Newsletter of the Center for Proton Therapy :: Paul Scherrer Institut :: March 2022 :: # 25 :: page 1
Center for Proton Therapy :: Paul Scherrer Institut :: # 25_03/2022
Dear Reader, Welcome to this first 2022 edition of our SpotON+ Newsletter.
temporal lobe, were most frequently associated with an event.
pared to conventional delivery settings. In summary, these in-
After cross-correlation analysis however, the first three parame-
vestigations experimentally show that fast energy changes can
ters alone were found to be the most predictive. As a result of be achieved, whilst preserving clinical beam quality. The last
Uni- or bi-lateral brain necrosis (particularly so of the mnesial this, we are routinely assessing these factors into the clinical article by Maradia et al. tackles the issue of higher transmission aspect of the temporal lobe [see Fig.]) is a classical treatment-in-
decision making and planning process so as to decrease the and thus higher intensity at the isocenter to also reduce treatment
duced complication of radiation therapy of brain and skull base
likelihood of this complication. The second article by Giovannelli times. The group have redesigned the beam optics of Gantry 2
tumors treated with high-dose (i.e. > 70 Gy) radiation. If this et al. is an important contribution for PBS beam and delivery time to transport higher emittance beams without the need of any adverse event happens, it will have a substantial objective and reduction. In sum, energy modulation is an important concept mechanical modifications to the gantry beamline. This re-design subjective impact on the patient’s daily activities and overall for range variation in order to conform proton radiation dose to could be key to treating moving tumors by delivering high-intenQoL. Ch. Schroeder and A. Köthe from CPT have both assessed the target volume. Energy modulation however takes time and is sity proton treatments, allowing ultimately to deliver a complete ca. 300 patients treated with > 60 GyRBE proton radiation, a a major factor contributing to dead time during PBS proton thersubstantial number of them with long-term follow-up (median, >
field within a single breath-hold.
apy. As such, modulating the energy without re-tuning the mag-
5 years). Approximately 75% of these patients were treated for nets (i.e. modifying the beam acceptance) could save precious That being said, I hope that this newsletter was of interest to you skull-base chordomas and chondrosarcomas. Roughly, 10% of treatment delivery time. PSI’s team present the experimental and I stay tuned for the next edition in 4 months’ time. these challenging patients presented with high-grade CTCAE
characterization of the beam properties within the momentum
temporal lobe necrosis (median time to event, 20 months), of acceptance of the PSI Gantry 2, which can exploit the former to which ca. 40% were bilateral events. In assessing the most robust the full. Using a modified control system, a median energy parameters associated to the incidence of these events (utilizing switching time of <30 ms could be achieved. Based on ionization
Sincerely, Prof. Damien C. Weber,
a bootstrapping analysis paradigm) prescription dose, age, ar-
chamber array measurements, the clinical plan irradiation (glioma
Chairman Center for Proton Therapy,
terial hypertension, together with D1cc [Gy] and V40Gy [%] in the
case) resulted in high gamma pass rates at 1%, 1 mm when com-
Paul Scherrer Institute
Newsletter of the Center for Proton Therapy :: Paul Scherrer Institut :: March 2022 :: # 25 :: page 2
Radio-Oncology News NTCP modelling for high-grade temporal lobe radionecrosis in a large cohort of patients receiving pencil beam scanning proton therapy for skull base and head and neck tumors Background Radionecroses (RN) are well-documented side
higher were considered Discussion as high-grade (CTCAE v5.0). For the modeling
A NTCP model was developed allowing for a
procedure, 11 clinical and quantification of the patient-specific risk for 26 dosimetric parameters high-grade TRN. Given the imbalanced nature of were considered as pos- this cohort and the low percentage of patients sible contributors to the with an event, a large focus during the modelling
plication probability (NTCP) model integrating
incidence of TRN. The modeling procedure itself process was on the robustness of the final
clinical as well as dosimetric factors to predict consisted of a cross-correlation analysis fol-
model. The model providing the best fit in this
effects following high-dose radiation to the high-grade TRN in patients with skull base or
lowed by a penalized logistic regression (LASSO) analysis includes both clinical (Age, HBP) and
brain, especially for patients with radio-resistant head and neck tumors treated with proton
fit including bootstrapping and cross-validation.
tumors in the vicinity of critical structures, such as skull-base chordoma, chondrosarcoma or
cancers of the head and neck region. For these Methods and Materials tumors, the temporal lobes are especially at risk given the close anatomical proximity of the
dosimetric risk factors (prescription dose, D1cc [Gy] of the temporal lobes). This NTCP model
could be integrated into a clinical decision making process by allowing on one hand for com-
A total of 75 (25%) patients developed a RN of prehensive patient counseling through a quan-
A dataset of 299 patients treated with a prescrip- any grade of the brain tissue after proton ther-
target volumes. High-grade temporal lobe RN tion dose of at least 60 GyRBE at PSI and a fol-
tification of their specific risk for this side effect,
apy. Out of these, 27 (9%) presented high-grade
on the other by assigning patients to high and
(TRN) can severely reduce the patients’ quality low-up of at least 4 months (median 60.5) was TRN including 11 patients with bitemporal necro-
low-risk groups (proposed threshold: 7.5% for
of life post-treatment, which is why it is impor-
used for evaluation and model development.
