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explore the tastes of northern ireland

media information Phelim’s orchard, 2009

Explore the tastes of northern ireland


lavourTM is an exciting and innovative, glossy, new consumer magazine for northern Ireland, covering the Province of Ulster and the Irish counties that, whilst not part of Ulster, border on Northern Ireland. This therefore incorporates Counties Antrim, Armagh, Cavan, Derry, Donegal, Down, Fermanagh, Leitrim, Louth, Monaghan and Tyrone. The core ethos of Flavour™ is the promotion of local food and drink; eating and drinking in the home and out of the home; sourcing local foods; shopping for food (whether in mainstream supermarkets, symbol stores, farm shops, farmers’ markets, etc); recipes and menus; food seasonality and food provenance. However, Flavour™ will incorporate ALL food and drink consumed locally, whilst giving priority to that which is produced or packaged in the region. Underpinning this are aspects of the cultural and social life related to food and drink - e.g. farming and food production; gardening (especially food gardening); food culture and folklore; and food tourism. Flavour™ will also give a ‘flavour’ of local arts, crafts, culture and entertainment. The concept of Flavour™ has evolved over time from Jensen Media’s long-standing knowledge and experience, both in magazine production and in various aspects of the food and drink industry in NI. This has led to the belief that: • Although there are various UK and Irish food and drink magazines, there is a genuine gap in the consumer magazine market for a good quality, locally focused northern Ireland food and drink magazine that has real relevance to and empathy with consumers here. • Following on from the above, there is equally a very clear gap in the advertising market for a locally based food and drink magazine like Flavour™ that specifically targets northern Ireland consumers. • Every successful food and drink magazine has associated e-media with website, recipe database, blog, Facebook page and an online sales channel, etc. While Flavour™ launches as a printed magazine, a full website offering will follow on from this. Page 2

About the magazine


lavour™ magazine will launch initially as a bimonthly publication (six editions per year), increasing publishing frequency to monthly in due course.

Flavour™ is a consumer magazine, but with a focus on a special area of interest – i.e. food and drink. The editorial style will reflect that, combining light with more informative reading about agri-food and drink and food tourism, as well as menus and recipes presented in a

clear, concise manner. The content will be design led with an emphasis on photography, style and presentation. Whilst look, image and content will establish it firmly as a consumer magazine, Flavour™ will have an emphasis on developing editorial concepts that invite advertiser participation, not only through traditional display advertising, but also via product placement, special offers, hints and tips and design-led advertorials that seamlessly embed brands and products within the editorial content of the magazine.

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Core content


he core content of Flavour™ will incorporate the following regular themes, all of which offer marketing opportunities to Flavour’s clients: MARKETPLACE




Foodie news round-up, encompassing every aspect of the food and drink sector in northern Ireland Profile on a local food or drink company


One shop wonder takes one shop, one chef, one specified budget and asks for a two course meal for a family of four


Seasonal food facts and recipes

Review of cookery books sent to Flavour™ , including trying out a few of the recipes One reader’s kitchen, its design and what they couldn’t be without in terms of appliance, ingredient and cookery book, plus recipes.


The latest trends in kitchen equipment and gadgets short, sharp and sassy!



Non-seasonal look at specific food categories: e.g. cooking oils, chocolate, seafood, etc, as well as calendar related features, such as Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Easter


How to grow your own


Round-up of food/soft drinks promotional offers/best buys from retailers and/or brand owners


Showcasing the versatility of a selected ingredient in several different dishes

Regular feature covering wine, beer, cider, spirits, offlicences and local drinks producers



Opportunity for giveaways, prizes and discounts

Round-up of drinks offers / best buys from retailers and/ or brand owners


Focus on international cuisines with accompanying recipes



• Days like this - Guide to days out in the region, including visitor attractions, activities, events, places to eat and shop, etc


Regular home baking feature

• Escapades - Centred around a venue where you stay, its facilities, etc, but also about the area in general, things to see and places to go while you are there


