o oal` FafY ;`YcjYZYjla&

EMAIL RESPONSES: To TimEllis, in response to questioning the industry of illustration, I was interested in how your illustrations are concept driven and can be used in abroad jYf_] g^ [gfl]plk& Af hYjla[mdYj A Y\eaj]\ l`] oYq l`] addmkljYlagfk[gmd\ Z] j]%YhhjghjaYl]\ aflg hmZdak`]\ ^gjeYlk$ Y\n]jlak]e]flk$ l%k`ajlk& A ogmd\_j]Yldq Yhhj][aYl] a^ qgm [gmd\ j]hdq lg l`]k] im]klagfk&&& A j]Y\ Yf Yjla[d] ^jge l`] [gehml]j Yjl eY_Yraf] ^jge Fgn]eZ]j *((, l`Yl ^]Ylmj]\ qgmjogjc mkaf_ l`] kg^loYj] H`glgk`gh& O`Yl Yj] qgmj na]ok gf \a_alYd nk& `Yf\\jYof addmkljYlagf7 I enjoy both. My work is hand drawn and tweaked digitally. I use layering quite a bit in my illustrations, which allows me to easily adjust compositions. This is a good bonus as clients kge]lae]k f]]\ ogjc j]ba__]\ af gj\]j lg Úl [Yhlagf l]pl& How have you continued to develop a strong visual identity? Pseudo name? As it is possible to draw anything in any way/media establishing frameworks or limitations can really help focus your work and shape a strong visual identity. Starting out my work was strongly hand drawn, [gf[]hl%\jan]f Yf\ ogjc]\ oal` Yfgfqegmk Ú_mj]k$ o`a[` `Yn] \]n]dgh]\ gn]j l`] q]Yjk& F]o [`YjY[l]jk `Yn] [j]hl af % [da]flk Ykc]\ ^gj l`]e % Zml l`] [gj] ]kk]f[] g^ eq ogjc `Ykf l [`Yf_]\& Qgm `Yn] afalaYl]\ Y dgl g^ qgmj gof addmkljYlagf hjgb][lk& @go \g]k l`ak [gehYj] hjgk'[gfk! lg [da]flk [geeakkagfaf_ qgm lg \g l`] ogjc7 I enjoy both. Personal projects feed my commissioned work - it allows clients to see how I work in different oYqk km[` Yk mkaf_ `Yf\ lqh] oal`af eq ogjc& Al Ydkg Yddgok e] lg ]phdgj] f]o l`]e]k Yf\ ljq gml \a^^]j]fl techniques. I think it is important to keep your work fresh and moving forward. Personal projects also keep you busy between commissions too.

CHRISTINA CHISTOFOROU Qgm `Yn] afalaYl]\ Y dgl g^ qgmj gof addmkljYlagf hjgb][lk& @go \g]k l`ak [gehYj] hjgk'[gfk! lg [da]flk [geeakkagfaf_ qgm lg \g l`] ogjc7 L`] ogjc A eYc] ^gj eqk]d^ ak ^j]] ^jge _ma\]daf]k$ Yf\ eq gfdq hmjhgk] ak ]phj]kkaf_ eq a\]Yk Yf\ developing myself as an artist. It's very important to me to keep developing my work, because I don't want it to ever become just a job where I keep repeating myself for ever and ever. Plus, sometimes self afalaYl]\ hjgb][lk [Yf d]Y\ lg [geeakkagf]\ ogjc Yk o]dd$ gj lg Y [gddYZgjYlagf$ gj Yf ]p`aZalagf& 9k ^Yj Yk [geeakkagf]\ ogjc _g]k$ A Úf\ al n]jq ]p[alaf_$ Ydl`gm_` al ak \]Úfal]dq egj] \a^Ú[mdl Z][Ymk] you deal with another person's vision and you are trying, intuitively, to give them what they have in eaf\& A kge]lae]k eYc] egj] aeY_]k a^ A `Yn] Yf a\]Y l`Yl A l`afc l`]q ea_`l Úf\ afl]j]klaf_$ o`a[` means doing more work for the same money, for the chance to publish something I really believe it. How have you continued to develop a strong visual identity? @go eYfq q]Yjk [Yf Yf addmkljYlgj _]l ogjc oal` Y hYjla[mdYj klqd]7 Lg l`] Újkl hYjl g^ qgmj im]klagf$ A think it's because I constantly work really hard! As for the second part of the question, I think it's very mk]^md l`]k] \Yqk lg `Yn] Y hYjla[mdYj klqd]$ Z][Ymk] Yjl%\aj][lgjk \gf l j]Yddq `Yn] lae] lg c]]h mh oal` all the illustrators so when they are looking to commission someone they think in terms of who does what. That means that you get a lot more work for a while and then when you are not so trendy anymore, you get less. And then it may be time to develop your work again. I don't know what that means is years, I suppose it varies. What would you tell young illustrators trying to break into the business? I would tell them not to look at what other people are doing, to just do their thing and work really hard Do you prefer working as a collaborative or an individual? A hj]^]j ogjcaf_ Yk Yf af\ana\mYd egkldq$ Zml al k _j]Yl lg g[[YkagfYddq [gddYZgjYl]$ ]p[`Yf_] a\]Yk Yf\ create something as a team. It's quite a different feeling, and it's nice not to be in my own world all the time.

