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Patryk Kalwas – Portfolio
Hello. My name is Patryk Kalwas. I was born in Warsaw in 1994. I studied at Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology. Within the Erasmus program, I attended the ESAD College of Art and Design in Porto. I’m interested in UI, UX, typography and visual identity.
Table of Contents
01 UI
Visual identity and logos Tadeusz Pietrzyk Archive p.10
Mydailyui p.4
Legal debt p.14
Together p.6
Logotypes p.16
Typography Up high p.18 Mostar p.20 TYPE IS... p.22
04 Editorial design
BPBD BOOKS 2010-13 p.24
Mydailyui This is a challenge that involves designing one element of ui everyday without counting weekends (started 02.01.2017). Most of them have animations which represent interactions with the user. You can see everything on the website which has been specially prepared for it: http://mydailyui.co.pl/
Music Player
Coming Soon
Email Receipt
Home Monitoring Dashboard
Analytics Chart
Together Together is an application prototype for elderly that I made in collaboration with Julian Kondej. The idea is really simple. We wanted to create a tool that would allow old people to organise their everyday life and that will improve the level of communication with their families. Users are presented with different category screens with each one having its own colour. They can simply add an event by clicking on the button. The rest of the family immediately sees that the person needs help with some planned activities and can respond to that. In the event list you can also see who declared to help and can call them directly from the app.
Together 6
Divided for 6 category
Each category is represented by color and icon
You can call directly from the app
Green label shows that someone agreed to help
Datepicker is available using thumb only
Pietrzyk 02 Tadeusz Archive The project was launched in 2014, with interviews conducted with Tadeusz Pietrzyk’s relatives and friends and the review of his design output. As a result, the collection of private archive was digitized, and in cases where the originals had not remained, they were recreated based on photographs and available descriptions. The project include visual identification, logotypes digitization and photographs of the original books prepared in collaboration with Damian Ziółkowski. Additionally, I designed the catalog (https://issuu.com/patryk6/docs/ tadeusz_pietrzyk_archive) and design/code website (https://pietrzykarchive.pja.edu.pl/)
Exhibition 10
01. Encyklopedia Szkolna School Encyclopedia 1975 01. Encyklopedia Szkolna School Encyclopedia 1975
The exhibition was opened during the conference ATypI Warsaw 13.09.2016 in PJATK,
Website contains the entire content included in the catalog, but in the future it will be further expanded with more information.
Catalog includes 88 pages and was published in a circulation of 500 copies. Inside you can see 22 logotypes and 10 books which were designed by Tadeusz pietrzyk
Catalog 13
02 Legal debt A project realized in collaboration with Julian Kondej. Visual identity for Legal debt Is an example of modern design for debt collecting company in Warsaw. In the process of creation we developed, what we believe to be, a fresh and dynamic look that steps out among other companies from the similar field. Visual identity contains of logo, business cards, document folder, letterhead and envelopes
Legal Debt sp. z. o. o ul. Kasprzaka 2/8 lok. 208 Warszawa Legal 01-211Debt sp. z. o. o ul. Kasprzaka 2/8 lok. 208 Warszawa 01-211
02 Logotypes A collection of logos made in recent years. Works include: 1. Tadeusz Pietrzyk Archive – Collection of works Tadeusz Pietrzyk. 2. Better_fly – Clothing company for women. 3. Minimo – Clothing company for women. 4. Legal Debt – Collection agency. 5. Inelko – Sewing.
03 Up high Up high is a titular, decorative font that was designed to be used in headlines. Up high consists of 26 letters of the alphabet and diacritical marks for polish language. It is also elaborated by additional glyphs such as digits, mathematical symbols and punctuation. It is composed of both, uppercase and small caps.
Up high regular
Cześć, żabo. Puść mą dłoń! ABCDEFGHIJK LMNOPQRSTU VWXYZ abcdefghijkl mnopqrstuvw xyz 1234567890 19
03 Mostar Mostar is a serif font that consists of 26 small caps of the alphabet.
--a b c d e f g h i j klmnopqrst u v w x y z 20
being an artist build yoursef a patch
shakespeare find what you love crazy frederick bought very exquisite opal jewels
make things you wish existed
ophelia 21
The poster has been qualified to the Type + Text International Festival of Typography. The collection aims to present the most interesting Polish and Chinese designers who make typographic posters. Within the framework of this project, two exhibitions are organized. The first one will take place in October of 2016 in Guilin Huaqiao Arts Museum in Guilin, China. The following TYPE+TEXT’s exhibition is scheduled for spring of 2017 in Lubelskie Centrum Spotkania Kultur. Both of the exhibitions will present 60 Polish and 60 Chinese posters chosen by curators out of hundreds of works. http://poster.co.pl/pl/ This poster represents a quote “Type is abstract. type is flexible. type is powerful.” by Oded Ezer. It shows that type may come in various shapes and forms. Type doesn’t always have to be transparent and obvious, but strong and exceptional to send a message.
powerful flexible abstract
03 TYPE IS...
10.2016 | Guilin Hua Qiao Art Gallery | Guilin | China
04 BPBD BOOKS “Best Portuguese design books� is a proposal of a catalogue that represents the best 42 books designed between 2010 and 2013. The chosen books as well as the special articles found in the catalogue were created by Portuguese designers. The catalogue is available in two languages.
Patryk Kalwas +48 536 967 362 patryk.kalwas@gmail.com Pakiet Adobe CC (PS, AI, ID, AE, PR, MU) HTML, CSS, JS Sketch, Principle UX Glyphs DTP Maya
Proficient Beginner Intermediate Beginner Intermediate Beginner Beginner
Thank you