sis. Overall, 38 out of 598 temporal lobes were each temporal lobe) and optimizing treatments
tant to understand the risk factors and drivers The database included skull-base chordoma affected with a median time to incidence of 20 behind this side effect, so that treatments can (61.5%), skull-base chondrosarcoma (24.4%),
accordingly. For example for high-risk patients,
months. The 1-, 3- and 5-year rates of high-grade treatment plans could be optimized prior to
be adapted accordingly wherever possible. Es- adenoid cystic carcinoma (8.4%) and other head TRN were 1.3%, 8.0%, and 9.0%. The most robust therapy to favor the reduction of D1cc within the pecially in the field of proton therapy, large da-
and neck primaries (5.7%). Patients with TRN of parameters associated to the incidence of TRN TL, decreasing the risk for high grade TRN. How-
tasets for TRN are scarce. Therefore, this study grade 2, defined as showing moderate sympwas aimed at developing a normal tissue com-
following the bootstrapping analysis were pre- ever, before safe clinical integration, the model
toms and an indication for corticosteroids, or scription dose (PD), age, V40Gy [%], arterial requires external validation to ensure generalhypertension (HBP) and D1cc [Gy] in the tempo- izability as well as to minimize the risk for overral lobe (TL). After cross-correlation analysis, the
fitting and statistical anomalies.
Axial T1 with conbest performing model was based on age, PD, trast MRI of three D1cc and HBP. Good calibration (Hosmer-Leme- The research leading to these results has redifferent patients (Hosmer-Lemeshow test p-value on our dataset AUC-ROCand of 0.79 the patient-wise treated with proton show test 0.45) p-value 0.45) onand ourandataset an forceived funding from the Strategic Focal Area model were observed. The final model was given by: (Hosmer-Lemeshow test p-value 0.45) on our dataset and an AUC-ROC of 0.79 for the patient-wise therapy showing AUC-ROC of 0.79 for the patient-wise model were “Personalized Health and Related Technologies were observed. The final model was given by: uni-model and bilateral !"#$!"# =The 1 −final (1 − !"#$ ) (1 − !"#$ ) observed. model was given by: (PHRT)” of the ETH Domain. !$!"#$ !$%&'($ radiation necrosis !"#$!"# = 1 − (1 − !"#$!$!"#$ ) (1 − !"#$!$%&'($ ) (red arrows) with of the with The full paper has recently been published temporal lobe with 1 (Schröder and Köthe et al. 2022). !"#$% = 1 + , &'.&)*+.+',∗./0*+.&+1∗23*+.+4∗3,*+.)51∗672 1 !"#$% = 1 + , &'.&)*+.+',∗./0*+.&+1∗23*+.+4∗3,*+.)51∗672
Newsletter of the Center for Proton Therapy :: Paul Scherrer Institut :: March 2022 :: # 25 :: page 3
Physics News
this is not typically exploited for energy modulation, while priority is given to optimal beam
Beam properties within the momentum acceptance of a clinical gantry beamline for proton therapy
properties. Distortions in the energy spectra can in fact alter critical beam parameters and thus have an impact on treatment quality. In this study, a standard upstream energy degradation system is used to control the beam momentum
Pencil beam scanning (PBS) is nowadays the milliseconds in operating facilities. Fast energy within acceptance under realistic clinical setstandard delivery technique in proton therapy. changes shorten the treatment time, which in
tings, requiring no hardware modification of the
It allows even the most complicated geometries turn is beneficial for patient comfort and oper-
beamline. We present the experimental charac-
to be treated precisely by scanning a thin pencil ating costs. In addition, PBS is particularly vul- terization of the beam properties within the beam through the target laterally and in depth.
nerable to organ motion. If less time is needed momentum acceptance of the PSI Gantry 2 facil-
To change the lateral position of the spots, the
to scan the target volume, motion mitigation and ity and use this means of regulating energy to
beam is deflected transversally using sweeper online adaptation of the beam settings can be
deliver an exemplary clinical plan, originally
magnets, while beam energy is controlled to
implemented more efficiently.
prepared for the treatment of a cranial glioma.
adjust the spot position in depth.