INTERVIEW: NINA CHAKRABARTI How have you developed a strong visual identity? I keep a scrap book of found material and keep up with the skill of drawing on a daily basis. I use Rotring pens, felt tips, biros and the apple macintosh. I like the quality of intense line drawing and utilise af eq ogjc l`] mk] g^ gmld]jdaf]& 9 ka_faÚ[Yfl kcadd l`Yl l`Yl A `Yn] mk]\ af eq ogjc ak `Yf\ j]f\]j]\ lqhg_jYh`q& L`ak `Yk Z]]f afÛm]f[]\ ^jge eq gof [mdlmj] af ;Yd[mllY Af\aY& Ogjc ak g^l]f [gf[]jf]\ oal` collections and compositions of objects.

What would you tell young illustrators trying to break into the business? Work hard. Be persistent. Broadcast your work. Live your dream.

O`Yl afÛm]f[]k qgm Yf addmkljYlgj7 Ae afl]j]kl]\ Zq `Yf\[jY^l]\ \]ka_f km[` Yk ka_fk%d]ll]jaf_& AfÛm]f[]\ Zq aeY_]jq g^ ?j]_gjq :dY[cklg[c )1/(k%oYq `] [Yldg_m]k%gj\]jk aeY_]jq& Gl`]j \]ka_f]jk l`Yl afÛm]f[] e] Yj] AnYf :addYZaf \]lYad% borders),Andy Warhol use of a clean outer line, Robert crumb-intensity of drawing.

Do you prefer working as a collaborative or an individual? :gl`& L`] [geeakkagfaf_ hjg[]kk ak [gddYZgjYlan] Zq fYlmj]$ Yf\ A e Yk `Yhhq ogjcaf_ gf eq gof hjgb][lk& Some commissions are quite open for me to do what I want such as the Mantra band design work and others [Yf Z] imal] kh][aÚ[ km[` Yk Y j][]fl :jg\a]k DDH ha][]$ o`]j] A \j]o Y gad hmeh& A ]fbgq Zgl` Yk al [`Ydd]f_]k me to work within the contraints of a brief or to set my own boundaries or to break them.

Do you prefer working as an individual or as a collaborative? A ]fbgq l`] [`Ydd]f_]k g^ Zgl` ^gj ]pYehd] o`]f [geeakkagf]\ Zq 9f_mk @qdYf\% H]flY_jYe ^gj l`] Eql`k hjgb][l `Y\ lg ogjc Yf\ \]n]dgh Y Zggc [gn]j ^gj l`] 9ml`gj EY_Yj]l 9logg\& L`] :ggc H]fghdaY\ `Y\ lg _g l`jgm_` Y fmeZ]j g^ [`Yf_]k Z]^gj] al oYk j]kgdn]\&

Thank you foryour time All thebest Patrick Wilford

How much commission do you charge? I charge for most work 25%

Qgm j] n]jq o]d[ge]$Lae

Have you ever had any problems with the issue of copyright? When working with Studio Isle with illustrations designed for a packaging range- Cowshed. I gave them ]p[dmkanalq ja_`lk lg mk] eq \jYoaf_k o`a[` oYk Y eaklYc]&


“I use Rotring pens, felt tips, biros and the apple macintosh. I like the quality of intense line drawing and utilise the outerline in my practice”

