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Reading for RA Moon card Knight of Gabriel Leap of Faith Chariot Moon card Make plans to move forward, how to do so --follow your gut and face your fears Knight of Gabriel Attributes you need to use through this year Confident, Enthusiastic Courage and Self Control Leap of Faith Self Confidence- you need to work on your self-confidence by challenging yourself to facing your fears. Leap of Faith Self Confidence, Listen to your heart and Joy. As your self confidence grows this year, you will listen more to the truths that your heart has to tell you. It will lead to joy if you listen and act on the advice you receive from it. Chariot Determination, Self Control, Career Advancement and recognition of your successes by others. When you deal with stuffed animals you treat them with tenderness and gentleness and create scenarios for them. Use them as a tool to practice with while you do your work. Month to month reading Father Husband Brother Son Osiris Examine your roles as they apply to you during the month of May Crystal Epona Find stones or places that contain stones and feel your attraction to them and use them as tool during month of June Teacher Mahozchohas Ragozcy You will meet a teacher or a teacher will be recommended to you during this month of July Freedom Hina Freedom is the feeling this month of Aug. If you feel a lack of it you need to examine what is holding you back. If you feel total free you are on the right track.

Retreat into Nature Green Man This month you need to go back to nature in Sept. Take long walks get more in touch with nature it will lead you to information that you need. Let it Go Quan Yin Quan yin is the goddess of compassion, You need to let go and release things with compassion during the Month of Oct. Flow of Prosperity Lakshmi If you are going along with the plan that has been put in front of you the Flow of Prosperity will be going your way starting in Nov Clear Shields and Energy (El Morya) You need to learn to put up and clear your shields and energy during the month of Dec. See Others Point of View (avalokitesvara) During the month of Jan after you have learned how to clear and use your shields it will be easier for you to see others point of view. Health and Healing (Hileron) During the month of Feb. You need to deal with all faces of your health and healing.. You need to deal with all parts of your being Mind, Sprit and Body. Balance (isis) Career, Home Life, and Personal Stuff will be here thjs March, You will learn how to balance these entities better with work. Spritual Law of Attraction (Madchzedek) You will be dealing with the Laws of Attraction during the month of April. You will be able to use them better and understand how they apply to your day to day life. Power of Joy (Mattraya) If you have been following the path that you were given you will see more Joy in your life. If not then you will have a way to look back and see what you you need to work on to attain it. PAST LIFE INFLUENCES Egypt, Wars and Battles Persecutions Inquisition, Spouse Egypt is the land that holds a mystical and fascination for you. You need to read about this place in order to see where it has a place for you in this life. Wars and Battles PTSD and traumas that you are experiencing may come from the past. You might want to try to find that patterns seem to recur in your life.

Persecution Inquisition In a past life you have been experienced persecution and you are still feeling the effects. You need to realize that you are not on a list in this life. You are safe. Spouse You have to look at your relationships and find how you would like to be treated as a spouse or what you are looking for in one. KEY CARDS Purification and Find the Blessings in Current Situation You need to detox your life. Get rid of negative and things that are bad for you. You can do that by practicing seeing the blessings in everyday. Sometimes they are large but mostly they are small. Look out for them. They will help you on your journey.

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