• Eating out at - Review of a restaurant, bistro, café, etc

Mini profile on a reader featuring their ‘signature’ recipe

Inspiring children to take an interest in food and cooking at an early age


Flavour’s guide to food preparation and cooking techniques

• Flavour comes to town - The Flavour™ team visits a town/area and checks out the best places to shop, as well as pubs, places to dine and places to visit • Reader’s Choice - Flavour invites readers to nominate their favourite food shop, restaurant, pub, café, bistro or off-licence, explaining why they like it so much

EDITORIAL CONTACT: Kathy Jensen T: 028 3833 2572 M: 07801 758 233 E: kathy@jensenmedia.co.uk Page 4

Production schedule & specifications EDITION




August/September 2011

Friday 1 July 2011

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Friday 29 July 2011

October/November 2011

Friday 2 September 2011

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Friday 30 September 2011

December/January 2012

Friday 28th October 2011

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Monday 28 November 2011

February/March 2012

Wednesday 29 December 2011

Wednesday 18 January Friday 27 January 2012 2012

April/May 2012

Friday 2 March 2012

Wednesday 21 March 2012

June/July 2012

Monday 30 April 2012 Friday 18 May 2012

Friday 30 March 2012 Wednesday 30 May 2012




220mm wide x 287mm tall (10mm shorter and 10mm wider than A4) Perfect Bound Minimum size 100 pages



Trim Size: 220mm wide x 287mm deep



COPY AREA: 198mm wide x 271mm deep TRIM SIZE: 220mm wide x 287mm deep BLEED: 3mm (226mm x 293mm)

COPY AREA: 420mm wide x 271mm deep GUTTER: 24mm (12mm margin each side) TRIM SIZE: 440mm wide x 287mm deep BLEED: 3mm (446mm x 293mm)



COPY AREA: 198mm wide x 132mm deep TRIM SIZE: 220mm wide x 143mm deep BLEED: 3mm (no top bleed) (226mm x 146mm)




Top and Bottom Margins: 15mm (page straps outside margins) Outside Margins: 10mm Inside Margins: 12mm Editorial Copy Area: 198mm wide x 257mm deep

COPY AREA: 97mm wide x 271mm deep

Advertisement Copy Area: 198mm wide x 271mm deep


TRIM SIZE: 109mm wide x 287mm deep

Columns: 4 (4.233mm gutter)


BLEED: 3mm (no inside bleed) (112mm x 293mm)

COPY AREA: 198mm wide x 37mm deep TRIM SIZE: 220mm wide x 47mm deep BLEED: 3mm (no top bleed) (226mm x 50mm)

QUARTER PAGE (UPRIGHT) 97mm wide x 128mm deep

QUARTER PAGE (LANDSCAPE) 198mm wide x 64mm deep

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Bleed: 3mm


Emma Cowan T: 028 3885 1326 M: 07921 787686 E: emma@jensenmedia.co.uk

Flavour Advertising opportunities ™


dvertising in Flavour™ can help raise the profile of your company, brands and products by offering a comprehensive package of promotional and marketing opportunities.

Jensen Media aims to work in partnership with its customers, as we believe that genuine partnerships based on trust, honesty and integrity are essential to long-term success. Through such working partnerships, we believe Flavour™ can prove to be a highly effective communication tool for you to speak directly to consumers throughout the north of Ireland. Flavour™ has been developed to appeal to as wide an advertising audience as possible, embracing food and drink production and processing; shopping for food and drink; cooking equipment and accessories; eating in and out of the home; and food tourism in northern Ireland. The magazine offers the standard range of ROP (run of paper) advertising options, from DPS (double page spread) to quarter page advertisements, together with a range of ‘hidden’ or ‘disguised’ advertising options and products, including advertorials, recipe ideas, product placement, editorial features, as well as sponsorship opportunities.


Display adverts in Flavour™ are available in a variety of sizes to match any budget. Display advertising lets you ‘show and sell’ in your own distinctive way to win top- of-mind status with consumers.


Promotional advertorials combine the credibility of well-written articles with the custom content of advertising for unbeatable persuasive power. An advertorial gives you control of the words used and can include your corporate colours, etc in the layout within the design style of the magazine for ‘hidden’ advertorials (e.g. Key Ingredient, Meet the Producer or One Shop Wonder) or in your own corporate style for pure advertorial options, such as an advertiser’s recipe suggestions featuring their own products.


