PSI Protonentherapy Newsletter Nr. 24 (12/2021)

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Newsletter of the Center for Proton Therapy  ::  Paul Scherrer Institut  ::  December 2021  ::  # 24 :: page 1


Center for Proton Therapy  ::  Paul Scherrer Institut  ::  # 24_12/2021

Dear Reader, It is my pleasure to introduce you this month’s last 2021 News-

treatment time with rescanning was only 30% in comparison to

70 GyRBE, with a fractional dose ranging from 1.8 to 3 Gy RBE.

the non-gated nominal plan.

The estimated 4 year local control and overall survival was 77%

The target modelling of uveal melanomas by the treatment and 85%, respectively. Not surprinsgly, gross total resection

letter. You may have seen the recent press release on the first planning system having the clips information has known limi-

was an independent prognostic factor for tumor control, so was

patient with locally advanced (stage III B) NSCLC treated with tation and it has always been the goal of PSI to introduce also the tumor extension restricted to bone. Interestingly, there PBS proton therapy (PT) within the framework of the RTOG 1308

non-invasive imaging techniques to better define the target was a suggestion of better tumor local control with hypofrac-

study ( NCT 01993810). This study has been volume. This work has been published previously but one of tionation (i.e. 3 Gy RBE per fraction), although this did not reach activated by the two NRG centers, namely Kantonspital Aarau

our PhD student reports in this issue torsional eye movement statistical significance. As a result, for large unresected sacral

and PSI. This female smoker was particularly difficult to treat detection during patient positioning for proton therapy by chordoma we propose hypofractionation and may consider (delivering 70 GyRBE), as she had extensive nodal involvement measuring the pattern of iris rotations. Twenty consecutive hyperthermia as published by Tran et al. (mediastinal and supra clavicular) and the dose-constraints of patients were assessed, although one in 5 the evaluation was That being said, I hope that this newsletter was of interest to organs at risk in direct vicinity of the target volume were quite hindered by the inability of selecting a convenient region of you and I wish all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. challenging to adhere. But thanks to the conformality of protons, interest in the iris region due to eyelid occlusion or importantly

Hopefully 2022 will easier for the patients, care givers and the

the heart V30% was only 6.5 (dose constraint V30% < 50 in the undesired light reflection. For those patients that could be

general population.

protocol). Needless to say, treating a mobile tumor with a dy-

assessed, a good correlation was observed between the BEV

namic beam may lead to under dosage of the primary tumor x-rays standard images of the clip and the new algorithm. and/or overshooting of the target. To mitigate the likelihood of Lastly, Walser et al. reports the outcome of sacral chordoma

Sincerely, Prof. Damien C. Weber,

patients treated with protons, with (n=10; 17%) or without

Chairman Center for Proton Therapy,

(gated window: 30% exhale) with rescanning. The increase of (n=50; 83%) conventional photon therapy to a median dose of

Paul Scherrer Institute

this beam/tumor motion interplay effect, we used gated PT

Newsletter of the Center for Proton Therapy  ::  Paul Scherrer Institut  ::  December 2021  ::  # 24 :: page 2

General A first for Switzerland: proton therapy to treat lung cancer Lung cancer is the deadliest type of cancer in

overall survival after photon versus proton

Switzerland and also one of the most common: chemoradiotherapy for inoperable stage II-IIIB it affects around 4,500 patients every year.

NSCLC”). The study is led by an US research

Surgery is the most usual form of treatment. In organisation overseeing oncologic clinical trials, advanced tumours, surgery is followed up with NRG Oncology. PSI is taking part together with chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and sometimes the Radio-Oncology Centre of the Cantonal Hosimmunotherapy as well. However, not all tu-

pitals of Aarau (KSA) and Baden (KSB) – the only

mours can be surgically removed, so scientists institutes outside the US to do so. The aim of are currently conducting intensive research into the trial is to compare the outcomes of estabimproving non-invasive treatment methods. For

lished radiotherapy with proton therapy in the

patients in Switzerland, the PSI now offers a

treatment of non small cell bronchial carcinoma

novel alternative: proton beam therapy (PBT).

– the most common form of lung cancer – in the

While this type of therapy has already become advanced, inoperable stage. Primary endpoint established for treating certain tumours in the is the overall survival (please see detailed study area of the head, neck and torso, the treatment description on NCT 01993810). of tumours in the lungs is new territory. PSI re- The invitation of both institutions to take part in

Dose distribution (70GyRBE) and PTV (green) of the first lung cancer patient

searchers hope this will extend patient survival the trial is chiefly down to their many years of rates – even without surgery – and reduce sec-

expertise in the field of radiotherapy and the

ondary effects caused by radiotherapy, such as cantonal Radio-Oncology Centre’s membership heart problems and pneumonitis. Medics expect of NRG Oncology. Patients are randomly allo- sioned by NRG Oncology. For data comparison this much less aggressive but more precise form

cated to either type of treatment: some receive

apy to achieve the best possible outcome for the

purposes, it is vital to ensure that all patients patients.

of radiotherapy will have fewer secondary effects proton therapy at PSI, others radiotherapy at the are treated in the same way and with the same on healthy lung tissue and the heart.