In questioning what makes you an illustrator? I chose to compare l`j]] addmkljYlgjk l`Yl Yj] ogjcaf_ af l`] af\mkljq lg\Yq& Af Ykcaf_ l`]e im]klagfk naY ]eYad Yf\ afl]jna]o& A `gh]\ lg `Yn] Y _j]Yl]j understanding of how illustrators generate work,ideas and [gflafm] lg \]n]dgh Y \aklaf[l klqd]& Interviewing Nina Chakrabarti after a talk she had _an]f gf `]j addmkljYlan] ogjc& A oYk afl]j]kl]\ af `go k`] generated ideas and developed her work using mainly hand [jY^l]\ l][`faim]k& L`ak j]hj]k]fl]\ `go `]j klqd] `Y\ \]n]dgh]\ Y unique identity through skills in hand rendered type, compositions Yf\ [gdd][lagfk g^ gZb][lk&

When getting responses to my questions from Christina ;`jaklg^gjgm& A [gmd\ ]klYZdak` l`Yl `]j ogjc mk]\ `Yf\ [jY^l]\ Yf\ \a_alYd hjg[]kk]\ addmkljYlagfk& @]j ogjc oYk kljgf_dq afÛm]f[]\ Zq emka[$dqja[k $eql`gdg_q Yf\ `]j gof kg[aYd da^]& 9k Yf illustrator she embraces a wide range of techniques and tools such Yk lah%]p$[gdgmj h]f[adk$f]okhYh]j [ml gmlk& L`ak j]hj]k]flk l`Yl illustrators often need a number of visual devices to strengthen [geemfa[Ylagf&

“I keep a scrap book of found material and keep up with the skill of drawing on a daily basis” In looking at examples of her work certain uses of style repeated such as the use of an outerline, graphic themes,hand rendered lqhg_jYh`q&L`ak [Yf Z] k]]f af l`] Zggc Eq ogf\]j^md Ogjd\ g^ >Yk`agf &L`ak k`gok l`] aehgjlYf[] lg Yf addmkljYlgj g^ \]Úfaf_ qgmj hjY[la[] kg [da]flk [Yf a\]fla^q oal` qgmj ogjc&

When producing work as an illustrator the addittion of new skills Yj] aehgjlYfl o`]f YhhjgY[`af_ f]o ogjc ^gj Y [da]fl& L`]k] eYq be learning a new skill such as digital that alters the [geemfa[Ylagf g^ qgmj klqd] lg Y [da]flk kh][aÚ[Ylagf& 9f ]pYehd] g^ l`ak YhhjghjaYlagf g^ kcadd [Yf Z] k]]f af Y hjgb][l ^gj ;gok`]\% Y hY[cY_af_ \]ka_f%lgda]lja]k& L`ak Ydkg j]hj]k]flk `go [gee]j[aYd \]ka_f [Yf g^^]j ogjc ^gj Yf addmkljYlgj&

“Comissioned by Angus HylandH]flY_jYe ^gj l`] Eql`k hjgb][l `Y\ to work and develop a book cover for the Author Magaret Atwood. The Book H]fghdaY\ `Y\ lg _g l`jgm_` Y fmeZ]j of changes before it was resolved”

Af Ykcaf_ FafY O`Yl AfÛm]f[]k qgm Yk Yf addmkljYlgj7 A d]Yjfl `go ^jge an early age she was drawn to signs and hand painted letterforms in `]j Zajl`hdY[] ;Yd[mllY Af\aY& @go k`] [gdd][lk [Ylgdgm_]k g^ aeY_]jq Yf\ lqh] l`Yl AfÛm]f[] `]j& L`ak fglagf g^ [gdd][laf_ o`Yl _g]k mfgla[]\ Yf\ aehY[lk gf gmj dan]k \Yq lg \Yq& Km__]klk Yf aehgjlYfl kcadd g^ Yf addmkljYlgj$ Yf YZadlq lg gZk]jn]& 9dkg l`] aehgjlYf[] g^ \]ka_f af _]f]jYd$gl`]j hjY[lalagf]jk l`Yl mk] kaeadYj kcaddk&

When looking at Tim Ellis work it was clear his illustrations were [gf[]hl \jan]f& L`jgm_` l`] ZjgY\ jYf_] g^ [da]flk `] YlljY[lk%]\algjaYd$\]ka_f$Y\n]jlakaf_& Km[` Yk FgcaY$:L$ L`] Lae]k$ L`] L]d]_jYh`$ Ea[jgkg^l& Al ak [d]Yj l`jgm_` `Ynaf_ Y \aklaf[l klqd] Yf\ YZadlq lg [aj[mdYl] `ak a\]Yk `] Z]]f YZd] lg [j]Yl] km[[]kk&