This is a product image with brief text and is available in features, Tools of the Trade, What’s in Store, Drinks News, Last Orders and, to a lesser degree, in Marketplace.


Other advertising options, such as inserts, gatefolds, belly wraps, etc. can be arranged by negotiation. AND OF COURSE… When Flavour’s website goes live, the options for advertisers multiply exponentially!

ADVERTISING CONTACT: Kathy Jensen T: 028 3833 2572 M: 07801 758 233 E: kathy@jensenmedia.co.uk Page 6

Flavour Advertising rates ™

SPECIAL POSITIONS Inside Cover DPS (Front or Back)


Outside Back Cover


Inside Front Cover (Page)


Inside Back Cover (Page)




Full Page


Half Page


Quarter Page


Sponsorship Strap (Per Page)




Key Ingredient


Recipe Star Ingredient


What’s in store... Page (4 - 5 inserts)


Single Insert


ADVERTORIALS (Stand Alone or within Features) 4-Page Recipe/Product Advertorial


3-Page Recipe/Product Advertorial


DPS Recipe/Product Advertorial


One Page Recipe/Product Advertorial


Half Page Recipe/Product Advertorial


EURO RATES are negotiated based on the rate of exchange at time of booking. ADVERTISING CONTACT: Kathy Jensen T: 028 3833 2572 M: 07801 758 233 E: kathy@jensenmedia.co.uk Page 7

Features list 2011 - 2012


AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2011 Golden Greats – Northern Ireland’s Guild of Fine Foods’ Great Taste Awards winners Back to School – Children’s Packed Lunches Off to Uni? – Seven days, seven simple, economical but nutritious meals any student can cook Season’s Best - Guide to the best of late summer seasonal food Foods of the World - Time to get the wok out and try out a few of our favourite Asian flavours

OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2011 Season’s Best – In tune with National Game Week, a guide to the best of Game as well as other autumn seasonal foods Apple Harvest – The ins and outs of apple harvest, including traditional and modern apple varieties and apple juice/cider making Hallowee’n – Quirky facts and folklore about Hallowe’en, plus recipes and associated products Pork & Bacon - To coincide with National Sausage Week at the end of November and including facts and information about pork and bacon plus recipes Foods of the World – A celebration of American Thanksgiving with a northern Ireland ‘flavour’

DECEMBER/ JANUARY 2012 It’s Christmas time! – Flavour™ looks at all things seasonal in celebration of Christmas and the New Year Birds of a Feather - Poultry is high on the agenda during the festive season, so Flavour™ offers ideas for chicken, duck, goose and, of course, turkey Foods of the World – In keeping with our Christmas theme, Flavour™ features some of the seasonal specialities from around the world Season’s Best – Brighten up the long dark days and nights with Flavour’s guide to winter warmers Breakfast Bites – It’s Farmhouse Breakfast Week in January, so Flavour™ offers a guide to a variety of breakfasts to suit all ages and occasions The Next Big Thing – Christmas is history and love is in the air as Valentine’s Day approaches. Flavour™ explores the food (and drink) of love! Page 8

Features list continued


FEBRUARY / MARCH 2012 Have a cracking Easter! - Easter comes early this year, so get ready now with Flavour’s insight into everything that makes this such as special occasion Season’s Best – Flavour’s guide to the best of late winter/early spring food Fairtrade – many of the foods we eat and enjoy regularly are imported, but are consumers confident the growers and farm workers are treated fairly? Hot Beverages – Tea, coffee, herbal infusions, chocolate, even hot toddies: what’s your fancy? Flavour’s got it covered Foods of the World – Turn up the heat with sassy, sexy Tex-Mex!

APRIL / MAY 2012 Season’s Best – Everything’s suddenly gone green – isn’t it just great! Flavour™ gets down and dirty in the vegetable patch. Balmoral Show Preview – It’s the biggest and best event on northern Ireland’s agri-food calendar and Flavour™ will be there – will you? Beef and Lamb – What’s your flavour – lamb chops or t-bone steaks? Foods of the World – What do you know about your Eastern European neighbours? Well, they certainly have some wonderful food, as this feature hopes to demonstrate! What’s for Lunch? – It’s sandwich week in May, so let’s celebrate with the best of butties and everything else that makes for a good lunchbox!