Radio-Oncology Centre KSA-KSB. Since at the quality standards. To provide the required qual-

On 9 November a 60-year-old patient suffering

latter for conventional radiotherapy the currently ity control, for example, the PSI team performed just started, so participation in this study is

The patient enrolment phase in Switzerland has

from lung cancer received proton beam therapy.

most modern equipment is available, it is fair to radiotherapy on “phantoms”. These dummies possible. Please contact Dr. Dominc Leiser

The patient had an advanced stage tumour that describe the study design as to compare the

have integrated devices for measuring doses ( for further information.

could not be surgically removed. The 7-week best with the best.

and mimic the properties of a human patient.

course of irradiation is accompanied by weekly Before the trial could even start, all participating

This text is mainly an abridged version of a

chemotherapy. The treatment is done within the study centers had to go through a lengthy pro-

The clinical trial is due to number 330 patients media release written by Sabine Goldhahn.

frame of an international randomized clinical cess of accreditation by the M.D. Anderson

in total, with around 10 of them in Switzerland.

trial (title “Phase III randomized trial comparing

The goal is to use both photon and proton ther-

Cancer Center in Houston, an institute commis-

Newsletter of the Center for Proton Therapy  ::  Paul Scherrer Institut  ::  December 2021  ::  # 24 :: page 3

Medical-Physics News Non-invasive recognition of eye torsion through optical imaging of the iris pattern in ocular proton therapy The introduction of non-invasive imaging techniques such as MRI imaging for treatment planning and optical eye tracking for in-room eye localization could obviate the requirement of

On 20% of the overall number of instances

ized bi-dimensional cross correlation.

however, the iris-based estimation of torsion

Concurrently to the acquisition of BEV images,

was hindered by the inability of selecting a

a pair of orthogonal x-ray images of the patient convenient ROI in the iris region due to eyelid clips was acquired. By rigid point-based regis- occlusion or undesired light reflection. Thus, the tration, optimized in a least-square sense, one

iris-based algorithm is able to provide an esti-

can align the Eyeplan eye model created during

mate of torsional eye movements for 80% of the

• Distortion compensation by selection of re- treatment planning to the clips’ configuration gion of interest (ROI)

considered instances.

captured at time of x-ray imaging. By rotational The iris-based torsion detection algorithm was

• Computation of torsion by cross correlation of decomposition it is then possible to estimate compared to torsion deduced from x-ray images ROIs of reference and test image.

surrogate (clips) implantation for patients un-

the torsional component of the eye movement of the clips. A good and positive linear associaoccurring between the reference image and tion was measured (R2=0.71). The agreement

dergoing ocular proton therapy. This study spe- The intensity correction aims to correct uniformcifically addresses the issue of torsional eye

respect to the reference image through normal-

other image acquisitions on a patient specific between iris-based and clips-based estimation

ity of the light distribution on the images, and basis. This value of torsion is considered as the of torsion is between ± 1.5° for 85% of the cases,

movement detection during patient positioning. to enhance the iris structures in the ciliary region

ground truth of torsional eye movement meas- with 9% exhibiting discrepancies higher than 2°.

Non-invasive detection of eye torsion is per-

urement as it originates from quantitative meas-

of the iris. It includes in sequence: noise re-

formed by measuring the iris pattern rotations moval, image sharpening and histogram equal-

urement of clips, surrogates rigidly attached to This study was supported by Personalized Health

using a beam’s eye view optical camera. When ization.

the patient’s eye. The clip-based torsion is used and Related Technologies (grant PHRT-524) and

handling images of patients to be treated using The presence of the cornea in front of the iris to benchmark the iris-based torsion estimation Swiss Cancer Research Foundation (grant KFSproton therapy, a number of additional chal-

creates a distortion of the iris image proportional algorithm and quantify its accuracy on the 4447-02-2018). Both grants are led by Dr. Jan

lenges are encountered, such as changing eye

to the deviation of the optical axis from the

position, pupil dilatation and illumination. A resting position of the eye. For this purpose, a

entire dataset of 20 patients included in this Hrbacek at PSI. This study was recently published study.

