May 2014 Newsletter

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Table of Contents 1. Title Page 2. Table of Contents 3. Introduction 4. Division 56 5. Eastside Rally 2014 6. Key Leader 7. The K-Family and Club Visits 8. International Convention 9. Closing Notes 10. Until Next Time!

Let Me Introduce Myself! Age: 17 Grade: Junior Sports: Swim and Golf Hobbies: Playing with my pets Previous Position: Treasurer Future Plans: Going to Seattle University and studying Marine Biology

Hello fellow Key Clubbers! My name is Patrick Old, your new Lieutenant Governor for Division 56 of the Pacific Northwest District Key Club! I am a junior at Pullman High School, located in Pullman, Washington and am looking forward to a fantastic year in service with all of you. Back in 2011, one of the members of the swim team I was on approached my friend Aneesh Pappu and I, and said we should join Key Club. It turns out that the member that approached us became the next Lieutenant Governor of Division 56, who then was later succeeded by Aneesh, who is now succeeded by me. That moment kick-started my journey down an incredible path, and I am so glad I am able to serve every member of Division 56 of the Pacific Northwest District Key Club on the district board. Key Club has brought me a number of memories I will never forget. From racing around the track for Relay For Life to helping organize a rummage sale in Pullman which proceeds helped save over 1600 lives from maternal and neonatal tetanus, Key Club has brought me times that will live in infamy in my mind.

Division 56 of the PNW consists of Pullman High School, Moscow High School, Kamiah High School, Lewiston High School, and Orofino High School. We are one of the eastside divisions of the district and like to celebrate this fact with one of our slogans, “Eastside Beastside!” Our Divisional Mascot is the Penguin. Although we are very spread out as a division we, like penguins, can come together in times of need to serve. Our Divisional colors are Blue and Yellow!

Club Officers, Faculty Advisors and Kiwanis Advisors! I need your e-mail address, phone number, home address, school address, meeting information (day, time, location), sponsoring Kiwanis club name, and their meeting information (day, time, location). If we wish to improve our division, we will need to strengthen our communication. This information is vital for our division’s success throughout the year.

The 5 W’s What: Eastside Rally is an event that unites the Key Club members of eastern Washington and northern Idaho. Who: All Key Club members from around the Pacific Northwest are welcome to come to the event! However, most of the attendees are from eastern Washington. All Key Club members from the eastside are strongly encouraged to attend, and all club officers from the eastside are required to attend. If you are a club officer and you know you will not be at the event, you must contact me and tell me the reason you are unable to attend. When: August 16th from 11 AM to 4 PM (tentative) Where: Moses Lake High School Why: In order to meet other Key Club members who live in eastern Washington or north Idaho, to properly train all of the club officers from around the eastside, and to come together for a day of fun.

The 5 W’s What: A 3 day, 2 night leadership event that is guaranteed to be one of the most memorable and fun events of you experience through Key Club. Who: All Key Club members from around the Pacific Northwest are welcome to attend the event! In fact, if you want to bring along a non-Key Club friend, that is okay too! Key Leader is not specific to just Key Club members, as any high school student can sign up (most attendees will likely be Key Club members though). This is not a mandatory event, but from my experience at Key Leader last year, I strongly recommend that you go! When and where #1: Camp Collins near Gresham, Oregon, October 24-26 When and where #2: Camp Simbica near Bellevue Washington, November 7-9 Why: In order to strengthen leadership skills, meet other high school students from around the Pacific Northwest (most of whom will be Key Club members), and to have a weekend full of fun! Last year when I attended, I was able to spend a lot of time with some very important Key Club members including last year’s district governor and district treasurer, as well as an international trustee from the Pacific Northwest, Kelsie Hoppes! To register, visit

Club Visits One of my favorite things of being a Key Club member is the fact that I am part of something much bigger than myself. In fact, as Key Club members, all of us are not just part of the world’s largest service organization. We are part of something even bigger than that. The Kiwanis family, which includes K-Kids, Builders Club, Key Club, Circle K, Aktion Club, and of course Kiwanis, is just that; a family. When these organizations work alongside each other, great things happen. As liutenant governor of this division, one of the main goals I have for my term is to strenghten the unity of the K-Family in division 56. Each club in the K-Family that is part of this division has been doing amazing things by themselves, and I can’t wait to see what the result will be when we work on projects together more often. Within the last month, I have visited both Circle K Club at Washington State University as well as the Builders Club at Lincoln Middle School in Pullman, Washington. The Circle K meeting I attended was an absolute joy to go to, as I met with several members I had not seen in a while. When I visited the Builder’s Club, I was amazed with the poise of the members as well as with all of their accomplishments over the last year. Their recent food drive raised over a staggering 1,500 lbs of food. I look forward to not only keeping in touch with these clubs, but also with working with them in the future.

Shareq Amin, Lt.G of D.56 PNW


Bonnie Svingen, Pullman Builders Club Faculty Advisor

Pullman- 8 Points

Moscow- 6 Points

Orofino- 4 Points

Lewiston- 5 Points

Kamiah- 2 Points

Earn your club points by communicating with me, filling out monthly secretary reports, and doing service projects!!!

Pacific Northwest District Executive Board 2014-2015 Governor: Lisa Antonio Secretary: Ik Hoon Jung Treasurer: Aneesh Pappu Bulletin Editor: Jenny Zhang Convention Chair: Cleo Tsang District Administrator: John Jay Assistant District Administrator: Tom Saunders I recently wrote an article on the benefits

of youth volunteering for my English class at WSU. Here is a link to where you can view the article! The results are very positive; it is nice to know that as volunteers we are not only benefiting the people around us, we are also becoming healthier as we participate in service!

I would love to hear feedback on my newsletters! Please let me know if you would like to see anything added.

For Club Secretaries: Please remember that Club Secretary Reports are due by the 5th of every month! Here’s the link:

For Club Presidents: I plan on holding President Council Meetings (PCMs) throughout my term, but also would like to get to know you all on a friend to friend basis (as well as the rest of the officers). I will also be sending out President’s Report Forms through Google docs, which you will likely receive in an email shortly.

Patrick Old Lieutenant Governor of Division 56 Pacific Northwest District Board (509) 339-3794 Address: 275 NW Brandon Pullman, WA 99163

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