JUNE / JULY 2012 Season’s Best - Guide to the best of high summer food and drink, including barbecuing (meats, marinades, sauces, etc); salads and dressings; chilled desserts and ice cream; and picnic ideas Inside Out - Making the most of your outdoor space for al fresco dining, including all weather furniture, patio heaters, chimineas, lights and candles, tableware, BBQ equipment, etc Seafood and eat! – Seafood offers a wealth of deliciously diverse recipe ideas for all the family Foods of the World – A feast of Mediterranean flavours Feeling fruity? – It’s high season for soft fruits, so make the most of the bounty as it won’t last long

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Why is there a market for Flavour ? TM


ensen Media has not taken the decision to launch Flavour™ lightly – indeed, we have spent almost a year (or four!) on our business plan and carrying out extensive research on the proposition. The following is a brief snapshot of this research: Given that Flavour™ is a food and drink magazine, consumption of food and drink is an important backdrop. Recent figures released by international food and grocery analysts IGD reveal that UK consumers will spend £182.7bn in grocery retail outlets by 2015 – an average annual growth of 3.9% Statistics on NI food consumption and spending patterns are not very up to date (latest figures published 2007) but give an indication of the market locally and can be combined with current information from other sources to extrapolate scenarios. For example, EFS Food Consumption Statistics, combined with current unit food prices at Tesco on line, indicate a weekly home food consumption expenditure of c. £150 and an annual home food expenditure of c. £7,800


Every year, 125 million magazines are bought in Ireland, 25 million of which are Irish. In the UK, the Press and Periodicals Association (PPA) outlines the following facts about magazines in 2010: • Magazines are thriving - there are 3,212 consumer magazines in the UK, which reach 87% of the total adult population. UK consumers will spend £2.5bn on magazines this year *Pro rata this would equate to £75 million spent on magazines in NI • Magazines drive word of mouth (WOM) among 57% of the population, outperforming newspapers, radio and the internet in 10 out of 11 categories • Magazines drive online behaviour and are the primary driver of online purchase in 70% of product categories, including food, entertainment and holidays • Magazines deliver more cost effective marketing and can optimise audience reach at 1/3 of the cost of television. They deliver a 79% return on investment during the campaign, expanding to 177% over a 12-month period Additional research commissioned by Magazines Ireland and conducted by Other Lines of Enquiry indicates that consumers adding magazines to their shopping baskets spend 36% more on shopping than the average consumer at retail. This wide-ranging retail research study shows that magazines are the most significant secondary purchase in supermarkets as well as being a major footfall driver in a range of retail outlets.

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Why is there a market for Flavour continued... TM


In terms of willingness to trial new products, latest research from IGD found that almost half of British shoppers (46%) are actively looking out for new groceries when shopping, with a third of shoppers (32%) saying they’ve bought a new product in the last month. This suggests that, even in the current economic climate, shoppers do still have an appetite for innovation and are keen to experiment and try something new. Research published by the IGD in February 2009 – ‘Tracking Shopper Trends for Food and Groceries during a Recession’ - indicates that consumers are adopting a number of shopping trends favouring ethical and local provenance. IGD comments that ‘food provenance will continue to be important, in particular locally produced food. This may in part be driven by the expectation that local food is fresher, but also the recession has made shoppers increasingly keen to support local producers.’ In the Irish market, Bord Bia’s ‘Understanding and Targeting the Foodies’ report (2008) identifies that 77% of ‘Fanatical Foodies’ (Ireland & UK) are really interested in knowing where the food products they purchase are made/ grown (compared to only 46% of all grocery shoppers). The other factors that influence purchasing decisions are health and nutrition, ethics, quality, naturalness, craft and story and heritage.


