Paula Chamorro De s i gn ma n ag e r Strategist and design researcher Bogotรก, Colombia 646 W Bay st. Savannah, GA. 31401, United states +1(912)695-44-73
Part icipations
E D UCATION January 2015 - November 2017 M.F.A Design Management Savannah College of Art and Design
September - November 2015 Collaboration Project (Snap-On) Bahco, Snap-On.
August - November 2014 Gender, Identity and Development Course Los Andes University
September 2014 Entrepreneurship Symposium Jorge Tadeo Lozano University
July 2010 - July 2014 B.A Industrial Design Jorge Tadeo Lozano University
August - November 2013 Social Innovation Group Jorge Tadeo Lozano University
June - July 2013 Rhinoceros & 3D max Naska Digital
August - November 2013 Masisa contest Masisa Mexico
January 2010- January 2011 Leadership Course Centi
August 2011 - May 2012 Research Group Jorge Tadeo Lozano University January 2010- January 2011 Leadership Course Centi
De sign skills D es c r i pti on Able to work in group or individually, with leadership skills in small or big groups. I have the ability to create new projects using innovative methods and techniques. I am a creative person who enjoys learning about design and other cultures.
COMPUTER Photoshop
D e s i g n t hink ing
I l l u s t rat o r
A p p l i e d Theory in Design
D e s i g n for soc ial innovation
Rh i n o ce ro s
Cre at i v ity
3 D ma x
D e s i g n Resear c h
ke ys h o t
In ter es t My emphasis in design is to research human behavior and human interactions. For me is important to understand the participants in the projects to generate creative ideas, I also enjoy to develop projects using human-centered design tools to find innovative solutions.
Recognit ions
La ng u ag es Spanish
Nati v e La n guage
Work Experience
February 2016 28th Annual Ethnographic & Qualitative Research Conference Savannah College of Art and Design
January - May 2014 Design Internship Rambhajo Jewelers - Jaipur, India
August 2014 Best Final Project Jorge Tadeo Lozano University
March - May 2016 Teaching Internship Savannah College of Art and Design
S econd la n guage Yoga