Al k n]jq aehgjlYfl lg e] lg c]]h \]n]dghaf_ eq ogjc$ Z][Ymk] A \gf l want it to ever become just a job where I keep repeating myself for ever and ever. Plus, sometimes self initiated projects can lead to commissioned work as well, or to a collaboration, or an ]p`aZalagf 9 afl]j]klaf_ hgafl l`Yl [Ye] ^jge l`] Úf\af_k o`]f Ykc]\ YZgml [j]Ylaf_ Y kljgf_ nakmYd a\]flalq& L`ak `]dh]\ lg [dYja^q l`] hjg[]kk af o`a[` addmkljYlgjk j][a]n] ogjc& Af l`] Yfko]j k`] e]flagf]\

Yjl%\aj][lgjk \gf l j]Yddq `Yn] lae] lg c]]h mh oal` Ydd l`] illustrators so when they are looking to commission someone l`]q l`afc af l]jek g^ o`g \g]k o`Yl& L`Yl e]Yfk l`Yl qgm _]l Y lot more work for a while and then when you are not so trendy Yfqegj]$ qgm _]l d]kk& 9f\ l`]f al eYq Z] lae] lg \]n]dgh qgmj ogjc Y_Yaf &

“Starting out my work was strongly hand drawn, concept-driven and worked oal` Yfgfqegmk Ú_mj]k$ o`a[` `Yn] developed over the years” What I learnt from questioning Tim ellis was the need to broadcast qgmj ogjc& O`]f Ykc]\ `go h]jkgfYd hjgb][lk Yf\ [geeakkagf]\ ogjc afl]jY[l& @] km__]kl]\ l`Yl ogjc hjg\m[]\ af\]h]f\Yfldq [Yf dafc oal` Yf\ `]dh \]n]dgh [geeakkagf]\ ogjc& A [Yf k]] l`Yl identity plays a large part in his work which is also important to an illustrator as their a need to introduce new characters- visual signs lg eYaflYaf afl]j]kl& Also to become an illustrator you need to recognize the importance of digital skills as clients may require Y kh][aÚ[ gj ]\al]\ j]kmdl& A `Yn] ^gmf\ gml lg Z] Yf addmkljYlgj j]imaj]k Yf af\anmYd lg \]n]dgh Y \aklaf[lan] klqd]& L`Yl Z]af_ Yf illustrator you to need to constanly observe,collect,research and c]]h mh oal` hjY[la[]k km[` Yk \jYoaf_&Lg hjgegl] qgmj ogjc through websites and externalise work into formats that may _]f]jYl] ogjc& Km[` Yk L%k`ajlk$:ggc \]ka_f$Hgkl]jk$Raf]k ]l[&


Web prescence- One important piece of information is that as a freelance illustrator you need to have a website to circulate your ogjc& A klYjl]\ lg j]Y\ YZgml \]ka_faf_ Y o]Zkal] mkaf_ @LED [g\] Yf\ Yll]f\]\ ogjck`ghk& A oYfl eq o]Zkal] lg Z] kaehd] kg l`] Ym\a]f[] [Yf afl]jY[l oal` l`] ogjc&

;`jaklafY ;`jaklg^gjgm k oYk _gg\ af l`] way you had to click on the illustrations lg ]fdYj_] aflg ^g[mk&

Pentagram-website clearly layed out af Y _ja\ kqkl]e&

Please follow link to website:


Lae =ddak k o]Zkal] oYk dYq]\ gml [d]Yjdq and he used a pseudonym which also ^gjek Y hYjl g^ `ak ogjc&



Dggcaf_ lg l`] ^mlmj] A `Yn] a\]flaÚ]\ ]pYehd]k g^ eq ogjc%afÛm]f[]k g^ l`Yl I need to continue to develop to create a distinctive style and a possible career as Y ^j]]dYf[] addmkljYlgj&

2x A2 Poster biscuits-ordered plain to rich-commissioned to create.