The momentum acceptance defines a range (or For beam energies within the acceptance, depth-
Transporting beams of different energies re-
band) of energy within which the beam energy dose curves were only marginally distorted
Fig. 2: Distribution of energy switching times during the delivery of a treatment in standard clinical settings and while making use of beamline acceptance. Data from two consecutive irradiations.
quires tuning of the magnetic field in several can be modulated without re-tuning the mag-
gamma (1%, 1mm) > 90%. The impact on the
magnets along the beamline, and this regulation nets, thus overcoming the main source of dead-
beam size was limited and errors in the lateral introduced by the distortion of the beam spectra
causes dead time during treatment delivery. time in treatments delivery. Although conven-
spot position within the clinical tolerance. Using
are compensated for, fast energy changes could
Depending on the technology used, energy tional beamlines have a finite momentum dedicated correction models for fine range con-
be achieved under experimental settings while
changes can take from seconds to hundreds of acceptance of the order of few percent by design, trol and compensation of beam intensity losses, preserving clinical beam quality. The use of a a median energy switching
standard upstream degrader allows for fast
time of 27 ms could be energy changes in clinical treatments, with negachieved. Based on ionization ligible distortions in the delivered dose districhamber array measurements,
bution. Moreover, it does not require modifica-
the clinical plan irradiation
tion in the beamline hardware, therefore, being
resulted in high gamma pass potentially applicable in any running facility, not rates at 1%, 1 mm when com- only in the cyclotron-based ones but also in pared to conventional delivery treatment centers using synchrotrons. Facilities settings (Fig. 1), while allowing
with slow energy switching time can particularly
about 45% reduction of the
profit from such a technique for reducing dead
energy switching time when
time during treatment delivery.
regulation could be performed Fig. 1: Gamma analysis at 1%/1mm for three measurement planes in a treatment field. Results of energy regulation within acceptance are compared with reference data from standard delivery settings.
within acceptance (Fig. 2).
The research leading to these results has re-
In conclusion, provided that ceived funding by the SNF. The full paper has range and transmission losses recently been published (Giovannelli et al 2022).
Newsletter of the Center for Proton Therapy :: Paul Scherrer Institut :: March 2022 :: # 25 :: page 4
Physics News Increase of the transmission and emittance acceptance through a cyclotron-based proton therapy gantry
With the new beam optics, we have shown that for FLASH irradiations. Altogether, this will infor a fixed emittance value, it is possible to max-
crease the possibilities to treat new indications
imize proton beam transmission through a gantry in current and future proton therapy facilities. by using a small divergence value and large beam
In summary, we have developed a new gantry
size at the coupling point (CP), together with beam optics which, by selecting a large beam In proton therapy, the gantry, as the final part of propose the use of large beam size and low di- de-magnifying beam optics imaging from CP to the beamline, has a major effect on beam inten- vergence beam at the CP along with an imaging sity and beam size at the isocenter. Most of the
size and low divergence at the gantry entrance
the isocenter. Additionally, we have shown that and using an imaging factor of 0.5 (2:1), increases
factor of 0.5 in a new design of gantry beam optics the use of large beam sizes and low divergence the emittance acceptance of the gantry, leading
conventional beam optics of cyclotron-based to achieve substantial improvements in transmis-
at the CP allows the transport of larger emittances to a substantial increase in beam intensity at low
proton gantries have been designed with an im- sion through gantry and thus increase beam in-
through the gantry while achieving reasonable energies. We expect that this approach could
aging factor between 1 and 2 from the coupling tensity at the isocenter.
transmission (>50%) of even low energy beams easily be adapted for most types of existing gan-
point (CP) at the gantry entrance to the isocenter
To this purpose, the beam optics of our gantry through the gantry. By transporting 100 π*mm*m-
(patient location) meaning that to achieve a have been re-designed to transport higher emit-
rad emittance through the beamline and gantry,
clinically desirable (small) beam size at isocenter, tance (transporting higher emittance means it is possible to achieve almost 6 nA beam current This study has recently been published (Maradia a small beam size is also required at the CP. In
transporting higher number of protons) without (800 nA from cyclotron) at the isocenter for 70 et al 2022).
this study, we showed that such imaging factors the need of any mechanical modifications to the MeV beam in combination with asymmetric emitare limiting the emittance (at CP, emittance =
gantry beamline. Finally, the new beam optics tance selection collimators. In addition, the stud-
beam size * beam divergence), which can be
have been tested with measurements performed ied beam optics with point-to-point imaging gives
transported through the gantry. We, therefore,
on our Gantry 2 (Figure) at PSI.
the flexibility to change the beam size at the isocenter, without changing the gantry beam optics simply by adjusting the beam size at the CP. Such achromatic optics allow beam transport with different momentum spread so that in treatment planning one can balance intensity against fall-off of the dose distribution. These new beam optics could give the flexibility to choose different beam sizes and intensities of the beam based on the clinical requirement without making a significant change in the beam-
Editor Dr. Ulrike Kliebsch Chairman Prof. Damien C. Weber Chief Medical Physicist Prof. Tony Lomax
allow to deliver a field within a single breath-hold.
Center for Proton Therapy CH-5232 Villigen PSI Tel. +41 56 310 35 24 Fax +41 56 310 35 15
It could also help to reach the dose rates required
Villigen PSI, March 2022
line or gantry. It could reduce the difficulties to treat moving tumors and could enable the treatment with certain motion mitigation techniques efficiently and effectively. High intensity could Figure: PSI’s Gantry 2 layout in Monte Carlo simulation code BDSIM.