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- Full rental -Shared -Hotel establishments -Rural tourist apartments -Rural resorts -Tourist homes of rural accommodation - Rural Camping

-Hostels -Mountain hotel establishments -Nature hotel establishments

-Agro-tourism -Albergue -Nature's Classrooms -Forest House -Mill House -Houses-Cave -Chozas and Casas de Huerta -Cortijo Granja-school -Hacienda Refugio -Special Accommodations

- Rural hotel -Agrotourism -Indoor Tourism Accommodation

-Rural hotel -Agrotourism -Indoor tourism -Other complementary offers.

-Rural hotel -Agrotourism -Indoor tourism -Other complementary offers.

ASTURIAS -Rural hotels Decreto 92/2002, - Village Houses de 11 de julio. -Rural Apartments - Agrotourism - Rural tourism cores

-Rural hotels -Village houses -Rural apartments

-Rural hotels -Village houses -Rural apartments

-Rural lodgings -Rural rental houses -Rural houses on a shared basis.

-House in rural core -Scattered rural house -Isolated groups - House-Tower -Alqueria -Casa Almazara -Casa Molino -Start garden -Casa Palacio

ANDALUCIA Decreto 94/1995, 4 de abril.

BALEARES Decreto 30/1991, de 4 de abril.

MURCIA Decreto 79/1992, de 10 de septiembre

-Rural Group Hospitality -Rural Houses rental Group -Rural Houses in share regime


COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA Decreto 253/1994, de 7 de diciembre

-Accommodatio n in cottages - Camped on private farms - Tourist hostel

-Farmhouses, Farms and Riuraus - Village houses

-Rural house -Camped on private estate with inhabited dwellings -Tourist hostel.

CASTILLA LA MANCHA Decreto 43/1994, de 16 de junio

– Sales of Castilla La Mancha - Rural Houses - Unique rural accommodation - Rural Hostels -Rural Tourism Complexes -Agrotourism Exploits

-Shared accommodation cottages -Rental houses

-House-cave -Water mill -Cabin

C1. The objective of implementing the technology to this type of establishments is to enable them for a more efficient business management. As a common factor we have the use of information and communication technologies in search of profitable business. -​Connected Accommodation Program: Use of ICT in hotel establishments and rural establishments… 3 acting factors: 1. Management and improvement of the web and online marketing 2. Organization and holding of technological training workshops 3.

Web page development and digital support

As a promotional mechanism and marketing tool ​there are collaborators such as: -TripAdvisor


-Pipeline Software -Trivago


Regarding legal aspects in Spain​, the sending of electronic commercial communications and the development of online commerce is regulated by: ● Organic Law Data Protection 15/99 ● Royal Decree 1720/2007 ● Law 34/2002 11th of July of information society and electronic commerce services Fundamental aspects in good management hotel: 1. Have a website and documentation of promotion and customer information: features of accommodation, characteristics of the environment, prices, online booking, location, etc. 2. Have an adequate signaling system physical for access to accommodation by the client. 3. Have a reservation and cancellation system on-line. 4. Define protocols and guidelines for customer service client. 5. Develop a resource management model humans. 6. Define customer reception procedures and efficient check-in. 7. Take care of the characteristics of the room and the bathroom. 8. Take care of the characteristics of the facilities and common zones. 9. Develop complementary services. 10. Take care of the quality of catering services. 11. Have a basic management system or policy Environmental and energy efficiency. 12. Have a procedure to manage the accommodation supply chain, billing to suppliers and inventory and stock control. 13. Have structured procedures of cleaning management in any area of accommodation. 14. Have a basic policy and infrastructure of risks, emergencies and security in the accommodation.

4 15. Have a check-out and farewell system efficient and of a model and service system, After-sale that allows to evaluate the satisfaction of the client and maintain the relationship with the client and encourage your return to accommodation. The key processes in a hotel management model: Source: 1. Foster a culture of commitment and motivation of staff who move in better service to client. 2. How to manage the service of attention and information to client. 3. Manage the making of reservations 4. Manage the services in stay 5. Manage Billing 6. Manage the after sales service and customer satisfaction. Personnel commitment and motivation management: One of the main assets of the accommodation and keys for customer satisfaction are the instruments that develop the owner to align all employees with the business objectives and encourage their motivation with the quality of service. Customer Service Management Customers demand more and more services and personalized attention of hoteliers so that the Offer be flexible and adapted to your preferences. In addition to basic accommodation services and restoration, customers require information and complementary leisure, culture or environment services of the hotel, transforming the staff that assists you in Authentic tourist consultants. 1. CRM tools (analyzed in the manual customer loyalty) allow to carry a historical record of contacts and services rendered to the client.