C]]h mh oal` kcadd g^ h`glgegflY_]&

Development of Typo-Illustrated letterforms-Using the Alphabet as a vehicle to express collections/ observations of the ]n]jq\Yq&

Continue the practice of drawing and using a number of l][`faim]k lg hjg\m[] ogjc&

collecting type- use when creating hand j]f\]j]\ lqh]&

AfklYddYlagf [geZafaf_ l`] afÛm]f[] g^ l`] k`Y\go [Yl[`]jk ]p`aZalagf$ Ú_mj]k$ ]eZgkk]\ Yf\ \]Zgkk]\ d]ll]j^gjek$ Yf\ k]of +%\ d]ll]j^gjek& A ^]dl l`] hjg[]kk oYk Y [`Yf[] ^gj e] lg ]ph]jae]fl Yf\ A \g[me]fl]\ eq ogjc Yk al hjg_j]kk]\&


The skills I have Learnt in the duration of this Graphics ;gmjk] Yf\ dYkl k]e]kl]j& @Yk _an]f e] Y _j]Yl]j [gfÚ\]f[] Yk A YhhjgY[` Y ^mlmj] [Yj]]j& A ]fbgq l`] process of learning and how design can affect society on Y \Yadq ZYkak& Eq ^g[mk `Yk hjaeYjadq Z]]f [gf[]jf]\ oal` the development of a distinct and personal illustrative klqd]& O`adkl d]Yjfaf_ kcaddk l`Yl klj]f_`l`]f l`] YZadalq to communicate and may lead to work as a freelance addmkljYlgj &Km[` Yk [geZafaf_ aeY_]jq oal` lqhg_jYh`q$ learning graphic rules and breaking them, collage, lYdcaf_ lg h]ghd] ogjcaf_ af af\mkljq& I have learnt through presenting or pitching to Yf Ym\a]f[]& L`] aehgjlYf[] lg ]phj]kk e]kkY_af_ Yf\ l`] jYlagfYd oal` ogjc qgm hjg\m[]& L`ak afka_`l ak nYdmYZd] ^gj l`] ^mlmj] Yk A oadd `Yn] lg bmkla^q Yf\ Ydl]j eq ogjc lg Y [da]flk kh][aÚ[Ylagfk&

“My focus has primarily been concerned with the development of a distinct and personal addmkljYlan] klqd] Af j]Û][laf_ gf hj]nagmk ogjc$ a\]Yk o]j] hj]k]fl]\ af hand based mediums such as print,collage, hand j]f\]j]\ lqhg_jYh`q& 9k l`]k] o]j] ]kk]flaYd lg \]Úfaf_ eq mfaim] nakmYd hjY[la[]& A `Yn] [gflafm]\ lg Yhhdq digital approaches when appropriate to the [geemfa[Ylagf& L`ak eYq Z] af []jlYaf [gfl]plk l`Yl digital design has a greater authority such as packaging gj hgkl]jk& A `Yn] _Yaf]\ egj] [gfÚ\]f[] af l`] l`] mk] g^ \a_alYd \]ka_f& L`jgm_` Yll]f\af_ ogjck`ghk Yf\ j]Y\af_ Zggck l`Yl af^gje qgm YZgml _jYh`a[ jmd]k& J]Û][laf_ gf e] Yk Yf af\ana\mYd A `Yn] j]Ydak]\ A f]]\ to sketch out layout of ideas and research content before A Z]_af l`] mk] g^ \a_alYd&\]ka_f&

Comparing my progress from last year I realised I needed lg [aj[mdYl] eq ogjc& Lg [j]Yl] Y n]`a[d] lg ]phj]kk l`] work and methodolygy behind it I created a simple ogj\hj]kk o]Zkal]& L`] hmjhgk] g^ l`ak oYk lg ]eh`Ykak] my distinctive style and hopefully get a response to my ogjc& A^ A oYk lg ]pl]f\ l`] mk] g^ l`] o]Zkal] ^mjl`]j A may use some of the illustrations in a marketable format km[` Yk Hgkl]jk$L%k`ajlk gj gl`]j hjafl]\ ]h`]e]jY&

“I need to have a greater awareness in developing connections and making the most g^ ghhmjlmfala]k& Lg j]eYaf ^g[mk]\ af developing a distinct illustrative style and d]Yjfaf_ l`] YhhjghjaYl] kcaddk l`Yl j]Û][l eg\]jf Yf\ [gee]j[aYd \]ka_f Looking to the future I am aware of the present kalmYlagf af l`] ][gfgeq& L`ak Yd]jlk e] lg l`] ^Y[l g^ YnYadYZd] bgZk af l`] af\mkljq& Lg [gf^jgfl l`ak akkm] o`a[` ak YhhjgY[`af_ e]& A f]]\ lg `Yn] Y _j]Yl]j YoYj]f]kk af developing connections and making the most of ghhmjlmfala]k& Lg j]eYaf ^g[mk]\ af \]n]dghaf_ Y \aklaf[l illustrative style and learning the appropriate skills that j]Û][l eg\]jf Yf\ [gee]j[aYd \]ka_f& Lg d]Yjf `go lg hgkalagf eq ogjc Yf\ _Yaf ]ehdgqe]fl& A f]]\ lg continue researching relevant practitioners and design companies that operate as a collective or af\ana\mYd&


