5 Rules of Nutrition for Energy

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5 Rules of Nutrition for Energy

By: Jon R. Patrick http://healthyweightlossdiets.site90.net/

Food is more than just something you endure, squeeze in, and get on with life from. Here are some easy rules to help you gain energy throughout the day from your Nutrition. What's your day typically like? Do you wake up, grab a coffee and a cereal bar, run to work, work through lunch, grab a bite with our friends for dinner or collapse on the couch with food and a sit-com – and then wonder where the extra pounds come from and why you feel constantly sapped of energy and living off adrenaline. Here's 5 Rule to help you lose weight, and gain energy. 1. Don't start with Coffee – after a long (or short) night, what your body craves is water. First thing in the morning, grab a tall glass of water and you'll reap the benefits all day. It will hydrate you, wake you up, and the cold fluid in your tummy-tum will start your fat-burning metabolism! 2. Breakfast – really is the most important meal of the day. Studies show that people who skip breakfast are more likely to smoke, drink, eat poorly and more calories later in the day, and are much less likely to exercise. Also, it tends to lead you to not crave fat and protein later so much, leaving your body craving the fruits and veggies it really needs. 3. Snack, don't 'graze' – We've all done it; you get that craving for 'something', and you find yourself 'grazing' in your kitchen for cookies, chips, etc. When you feel that way, or better, when you know you're going to start feeling that way, grab a healthy snack and make yourself eat. Being aware of your habits and fulfilling yourself is the way to avoid the junk and force yourself to eat healthier. 4. Watch What you Drink! - Research at the University of North Carolina shows we get almost 25 percent of our calories from our drinks! Whether it's juices, energy drinks, some flavored water, they all tend to be heavily sweetened with sugar, and can load you up with empty calories. Can't figure out why you're not loosing weight when you're eating better – take a look at that Gatorade you drink that dumps 110 calories of sugar into your body! Keep a sport bottle of water with you at all times. 5. Eat as close to the Earth as possible-. I heard this many years ago, and it has (when I've followed it!) had a profound impact on my life and energy level. In short, God placed the plants – fruits and vegetables – on this earth for us to consume. Every step away from how it grows in nature reduces it's healthiness. There's nothing unhealthy about, say, Lettuce (assuming it's not covered in pesticides!). Now, say a cow eats it's veggies and you have the burger or steak as a result. Use your common sense – which is healthier for you?! Further, if the veggies have been processed and canned and you eat them, do you really believe that's as healthy as just grabbing an apple? Most of these are common-sense and all are easy to put into practice, we just needed

them pointed out to us to get us thinking. Take control of your actions and get control of your weight! Jon Patrick Engineer, Husband, Father, Lover If you'd like to find out more about how people have successfully changed their lives and their bodies, check out my FREE blog on Healthy Weight Loss Diets: http://healthyweightlossdiets.site90.net/

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