Fourth Year Portfolio

Page 1

Patrick Strott

Landscape Architecture Portfolio

Resume B a s i c I n fo r m at i o n

Work Experience

Patrick Strott 706-717-0699 1127 Oconee Street Athens, Georgia

K. McQuiston Design -Landscape Installation -Landscape Maintenance -Landscape Crew Supervision -Machinery Usage

Education M o rg a n C o u n t y H i g h S c h o o l Madison, Georgia 2009-2011 U n i v e r s i t y o f G e o rg i a Bachelor of Lanscape Architecture Athens, Georgia 2012-2016

R e f e re n c e s Kathleen McQuiston: 706-614-1389 Kirsten Lundergan: 706-546-9012 Sherley Baker: 770-601-1747 Charlie Johnson: 706-769-7735


Ta p e s t r y G r e e n h o u s e , L L C -Plant Management -Customer Service -Transplantings -Cutting/Cloning -Greenhouse Upkeep


-Photoshop -Indesign -Sketch Up -AutoCAD -Hand Graphics -Drafting -DosBox

Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s

Moss Side Subdivision: pages 3-9 Albany Museum of Art: pages 11-13 Infill Housing: pages 15-17 Jackson Street Building: pages 19-21 Granite Rock Outcrop: pages 23-25


Moss Side Subdivision Athens, Georgia

Moss Side Design Alternatives Moss Side is a subdivision located in Athens, Georgia. Currently it is a residential neighborhood, but has potential for much more. I have explored many differnet options to help capture this potential . They are displayed on the next few pages.

The two renderings on this page are predesign work. Above is the predesign master plan for exploring the idea of making it a conservation subdivision. This would allow for much more greenspace and wildlife corridors. To the right is the predesign work for exploring the option of a neo-tradtional development. This type of development would have residential housing, as well as apartment type housing and a commercial sector.


Moss Side Conservation Plan

R e s i d e n t i a l S t re e t V i e w


Restaurant Perspective

R e s i d e n t i a l Pa r k Pe r s p e c t i v e

Moss Side Neotraditional Subdivision


Albany Museum of Art Albany, Georgia

Albany Museum of Art The Albany Museum of Art is located in Albany, Georgia. For this project, they were interested in redesigning their landscape to make it more aesthetically pleasing, as well as incorporate a sculpture garden. On the top left is the function diagram I completed after a site visit. Using this I came up with a predesign on trash, pictured below. This predesign allowed me to take it to the next level and create an appealing master plan for the whole site.


Scale: 1” = 20’-0”


I n f i l l H o u s i n g P ro j e c t Athens, Georgia

F r o n t o f H o u s e Pe r s p e c t i v e

The Infill Housing project was a project also located in Athens, Georgia. For this project, we had an empty lot to design three alternatives for. On the following pages is one of these designs completed by my partner, Julia Kim, and myself.


B a c k y a rd F i re Pi t E x a m p l e

Infill Housing Master Plan

Design work by Patrick Strott, Rendering by Julia Kim


J a c k s o n S t re e t Building Plaza Athens, Georgia

Section Elevation


Scale: 1/4” = 1’-0”

Scale: 1/4” = 1’-0”

Plan View


Granite Rock O u t c ro p G a rd e n

A granite rock outcrop is a micro biome found through out the Piedmont region of Georgia. For this project we made a model of a garden inspired by the outcrop landscapes.


This model was made to invoke the feeling you get from visiting a granite rock outcrop. It was made using a variety of materials, including clay, natural materials, rocks, paper, ink, and foam core.

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