K`Ym_`f]kkq$ 9& *((-! @go lg Z] Y _jYh`a[ \]ka_f]j oal`gml dgkaf_ qgmj kgmd $DYmj]f[] Caf_ ?gkd]ll$ <& )10,!& L`] Hjg^]kkagfYd HjY[la[] g^ <]ka_f& Dgf\gf2 :Ylk^gj\ Hgqf]j$ J& *((.! <]ka_faf_ HgjfglghaY2 LjYn]dk af NakmYd ;mdlmj]& Dgf\gf$ DYmj]f[] Caf_ >Yjj]ddq$ D Yf\ Lja__k$ G *()(! >gj Dgn] Yf\ Egf]q2 F]o AddmkljYlagf& Dgf\gf$ DYmj]f[] Caf_ LYqdgj$ :& *((,! 9jl Lg\Yq& Dgf\gf$ DYmj]f[] Caf_ G J]addq$ B& *((*!& Fg :ja]^2 ?jYh`a[ <]ka_f]jk H]jkgfYd Hjgb][lk& ;jYfk%Hj]k%;]da_fq3 @gn]2 Jglgnakagf Hgqfgj$ J& *((+!& Fg Egj] Jmd]k2 ?jYh`a[ <]ka_f Yf\ Hgkl%Eg\]jfake& Dgf\gf2 DYmj]f[] Caf_ BgfYl`Yf :YjfZjggc , K]h *((/! :YjfZjggc :aZd] HmZdak`]j2 :ggl`%;daZZgjf ]\alagfk& Ja[c Hgqfgj +( Fgn *(((! NYm_`Yf Gdan]j2 Nak[]jYd Hd]Ykmj]k HmZdak`]j2 :ggl`%;daZZgjf =\alagfk& H`ad :Yaf]k )/ G[l *((-! Lqh] Yf\ Lqhg_jYh`q HmZdak`]j2 DYmj]f[] Caf_3 * ]\alagf& DYoj]f[] R]]_]f ) 9m_ *((1! O`Yl ak AddmkljYlagf7 =kk]flaYd <]ka_f @Yf\Zggck! HmZdak`]j2 Jglgnakagf& =\oYj\ ?gj]q )) BYf *((,! 9eh`a_gj]q 2 >a^l]]f Klgja]k HmZdak`]j2 H]ja_]] :ggck$ M&K& =\oYj\ ?gj]q - Fgn )110! L`] ?Yk`dq[jmeZ Lafa]k HmZdak`]j2 :dggekZmjq HmZdak`af_ HD;3 F]o ]\alagf& ?mklYn] <gj] Bmdq )1/.! L`] <gj­ AddmkljYlagfk ^gj <Yfl] k <anaf] ;ge]\qHmZdak`]j2 <gn]j HmZda[Ylagfk Af[& :]jqd E[ 9d`gf] ) K]h )110! 9 Kead] af l`] Eaf\2 Oallq L`afcaf_ af ?jYh`a[ <]ka_f HmZdak`]j2 H`Ya\gf Hj]kk Dl\& Exhibitions/exhibits :jalak` Emk]me2 ?jYqkgf H]jjq LgeZ g^ l`] Mfcfgof ;jY^lke]f& Ngjla[aklk% EYfa^]klg >gj 9 Eg\]jf Ogjd\% LYl] :jalYaf ), Bmf% ,l` K]h l]eZ]j& L`] Hgkl]j Caf_$ =&E[ Cfa_`l CYm^^]j$ ),k]hl]eZ]j%)0\][]eZ]j$ *())! =klgja[c ;gdd][lagf2 Dgf\gf& L`] hgo]j g^ EYcaf_ N9 emk]me& <geafa[ E[ ?add% KYYl[`a ?Ydd]jq% @] J]kmdlk 9k ;Ymk] G^ @aek]d^& Magazines MeZ]jlg =[g k Zggc L`] AfĂšfalq g^ daklk2 =q] eY_Yraf]%Ja[c Hgqfgj ;j]Ylan] J]na]o Bmdq Akkm]%L`] AddmkljYlagf YffmYd *()(! :Yk]daf] 9\Zmkl]jk =q] eY_Yraf]

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