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boost creativity. Or with a whiteboard not only can you look at the year ahead, plan it and jot down random ideas. It can also be a visual tool for tackling or so may be fairly easy to come. However, once the easy ideas are out of the way at around 8-10 things start to slow down and a boost of creativity and thinking outside the box can kick in.
Duke Ellington famously said….
The highly talented Duke Ellington famously declared that a deadline was his cure for procrastination. Certainly, the pressure of time limits can give a sense of momentum to a project. Also, in the spirit of Sir Duke when it's hard to focus your thoughts listening to music can help your mind relax so the ideas come easier.
Surprise yourself
It has often been said that the right, side of your brain is the creative side and the left more analytical. However, several recent studies seem to have debunked this idea and what certainly is true is that ringing the changes will aid creativity. Simple small changes like choosing a genre on Spotify you never listen to, taking a walk in a different area than you normally do, or searching for a design style that is not really your cup of tea. All new stimuli for your brain can lead to new ideas.
Research other brands.
reviews to see what they’re doing differently to help you identify new ways to improve your business. Become open to new experiences. extraversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness and neuroticism, (neuroticism being a personality trait with people who are creative. Its new experiences and events that allow creative people to explore new possibilities in unfamiliar environments.
with to sound things out. Often just voicing your ideas to someone else can help formulate them. Another good plan is to have a lunch or dinner with a diverse group of smart people from different backgrounds who will help you to think outside your usual industry’s box.
Schedule a meeting with Discover Pattaya
Let us see if we can help to motivate you with some new marketing ideas and initiatives to give your business a boost. Contact me, Gloria, on 0837 683696 or by email at gloria@pattayatrader.com.