Apresentacao metodologia redes sociais

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investigação social o quê, como e porquê? Novembro, 2014

investigar observar analisar reflectir relacionar

tema objecto mĂŠtodo

o que e como fazer? REDES SOCIAIS


Media + Generations 11-12 September 2009 Catholic University of Milan, Italy Generations and online media: the study of baby boomers, generation X and generation Y with radio. Paula Cordeiro http://netfm.wordpress.com pcordeiro@iscsp.utl.pt

Instituto Superior de CiĂŞncias Sociais e PolĂ­ticas www.iscsp.utl.pt

Lisboa, Portugal

Generations and Online Media (work in progress)


Establish three different generational relations with on-line media, using radio has an example. Analyse generational differences in on-line media use and consumption. General comprehension of social and interpersonal motives for on-line media use. Understanding of on-line social networks participation. Describe online media consumption habits, radio listening and music consumption routines.

Generations and Online Media (work in progress) THE STUDY:

Qualitative research through an on-line enquiry with open–ended answers.

Snowball sampling method, asking Internet users respondents to recruit other friends that they knew that use Internet.

We had 155 answers in 3 weeks of online access. From these, we considered 155 valid answers, that were submitted to statistical and content analysis.

The sampling method and the time of the year (August) brings limitations on the potential of representing the universe. Hence, that was not our goal in this study.

We prefer an in-depth reading that makes it possible to talk not about “media consumers” but “radio listeners” and “online media users” to focus our sample individuals as members of different “generations”.

Generations and Online Media (work in progress)

Findings Radio is still a company. Respondents who choose this radio characteristic are the youngers in each age group: Gen Y (15 – 19 years old), Gen X (35 – 39 years old) and Baby Boomers (45 – 49 years old). All generations find “listen live” as the most important feature in a station website. Gen Y respondents lead this group. Gen X and Boomers find news in a radio station website more interesting than Gen Y.

Generations and Online Media (work in progress) Who and where is our sample?

The on-line enquiry was applied to a sample of 155 Internet users, with a very large age-rang between 15 and 65 years old, covering three different generations: baby boomers (45 to 63 years old), generation X (33 to 44 years old) and of generation Y (18 to 32 years old). Generation Y represents 56% of respondents, generation X 24,5% and baby boomers 28,3%. Gender is equally represented, with 55% of female respondents and 45% of male respondents. Portugal gathered 79% of respondents and other countries 21%. Lisbon was the city and United Kingdom the country with more respondents in Europe. In Portugal, 73% of respondents were in Lisbon or surrounding areas; 13% in Oporto, surrounding areas and north; 8% in coast line cities; 3% in rural areas and 3% in south.



HOW DO RADIO STATIONS, PRESENTERS AND LISTENERS ENGAGE THROUGH SOCIAL NETWORKS? COST ACTION ISO906 Conference: Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies with ECREA, IAMCR and ICA New Challenges and methodological Innovations in European media audience research

University of Zagreb, 7 – 9 April, 2011 Paula Cordeiro


Hello Facebookers! How do radio stations, presenters and listeners engage through social networks?

STARTING POINT 1. Groing Number of Facebook users in Portugal/ Facebook’s popularity 2. Groing Number of Radio Station Facebook Pages 3. Kind of interactions established between people in Facebook 1. New forms/tools/platforms of audience interaction

SAMPLE 1. Portuguese Radio Station Hosts and DJ’s sample regarding to age; radio station audience; schedule of the show; number of followers/friends in Facebook. 2. Recommendations of National, Regional and Local radio stations programming directors.

Paula Cordeiro pcordeiro@iscsp.utl.pt

Hello Facebookers! How do radio stations, presenters and listeners engage through social networks?

Why are some radio stations are recovering the host and DJ’s importance after a long period of playlist and the so called “more music, less speech”?

 IS FACEBOOK THE “NEW” INTERACTION PLATFORM FOR RADIO? After all, Radio is about people, made by people and for people Paula Cordeiro pcordeiro@iscsp.utl.pt

Hello Facebookers! How do radio stations, presenters and listeners engage through social networks?



Paula Cordeiro pcordeiro@iscsp.utl.pt


How can you not be on Facebook?!


How can you not be on Facebook?! A digital ethnographic exploratory study of Portuguese users

London | August, 31 | 2011

COST Action ISO906

“Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies� Paula Cordeiro pcordeiro@iscsp.utl.pt

How can you not be on Facebook?! Why do it? o Continuous growing number of FB users in Portugal o People are living their lives with and through FB

What to do? o Understand why are people using this social network and how do they connect online and in the real world.

How to get there? o Sample of Portuguese adult Facebook users (N=18) o Online questionnaire (sample of 600 users), 10% participation rate. o Life story (narrative interview), in-depth interviews and interpretative analysis (wall description), sub-sample (10 users).

Research Questions
 Has Facebook brought us all closer? Do we have more face-to-face interactions due to Facebook interaction? How do we relate to online connections with those from the real world? Does Faceboor mirror my identity? Is Facebook a communication tool that helps real friends to come closer? Does Facebook improve our social relationships? Do we mingle on Facebook and use it as a social agenda, arranging meetings and gatherings? Do we actually attend the events we’re invited for?

Hypotheses Portuguese users use Facebook to be in touch with their friends; Friendship games and applications help people to feel closer to each other; Facebook profiles and walls help to self represent one’s identity; Facebook contributes to increase social gathering among Portuguese users.

How can you not be on Facebook?!

Online questionnaire • Reasons to have a Facebook account • The use of Facebook to communicate and interact with friends • Identity, mass mingling and gaming

Sample Snowball sampling method 63 answers/7 days 60 valid answers (10% of sample) in-depth reading

How can you not be on Facebook?!

Lifestory, observation and wall • Participating in events (virtual and real world); • Daily life information (as for activity or location); • Posting source (web or mobile); • Intimate thoughts; • Games and apps; • Posts from friends.

Sub-sample 10 Portuguese Facebook users (January, 2011) Life story interviews (Facebook usage) Observation (posting activity) Wall analysis (posting source and content)

How can you not be on Facebook?! Social Mobile Web (SMW'11) International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM'11)


Paula Cordeiro pcordeiro@iscsp.utl.pt

“se adora ver a série Game of Thrones, pode ser um potencial psicopata” “se é fã de Grey’s Anatomy é provável que goste de andar todo o dia de pijama”.


As marcas que marcam em Sex and the City e Gossip Girl

moda e televisão

personagens e marcas

product placement

comportamento da audiência

As marcas que marcam em Sex and the City e Gossip Girl

Que valores são transmitidos através das séries onde a moda tem uma conotação importante, como é o caso de Sex and the City e Gossip Girl? Que tipo de hábitos sociais, rotinas diárias, temas, valores e preconceitos estão expressos nestas séries? Destinam-se à mesma sociedade em que foram ou estão a ser produzidos? Que tipo de representações sociais e realidade social representam Sex and the City e Gossip Girl? São reconhecidos pelo espectadores? Estes retratam-se nestas representações?

As marcas que marcam em Sex and the City e Gossip Girl

análise fílmica


focus group


Entertainment media: times of branded content 36

Case Study: radio, TV and printed press as entertainment media By exploring product placement and innovative forms of introducing brands in media content to fund audiovisual production, we focus on brands, rather than products. This transmutation is observed in radio, press and television. In radio, for instance, it is noticed in advertising formats, rather than in editorial content, regarding new forms of monetizing radio contents and selling audience attention. Press content, on the other hand, has already changed the approach to editorial content, as monthly magazines introduced brands in their editorial content.


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