The web hosting is the main channel of information to our customers. E-mail marketing.

5 4.

Through forums, social networks or blogs.

Booking Management Booking management can be done in a way direct through intermediary companies. Different studies and statistics highlight that the booking of rural accommodation through the internet is increasingly frequent and used by users, so it is recommended that any accommodation develop your own online reservation system. The management of services in stay After making the reservation we must proceed to the management of the services that the client requires during his stay. 1. The management of the entrance or check-in must be fast and efficient. 2. During the client's stay, all requests made by it must be registered in a computer application. 3. Internet connectivity Billing and check-out management Billing or check-out is the last interaction in person we do with the client. A gesture professional and agile of it is as important as the different services that we have provided during your stay. The after-sales service management To the extent that we have the consent customer express, we can perform actions of after sales that allow us to evaluate the satisfaction of the customer and loyalty to try to repeat stay in our accommodation. The most appropriate tool for this management is the email marketing.

Without a doubt, this is one of the processes to be known and that the accommodation is successful. It is very important to be visible on the internet and be part of the tripadvisor community among others ...

6 D1

The distribution through travel agencies and tour operators means greater access to the market, a change of a loss of control in the management of the distribution that passes to these agents and a reduction in the average price received by the client. However, few travel agencies currently sell rural houses in Spain, mainly due to the number of places that the accommodation has and the conditions demanded by them, which can reach an intermediation charge in some cases up to 25% of the price, In addition to the exclusivity of being available to the agency a specific number of places with days in advance, in some cases up to 45. One of the Tour Operators in the Alpujarra (Lanjarón) is Abuxarra Tourism S.L. Only rural tourist complexes such as villas or large-capacity rural hotels market through them, not being recommended for small rural accommodation. It is also worth noting that due to the limited size of rural tourism companies, the insertions in tour operator catalogs are not generally justified, as previously indicated and for not complying in most cases with the rules and specifications of the catalog . The update through a reservation center, a change of a commission, is one of the most interesting options for this type of business, especially if it is a reservation center with a fairly large volume of companies, although in

7 many cases potential customers use them only as a source of information, making the reservation directly with the establishment. There are hundreds of websites dedicated to advertising rural accommodation, here are some examples of reservation centers and specific specialized websites on the internet: - - - - - - - - - - www.casas-turismo-rural-com - - - - - ​

Another very useful means, to concentrate actions of promotion and joint distribution in the Tourist Associations, be they of regional, provincial, regional or national level, therefore it is essential to participate actively in them as associates. A good example of a common project would be This is the official tourism portal of the province of Granada, managed by the Provincial Tourism Board. In it, the offer is diversified according to the classification of accommodation and activities, by types of tourism, by regions, etc. This unifies the tourist destination of the province of Granada and is aligned with the provincial lubrication strategy. It is essential to be included in this portal. The rural tourism associations that work in the province of Granada are another of the resources available for logistics, so we advise to become partners of the one that corresponds to the territory of each accommodation, as well as the provincial associations. The association statistics son: Rural Tourism Association in Cave Houses Tourism Association of the Alpujarra

8 Provincial Tourism Association Granada Rural ​ E1. The ISO 14001 Standard establishes the requirements of an EMS that allows rural tourism accomodation to develop and implement a policy and objectives, detect aspects, as well as establish a systems to comply with current legislation and the proposed objectives.

The EMAS Regulation establishes a system whereby the Voluntary participation of organizations with the promotion object continuous improvement of its behavior environmental, through: • The establishment and application of management systems environmental. • The systematic, objective and periodic evaluation of operation of stories systems. • Dissemination of behavioral information Environmental and open dialogue with the public and other parties interested. • The involvement and active participation of staff, forget the proper training.

9 The main objectives is to limit energy use, water consumption and waste generation. We differentiate different processes for management in rural accommodation, we will explain each one of them:

Other measures to consider are: The establishment has an information leaflet with a series of basic recommendations for both employees and for customers. Check lights once customers have left the accommodation Buy energy efficient appliances “A” Do not pour used cooking oil through the sink. Toxic and hazardous wastes are sent to the point nearest clean for proper management. F1. The architecture of the Alpujarra is unique since it combines the Christian world with the Arab, it is a mixture of the inhabitants who have been in this part of the region. The most characteristic of this place is its altitude and the white of the buildings that remind of the white mountain villages of North Africa, the origin of the Alpujarra architecture is in the Berber tribes that populated these lands, in fact.

