Lesson Plan Microteaching
Teaching Pedagogy Teaching Practicum
Lesson plan: N° 1 School: USS
Grade/Class: 9th grade Level of English: Upper intermediate Course book unit:
N° of students: 25 Age group: 14
Date of the lesson: April 1st 2015
Time of lesson: 09:30 09:55
Lengh of lesson: 25 minutes
Students teachers name: Yenifer Matus V. Patricia Binder V .
Main objective: Students will be able to analyze,develop, choose and perform Abilities: Analyze resolution strategies according to everyday problems and an important task related to intelligent reflections to solve the task. criteria defined. Contents: Intelligent reflections Logic Problem solving
Assumed knowledges: ★ How to get general information. ★ Know what is a problem and how to solve it. ★ Ability to find and analyze strategies related to problem solving.
Anticipated problems and possible solutions: ➔ Some students may not have a positive attitude toward work team, so a way to solve it out will be to show them the importance of his or her role in order to their work at the end of the activity. ➔ Some students may dislike his or her classmate who is working with. However, a way of solving this unsuitable issue will be talking to the students involved in order to promote empathy between them. ➔ Some students may not be willing to participate in the classroom working with others students. The way to manage this situation will be encouraging them to share ideas and listen
Resources: ★ Projector ★ Whiteboard and markers ★ Flashcard ★ White sheet ★ Pen ★ Small plastic boxes ★ Instructions (into the boxes) ★ Speakers ★ Music
PROCEDURE Stages (Engage/ Study/ Activate)
What I (T) am going to do and say
What Learners are going to do and say
Interaction patterns/ Groupings
Time (min)
The teacher will show a ppt which will contain some pictures to help to the students to guess the topic of the class. the teacher will ask some questions related to the images of the ppt such as: What can you see in this picture? , What is the connection between one image and the topic? The teacher will ask to the students to form two groups (at least 8 per group) or more, depending of the amount of students. Then, the teacher will ask to each group to pick up one of the boxes in front of the
Students will see a PPT which will contain some images related to the topic. After that, they will be asked some questions related to what they think about the images and will discuss it aloud. The students will form groups. then, one member of each group will go to the front of the class and will pick up one the boxes with the task that they have to develop inside of it.
Class work, seating in a row. Group work, seating in a circle
5 Minutes 8 minutes
Engage: Students will be shown a PPT which will contain some pictures that will guide students to think about the topic. While the teacher is showing the images to the students, also will be asking some questions to them related to the images of the PPT in order to introduce them to the topic of the class. Study: Students will be divided into two groups. Students will be given a small box with the activity to work inside of it. Students should organize their team in order to resolve the problem assigned. The activity is called “intelligent reflections” The problem is
Students will have to listen carefully the initial presentation in order to infer about the topic of the class.
Students should read carefully the instructions given in the box in order to address and implement the intelligent resolution of the riddle
Teachers will observe their participation in the classroom through asking questions. Teacher will assess the students monitoring the organization applying in the task requested. The students should involve
related to four couples of friends requested. with their partners going to a restaurant to have dinner. They have requested a round table for eight people. The manager of the restaurant wants to treat their frequent customers and offers a free of charge meal if they can solve the riddle but they have to follow the instructions requested by the manager: ● No man should sit beside his wife. ● To the right of Marcelo´s wife, Adrés should sit. ● Daniel and Marcelo should sit face to face. ● There are not two men sitting beside each other. Question: Who is sitting between Marcelo and Walter?. After presenting the task, the students will work in groups and will try to solve the problem in order to get the prize.
class which will contain the task that they have to develop inside of it. After that, the teacher will explain the task and will present it presuming to be the “Manager” of the restaurant and offering to the students (clients) a free meal if they solve the problem. While the students are doing the task, the teacher will be monitoring their work.
After that, they will listen carefully to the teacher’s instructions in order to develop the task successfully.
every member of the group assigning a role in order to solve the riddle.
Activate: Students will be given a piece of paper in order to draw a round table and indicate the in what place sat each of the members of the group of friends. After that they have to present their conclusion to the whole class. To finish the class, the teacher will ask some questions related to the activity previously done in order to give feedback.
Students will develop the activity in a proper way in order to solve the riddle applying intelligent reflections.
The teacher will give to the students a piece of paper in which they have to draw the roundtable indicating their answer. After that, the teacher will ask them to present it to the whole class. The teacher will finish the class by asking them some questions related to the activity in order to give feedback such as: What did make you think that was Marcelo’s place?. Was it difficult? Which strategies did you use?
The students will be given a piece of paper in order to draw their conclusion of the task on it. After drawing the roundtable with their answer, they have to present it to the whole class indicating how they obtain their answer.
Group work, seating in a circle.
12 minutes.
The teacher will assess by checking their answer taking into account that students may apply different strategies to solve the riddle.