(Spaccapaniccia et al).

method is proposed to address these extra simplified model of the opchallenges. The accuracy of the proposed algo-

tical system was built using

rithm was evaluated against corresponding dedicated software (Zemax measurement of eye torsion using the clips EE, Zemax Development configuration measured on x-ray images. The

Corporation, Washington,

algorithm developed in this study aims at esti-

USA). It was identified that

mating eye torsion by measuring the rotation of corneal distortion and perthe iris pattern from a reference image to other spective error are both minimages acquired during the course of the treat-

imized in the region laying

ment. The basic steps to carry out the analysis over the axis defined by the are depicted in the diagram (figure) and can be

azimuthal gaze direction

summarized as follows:

and therefore these regions

• Iris Region Recognition And Intensity Correction were used for computation • Transformation To Polar Coordinates Of The Iris Region

of the shift of the iris pattern in the treatment image with

Figure: Methodology used in the present study. The x-rays images are used to compute the position in space of the eye and the torsion occurring between the two positions, while information on the rotation of the iris patter is extracted from the BEV images provided that the orientation of the eye in space is known.

Newsletter of the Center for Proton Therapy  ::  Paul Scherrer Institut  ::  December 2021  ::  # 24 :: page 4

Radio-Oncology News Clinical outcome of sacral chordoma patients treated with

(OS). Acute and late toxicity was assessed accord-

observed in three (5%) patients. The 4-year late

ing to the Common Terminology Criteria for Ad-

toxicity-free survival was 91% (95% CI 79-97). Two

verse Events (CTCAE) v5.0.

patients developed secondary malignancies to the bladder 3-7 years after PT.


pencil beam scanning proton therapy

Median follow-up was 48 months (range, 4-186).

Background and purpose

Methods and Materials

Sacral chordomas are locally aggressive and ra-

Sixty patients with histologically proven sacral tant failure before, after or with local failure.

Local recurrence occurred in 20 (33%) patients.

Conclusions The results of this retrospective analysis of pa-

Eight of these patients additionally showed dis- tients with resectable and non-resectable sacral chordomas treated with high dose PBS PT is en-

dio-resistant tumors. Proton therapy (PT) has the chordomawere treated between November 1997 Distant failure only were observed in 2 patients. couraging, with good tumour control rate and a potential to deliver high radiation doses.The high

and October 2018 with PBS PT at the Paul Scher-

radiation conformity and the reduction of the rer Institute. Ten (17%) patients received com-

The 4 year-LC, FFDR, and OS rates were 77%, 89%,

low probability of late high-grade radiation-in-

and 85%, respectively.

duced toxicity in most chordoma patients. Both

bined photon radiotherapy and PT. Fifty (83%)

On univariate analysis, a significantly improved the gross total resection and the tumour restricted

the standard radiation modality for the manage- patients underwent surgery and 10 (17%) had a

rate of local control was associated with gross to the bone were independent predictors of local

integral dose by the use of protons has made PT ment of these tumors with increased tumor con-

biopsy only. For those undergoing resection, 33

total resection (p=0.02; hazard ratio (HR) 0.33,

tumour control.

trol and reduced toxicity rates. We assessed tumor (66%) underwent gross total resection. Patients 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.13–0.85), no tucontrol and radiation-induced toxicity retrospec-

received definitive or adjuvant RT to total doses mour extension beyond the bone (p=0.01; HR

tively in a cohort of sacral chordoma patients ranging from 60.0 to 77.0 Gy(RBE) (median, 74 ) 0.11, 95% CI 0.01–0.85) and gross tumor volume treated at PSI with definitive or postoperative

with single fraction doses from 1.8 to 3.0 Gy(RBE)

pencil beam scanning (PBS) PT.

(median, 2 ). During the median overall treatment 0.99–6.77). time of 49 days (range 41–

On multivariate analysis, tumor extension re-

total dose prescribed.Five tion (p=0.02) remained independent favorable prognostic factors for local recurrence. No signif-

operable tumours received icant factors were identified for FFDR and OS.A additional concomitant hy-

trend towards statistical significance for OS was

perthermia up to 6 weekly observed for gross total resection versus subtotal sessions.

resection or biopsy (p=0.052),tumour restricted

Survival rates were calcu-

to bone (p=0.052) and GTV smaller than 130 ml

lated using the Kaplan-Meier (p=0.07). Of note, there was a suggestion of actuarial method. The log- better local control with hypofractionation, al-

Figure: Local control in sacral chordoma patients (n=60)

al. 2021)

smaller than 130 ml (p=0.4; HR 2.59, 95% CI

67), all patients received the stricted to bone (p=0.004), and gross total resec(8%) patients with large in-

This work has been recently published (Walser et

rank test was used to com-

though this did not reach statistical significance

pare different functions for


local control (LC), freedom

Twenty-four (40%), 28 (47%) and 8 (11%) patients

from distant recurrence

experienced acute Grade (G) 1, G 2, and G 3 tox-

(FFDR) and overall survival icities, respectively. Late grade 3 toxicity was

Imprint Editor Dr. Ulrike Kliebsch Chairman Prof. Damien C. Weber Chief Medical Physicist Prof. Tony Lomax

Contact Center for Proton Therapy CH-5232 Villigen PSI Tel. +41 56 310 35 24 Fax +41 56 310 35 15 Villigen PSI, December 2021

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