10 Similar houses exist in the Moroccan Rif and other places in the Mediterranean. The first Moorish settlers built their tahás on the slopes of the Sierra Nevada, It is about building with nearby materials and that nature provides us.

The Urban design has maintained the structure of narrow streets and cube-shaped houses stacked on top of each other. Esta disposición, tenía una ventaja defensiva, los invasores se pueden “perder” por las calles, mientras desde lo alto de los ” terraos” los alpujarreños les arrojaban lo que tenían a mano. Another characteristic of alpujarreño urbanism is the “tinaos”: they cover the entrance and even part of the street, they have their strategic functionality: leave part of the street covered to protect themselves from the inclement weather and in the case of heavy snowfall accelerate the thawing process Some places keep cobbled streets or ditches through the street. There are also enough laundry rooms next to fountains and ditches


The alpujarreña house, is adapted to the hillside and to the climatic conditions. The materials used in the constructions have been stone, chestnut wood, walnut and poplar, reeds, plaster, slate slabs, and launa (a waterproof grayish clay) The choice of these resources is due to the proximity and the difficulties in transporting the materials.

G1. The Alpujarreña gastronomy is based on agricultural products, livestock and the abundant edible and seasoning plants that occur in the area. Gastronomy is influenced by the diverse cultures that have occurred in the vast plot of the region, being in Islamic times, a cause of cultural mixing, when there is a greater boom. Then they are combined with the tastes and recipes of the Galician, Navarrese restockers. The latter introduced the pig, our meat is one of the main bases of the Alpujarra gastronomy. In all the houses one or two pigs were raised for later slaughter and family consumption. They are made in an artisanal way, the loin in orza, the black pudding, the sausage, the sausage, the ham, etc.

12 TYPICAL DISHES Gachas de pimentón: ​Typical dish of the region which is composed of some harvested products, vegetables, fish and spices.

Potaje de Castañas: ​Typical dish that can be tasted at the Chestnut Festival on the first weekend of November, it is a dish for demanding and very elaborate palates based on chestnuts and vegetable essences from the area.

13 Potaje de Hinojos: a typical dish of the area with elaboration of products harvested mainly for self-consumption, such as fennel, potato, sausages or typical pork slaughterhouses.

Migas Alpujarreñas: They are a typical dish of the area with elaboration of products harvested mainly for self-consumption, such as corn, wheat, sausages or typical pork slaughterhouses.

14 Puchero de Garbanzos: a typical dish of the area with elaboration of products harvested mainly for self-consumption, such as fennel, potato, sausages or typical pork slaughterhouses.

Plato Alpujarreño: ​It is one of the most demanded dishes in the restaurants of the Alpujarra, since it includes the most representative products of the area.

WINES The Alpujarra vineyards are among the highest in Europe, which influences the maturation period is longer. The porous and slate-rich soil, together with the few precipitations, causes the roots of the strains to deepen deeper into the earth.

15 Cultivation and artisanal production produce a variety of wines: White, Pink, Red, Aged Red, and Sparkling, which compete in the national and international market.

HAM The ham is the star product of the pig, and its quality lies in the privileged enclave in which drying takes place. The cold and constant climate of La Alpujarra throughout the year, but softened by the Mediterranean, together with low humidity, create the ideal conditions for the natural healing of ham. Trevélez Ham must meet a series of physical characteristics: rounded shape, conserving the crust and leg, and a minimum cure of 14, 17 or 20 months established according to the weight of the fresh ham. Its organoleptic characteristics are the red color and bright cut appearance, with fat particularly infiltrated in the muscle mass, meat of delicate flavor, little salty, fat of unctuous consistency, bright, yellowish white color and pleasant taste.

16 CHEESE The alpujarreño cheese is goat or sheep, although, sometimes, it can appear mixed of both milks. With the goat, fresh and cured cheeses are made, white pasta, little pressed, round and without eyes. Sheep cheese is well cured, strong flavor and compact texture. Taking advantage of the quality of the Alpujarra olive oil, the cheese is not lacking in oil, with a spicy and strong flavor, seasoned with aromatic herbs such as thyme, oregano, rosemary, etc.

HONEY The rich biodiversity of La Alpujarra, the conversion into a privileged area for the elaboration of this delicacy. They emphasize, mainly the Honey of a Thousand Flowers, the one of Castaño, the one of Encina, the one of Romero, the one of Thyme, the one of Azahar, the one of Lavender, etc. Pollen is also collected.