There is no locally produced magazine directly equivalent to the Flavour™ concept. There is, however, a wide range of consumer magazines focused on food and drink and, as already highlighted, magazines continue to attract consumer spend and, indeed, can be a driver for larger food/grocery spend in relevant outlets. Flavour™ has identified its target market based on similar magazines produced in GB. Flavour’s target market would therefore predominantly be female, aged 25-70 years. According to the latest published population statistics, this equates to a target market of 548,246 women. Reaching 10% of this market would equate to circa 54,800 readers. Reaching 2% of this market would equate to circa 11,000 readers. In summary, consumers need to eat, purchase food and are interested in food. Consumers also continue to purchase magazines, despite the recessionary climate. The demographic profile of consumers who may be interested in purchasing a local food magazine can be assumed to be over 0.5 million. Reaching a small portion of that market would equate to readership success. Overall, given extensive consumer research, potential advertiser research and competitor research, Jensen Media concludes that there is a gap in the market which could be successfully filled by the Flavour™ concept, embracing local food, drink and culture in a magazine with an accompanying website and recipe database.

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Flavour and Jensen Media Contacts


ensen Media Ltd. was established as a limited company in April 2011 and is a re-structuring of Jensen Media, which has operated as a partnership between sisters Kathy Jensen and Emma Cowan since January 2010. Kathy and Emma both have a long experience in the magazine industry and are well known in the food, drink and hospitality sectors already.

Kathy Jensen

Kathy’s career as a freelance journalist and editor spans 20 years and has established her as a respected reporter. She was editor of Ulster Grocer magazine for eight years and has also edited Catering & Licensing Review, Food Technology & Packaging, United News (the monthly magazine for United Diary Farmers) and MACE Lifestyles. Kathy has a degree in politics and philosophy and is a former member of the Young Farmers Clubs of Ulster (YFCU) where she was particularly active in stock judging. She owns and runs the family farm outside Portadown, giving her a keen interest in agriculture. She has had a life-long passion for horses, over the years breeding both Irish Sport and National Hunt horses. Her other interests include food, gardening and reading. She is a strong supporter of countryside and wildlife preservation.

Emma has been working as a freelance reporter and editor for 18 years and has developed considerable production editing experience. Most recently, she edited Hospitality Review for six years and SPECIFY (construction industry) for ten years. Previous contracts include Ability NI, Ulster Business, NIPPA Early Years and Ireland’s Equestrian. In addition, for three years, Emma owned and published Irish Hunting Shooting & Fishing, an all-Ireland fieldsports magazine. Emma has a degree in management and has worked in various marketing and business development roles. She, also, is a former member of the YFCU where she was particularly active in public speaking and group debating. Married with two teenage sons, Emma lives in Annaghmore, Co. Armagh and her hobbies include horse riding, smallholding and chilli growing.

Emma Cowan

Kate Richey joined the Jensen Media team in September 2011, bringing with her a wealth of experience in media sales, as well as a design and production background. Kate has worked across many titles in Northern Ireland, including the Belfast Telegraph and has quickly become invaluable within the Flavour magazine team. Kate lives in Dundrum, County Down and works from home.

Kate Richey

Others regularly working on the Flavour team in a freelance capacity include Deputy Editor, Rebecca Kincade, plus Leslie Lynn and Donna McClelland, who both work on advertising sales in a part-time capacity.




Emma Cowan

Kathy Jensen

Kate Richey

D: +44 (0) 28 3885 1326 M: +44 (0) 7921 787 686 E: emma@jensenmedia.co.uk

T: +44 (0) 28 3833 2572 M: +44 (0) 7801 758 233 E: kathy@jensenmedia.co.uk

T: +44 (0) 28 4375 0865 M: +44 (0) 7747 632 206 E: katerichey@jensenmedia.co.uk


Rebecca Kincade

M: +44 (0) 7787 797 612 E: rebecca.kincade1@gmail.com


Leslie Lynn

M: +44 (0) 7720 464608 E: l.lynn@fsmail.net


Donna McClelland

M: +44 (0) 7872 448 939 E: donnamcclelland@jensenmedia.co.uk

48 Corcullentragh Road, Portadown, Co. Armagh, BT62 4EP.

Company Registered in Northern Ireland NI607098 ~ Directors: M.E. Cowan; K.F. Jensen; J.C. Spence

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