Complete Job Description of an Apparel Pattern Maker
Every employee in a factory has pre-defined duties and responsibilities. An apparel pattern maker is a vital figure in the industry. They generate templates or models that are then utilised to replicate things ranging from chairs and plastic containers to shoes and shirts. They normally work standard shifts, except for approaching deadlines that necessitate overtime. Once the pattern is created, the pattern grading is done in small, medium, big, and extra-large sizes based on the buyer's specifications as outlined in the tech pack's grading chart. The second task of the pattern maker is to grade the design according to the grading chart. They also use charts, drafting instruments, computers, or grading systems to develop a master pattern for each size within a range of garment sizes. Pattern makers begin their work by analysing blueprints, instructions, and other production
material that specifies which patterns are required. They generate measurements based on the size of the product based on these examinations. They then directly write or scribe specifications and identifiable marks on materials. They set up automatic and manual tools, operate them to make patterns, and assemble pattern portions as needed. They may also correct and mend any flaws, as well as clean the finished product before employing it in production. The majority of patternmakers create their work on their own, however, others collaborate with designers and manufacturing personnel. The tasks and equipment of a pattern maker are determined by her material speciality. Paper patterns are frequently created by fabric and textile patternmakers and then positioned on fabric to generate original garment models. Metal and plastic professionals make machine castings with milling machines and grinders, occasionally entering requirements via computer. People who are a good fit for this position enjoy working on practical, hands-on challenges and solutions. They enjoy dealing with plants, animals, and natural resources such as wood, tools, and machines. Source