17 H1. Integrated Quality Management focuses on improving visitor satisfaction, while seeking to improve the local economy, the environment and the quality of life of the local community. It is an approach that makes sense. It is about setting objectives, working together, understanding visitors, setting standards, obtaining visitors’ reactions, making improvements and checking impacts. In many tourism destinations much of this will be happening already. This code of practice is about strengthening this process in rural areas. Quality management should be a continuous process, not a one-off initiative. Unless the approach can become a natural way of managing tourism, reflected in all the normal activities undertaken by a destination (promotion, information, developing and improving the product ...) it will not be maintained over time and cannot be successful. Most local tourism departments and individual enterprises do not have the time or resources to run a separate ‘quality initiative’ beyond their normal activities, especially in rural areas where budgets are often small. 15 principles It is recommended that rural tourist destinations pursuing quality should adhere to the following. 15 specific principles quality rural tourism in “La Alfajía de Antonio”:

18 1 Integration: ​Concern for quality, and the management techniques aimed at achieving it, should be integrated into all the tourism functions of the destination. In La Alfajía de Antonio you will enjoy an experience that goes far beyond the accommodation in a charming hotel in Capileira. We have thought of everything to make your stay unforgettable, both for the location and facilities, as for the treatment and respect for our environment.

2 Authenticity: ​Visitors are looking for genuine experiences. The special rural heritage of Europe’s countryside should be honoured and celebrated. It should be presented in a real way, which does not fabricate nor devalue its quality. They sell nature, sustainable tourism and ecotourism in the most charming town of the Alpujarra. Traditional architecture and materials of the area to offer you a modern and comfortable space in which to fully enjoy your experience in one of the most special rural hotels in the Alpujarra.

19 3 Distinctiveness: ​Visitors travel to experience something different, otherwise they may as well stay at home. Delivering quality should be about bringing out the special, distinctive features and flavours of the destination. At the Hotel Alfajía de Antonio, we offer 7 romantic planes to make your experience unique, such as the Cebadilla Route. This circular low mountain trail suitable for all audiences where along 8 km. They will be able to cross the valley of Poqueira and divide the highest peaks of the peninsula. On your tour you will cross two rivers and an old town now abandoned, La Cebadilla. We also offer the cuisine of the area in its terrace-viewpoint. They are adhered to the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Natural Areas Protected by responsible tourism 4 Market realism: ​Quality management should be based on an informed and realistic assessment of the area’s potential in the market place, identifying its competitive strengths and ensuring they are not eroded. The Alpujarra is a destination of rest and nature. To differentiate for free, it offers 5% to 10% on its website and a free romantic experience.

5 Sustainability: ​Many rural areas have fragile sites and small communities sensitive to intrusion and congestion. However, visitors themselves are increasingly looking for unspoiled environments. Any rural destination seeking to deliver quality must be concerned with managing the impact of tourism.

20 It is an obligation for them to do their job causing the least environmental impact. That's why they make sure that their purchases of products to use in the hotel comply with the guarantees of being the least harmful to the environment in which we live. These guarantees are the paper, both folios and hygienic that they use have the seal of the sustainable product, their detergents are ecological and biodegradable, their bleach is no longer bleach, it is a similar product in powder but ecological and biodegradable. Soaps for washing dishes and glasses follow the same premise, although they are more expensive in their acquisition.

6 Consumer orientation: ​Quality management is about getting close to the visitor, understanding his or her needs and finding out whether they are being met.

Customer opinions are taken into account to improve them as much as possible.

21 The rooms have been renovated in this hotel, it is centrally located, offers Wi-Fi, speaks in English and has free parking. In addition to offering information on routes in reception and panoramic terrace. 7 Inclusiveness: ​Destinations should not be content with delivering quality to a few people while delivering a mediocre experience to others. A good experience should be provided for all visitors, and especially those with special needs. The hotel website does not contain information on special facilities for people with disabilities. 8 Attention to detail: ​Quality is about being creative but also taking care over the detail - providing enough information, checking on facilities, providing extra services.

In Alfajía de Antonio they seek to improve their services and facilities so that the customer experience is perfect. That is why they have made reforms in recent times both in common areas of the entrance to the hotel and in the lounge and terrace. In the hall above they have made a reform and have put new equipment at the service of customers. Three fridges, one of them so that people can measure their own food and two with various drinks where customers can take whatever they want to take it on the terrace and what they point in a notebook there. There is also a kettle with a wide range of infusions and fresh fruit every day. Thus, you can have a drink at very cheap prices on the terrace or in the lounge and relax without leaving the hotel. Have dishes and cutlery available to customers in case they want to take them to eat there.

22 9 Rationalization: a small number of good initiatives and products is better than many poor. It's about stopping activities that don't have enough resources and don't offer quality, or combine them into something stronger.

This hotel does not have a pool but offers routes to bathing areas located for the summer. 10 Partnership: ​Quality management is about involving people. Working together is right in principle and also essential for success. The many small tourism enterprises, related organisations and community groups should all be involved together in delivering quality in the destination. Their well-being should be regularly checked.

A hotel in Capileira that proposes a responsible and sustainable rural tourism to enjoy the environment and take care of it as it deserves. Recycled garbage, biodegradable bleach to wash the sheets and towels that will be used during your stay in La Alfajía de Antonio, purchased from local

23 producers to help the sustainability of the area ... We are a hotel socially committed with respect to the environment and the economy of the Gestures area, which, although they involve more work, help us to feel that what we have makes "sense." And as a commitment to all this we have said, we have recently joined the Association of the European Forum of Sustainable Tourism of Sierra Nevada. 11 Interdependence: ​Special attention should be paid to the role of tourism in the destination as a whole. Quality rural tourism depends on, and in turn supports, many other activities such as agriculture, craft industries, transport and local services.

In this hotel they give you recommendations about restaurants in neighboring towns, craft shops and souvenirs typical of the area, among others. 12 Time: ​Improving quality in a destination takes time. Success depends on planning for steady, achievable progress year on year rather than setting unrealistic targets.

24 Several improvements have been made and will continue to be done over time to continue adapting the hotel. 13 Commitment: ​A fundamental requirement of success is personal enthusiasm and commitment to achieving quality. Really successful destinations not only have individuals driven by this, but also a way of ensuring that it is spread to everyone. 14 Accurate communication: ​Providing visitors with accurate information is a key to matching expectations to reality and ensuring satisfaction. Effective communication with everyone involved in the destination is essential for success. 15 Monitoring​: ​Quality management is all about regular monitoring and evaluation of impacts on the visitor, enterprises, the environment and the local community.

RESPECT FOR A SPECTACULAR ENVIRONMENT When you arrive in Capileira, you will notice that the architecture and organization of the town has been thought from an enormous respect for the environment and traditional Alpujarreña architecture.

25 A walk through the narrow streets of Capileira, among its traditional white houses with flat roofs, enjoying a typical day of sun and mountain breeze will take you to another time and you will live an unforgettable experience. To enjoy the incomparable views we recommend a visit to some of the viewpoints we have in Capileira. Do not miss the Tajo del Diablo, on the vertical of Pampaneira, the Perchel, with its typical Alpujarra work and, above all, the viewpoint of the Junta de los Ríos, located at the southern end of the left slope of the ravine. I1.

People with disabilities encounter great difficulties in rural areas. They must not only face the difficulties inherent in their functional limitations, but also a series of difficulties inherent in the environment. The problems cover various aspects such as accessibility, transport, communications and new technologies, housing, participation and social relations, gender perspective or access to social protection systems (health, education, social services, economic benefits, employment, etc.) by of people with disabilities. , declaring a real situation of inequality. In the Alpujarra of Granada, we are working every day to create a rural tourism accessible to all. Since rural tourism is a way of integrating the society of peoples and creating an accessible environment, it is linked to this integration.


The project is designed in collaboration with ​'The Accessible City' to

promote accessible and inclusive tourism in the Alpujarra region. In this way, the first action that is going to be carried out in this strategy of indoor tourism is the accessible beaconing of the whole offer of tourist interest - both natural and heritage - that exists in the municipality, as well as other places of interest to the visitor such as the City Council of Pórtugos, the health center or center of Guadalinfo. The accessible intelligent beacon system to be placed is the one designed by the Granada-based company Outbarriers, which makes it possible to 'make visible' points of interest and public buildings for all people, including blind people. It is a small autonomous device 'Bluetooth Low Energy' (BLE) that informs about those points of interest where it is located, so that through a mobile device you can obtain the desired information. With this project that has been launched of 'Pórtugos, available to all people' thanks to the initiative of the City Council of Pórtugos and with impulse and mentoring of the Accessible City, the Portuguese municipality becomes the first municipality 'smart village 'from Spain, where "accessibility and the latest technology go hand in hand to improve the quality of life of its citizens and make the experience of its tourists and visitors unique and unforgettable." These types of interventions are those that provide a social improvement and remove barriers to people with disabilities, creating accessible rural tourism and an Alpujarra for all. J1.

27 The villages of the Alpujarras are famous destinations of rural tourism, some of its towns such as Lanjarón, Pampaneira or Trevélez are characterized by the tranquility that breathes tranquility and nature, they are little inhabited but very well exploited tourist villages, it promotes their local products such as the Ham of Trevelez, its customs and folk festivals, its crafts ... etc

Rural Accommodation Benarum It is a clear example of accommodation in which tourist activities are offered to its customers, they have reached a collaboration agreement with a company of Leisure and Adventure, to offer a diversity of activities to customers and make their stays unforgettable. The client needs the best services inside and outside the rural house. That is why, this collaboration with this company of Leisure and Adventure makes them able to offer different activities to their customers.


BIPLAZA FLIGHTS IN LA ALPUJARRA Flights up to 1000 m high in the mountains of Sierra Nevadas. Two-seater flights for individuals and groups of more than 10 people every day of the year. Have fully updated and state-of-the-art materials: paragliders, chairs, paramotors, trike paramotors, helmets, radios, etc. Paramotor Trike, which has wheels to take off and land without any effort as if it were an airplane, or on the contrary with a paramotor or only taking advantage of the air currents with the standard paragliding flight.


Canyoning is one of the specialties. It consists of making the descent of a ravine or river through the same channel by rappelling with rope in the waterfalls, jumps into the water and being "carried" by the current when it allows. It is a very intense activity with a deep relationship with the natural environment that surrounds us. The relief of the province of Granada means that there are many canyons and rivers to practice and adapt the route to the technical capacity of the group. The techniques and collective materials are identical to those used in speology and are contributed entirely by the organization. DIFFICULTY:​ Medium low, medium and high according to ravine and group. MATERIAL: The one contributed by the organization of; wetsuit, helmet, harness, carabiners, rapper and waterproof boats.


Activity details Duration: 3h People: from 2 to 20 Difficulty: medium In the municipality there are several paths that allow you to know in a relaxed way the heritage and natural elements, in addition to discovering places where progress has not come. The "official" trails of the Alpujarra de la Sierra are four, and run between the most genuine and best preserved places in the unique region. Roads for which, for centuries, the inhabitants of this land, merchants and travelers have traveled. LOCAL PATHS Each of these trails makes you enjoy the sound, the landscape or the native flora and fauna of our mountains and the rich and varied heritage of cattle routes that the Alpujarra has accumulated to its long and long history as a meeting place of Roman cultures, Arabic and Christian When touring these paths, you can admire the irrigation system, with the complicated system of ditching channels in which the water is guided to the chasms so that later it leaves at the births of the valley and in the villages. The trails according to the time of the year that are carried out will offer a different experience, being able to enjoy them every day of the year, and in spring you can admire the impressive waterfalls that are formed due to the melting of Sierra Nevada. The trails are perfectly marked by which the route will be easy to follow. THE PATH OF THE ACEQUIAS It begins in the highest part of the town in the neighborhood of the old square and passes through the “brocal” of the “raft of the Castle” in the

31 direction of the “Castañías” site passing through “los llanos”, the ravines, etc. Walking along the edge of the ditches we contemplate ravines of clean and crystalline waters, we find births of sour waters of which they tell countless stories about their medicinal properties. THE PATHWAY THE ENCINAS Walking on the Roman bridge, along the Camino Real de las Hoyas and between ancient oaks, we will join Mecina Bombarón and Yegen. THE GERALD BRENAN PATH The tour begins in what was the house of the Englishman and crossing the town to the deepest, reaching the Camellonian fountain. From this laundry begins one of the most traveled and remembered roads by the English writer, who liked to take long walks in which to appreciate the great value of local ecoculture. PATH HEALTH In such a short distance the diversity of places will surprise, crossing the barren lands to descend under the shadow of centuries-old chestnut trees. The start of the tour is in a small road behind the Hotel El Rincón de Yegen, while walking through this colorful road you can see the different farmhouses some centenarians and others more recent that merge with the Sierra.

32 Activity Details Duration: half day People: from 2 to 10 Difficulty: low Price: € 40 Mountain bike routes, crossed landscapes of great beauty and interest. DIFFICULTY​: Routes of different difficulties in mountain biking through flat or mountain places visiting historical and picturesque places of great scenic interest. MATERIAL:​ Monitors, bicycles, insurance.

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