8 minute read

A problem solution essay


by Paula Gómez Cernadas

Sample 1: Protecting conservation areas


It is well-known that the tourist industry is one of the strongest sectors in Spanish economy. It creates thousands of jobs and high benefits, which have a positive effect on our country. However, tourism must be controlled and limited. If we want people to continue visiting the stunning Galician coastline, measures must be applied from both local and regional governments.

First of all, buildings will be restricted to an area of 800 m. from the shore. The rule must be applied not only to hotels or villas but also to private houses.

Secondly, the number of visitors as well as the activities in conservation areas must be controlled. Galicia is full of natural treasures, such as islands, cliffs or beaches that are inhabited by endemic species and spectacular flora and fauna that need protection.

In conclusion, governments must impose measures to preserve the natural habitats of the Galician coastline. Doing so, they will guarantee a sustainable tourism, which will benefit both locals and visitors alike for years to come.

Sample 2: Conservation areas protection

Human activities have changed ecosystems at an alarming rate and, as a consequence, nature is being destroyed. If we want to ensure the fact that this rich natural heritage is conserved for generations, we must take steps to protect our conservation areas in the most effective direction.

First of all, I would like to point out the importance of one of these protected areas in the province of Pontevedra, the wetlands. They are ecosystems of great ecological value due to their fragility and their direct implication in numerous biological processes. Therefore, we should protect them with special care because of their important role within the carbon cycle and their contribution to the mitigation of climate change.

Another point worth mentioning is the significance of citizenship environmental education. Education increases awareness and concern for the environment. It would be a good point if governments would invest money in activities related to nature, especially in wetlands since they are completely unknown. Believe it or not, they are among the most productive ecosystems in the world with a wide variety of species.

In a nutshell, most of the measures are necessary. I am convinced that wetlands are special areas and we are responsible for treating them with care for future generations.

Sample 3: Conservation areas

Time is up and we do not have a choice. If we do not act immediately, some areas of the Galician coastline are in serious danger. Not only the breathtaking views, but also the stunning flora and fauna are in danger. Therefore, we need to adopt urgent measures.

In the first place, we need to let the coast breathe. We must arrange a timetable of visits for tourists and locals. We also need to curb the number of visitors per day.

In the second place, I think a good measure could be to restore the habitats we have destroyed by cleaning and conserving them. It is clear that we have made a lot of damage. Nevertheless, we can fix it. There is no doubt that we must get both actively and emotionally involved. That is how we will make a difference.

However, this programme and measures should be taken by everyone, so I consider that, apart from making it public on social media, it will be useful to organize an event to raise awareness within the urban population.


The Galician coastline is going though one of the worst episodes in terms of the environment. The preservation of our ecosystem is getting the least attention of both our loca l and regional Governments. It seems that drastic measures must be adopted in order to solve this issue.

First of all, we must take into account the uncontrolled construction phenomenon: lots of flats and houses were built invading the sea front. Therefore, all the fauna that lived there had to move to another place. It is clear that it is a human egocentricity problem that only lets us think about ourselves. We need building regulations that are strict enough to protect the environment.

What is more, this fact is the result of a type of tourism that Galicia has. Especially in Rías Baixas, crowds of people come every summer to enjoy our unspoiled beaches and outstanding food. The problem is that this is not ecologically worth it and neither affordable nor fair. Tourism must incorporate an ethic and social perspective to survive in the long term.

All things considered, it is clear that the first issue is a consequence of the second one, so I am convinced that we have to achieve sustainable tourism in order to protect conservation areas.


Overpopulation on the coastline has led to enormous problems, mainly related with environmental issues. Although conservation areas have been destroyed as a consequence, there is still time for action.

One of the biggest problems of the Galician coastline is the inefficiency of the water treatment plants due to the inadequate urban planning. There is no doubt that this affects water quality, which causes a negative impact on the biodiversity of the ecosystems. The construction of modern water treatment plants is absolutely necessary, in addition to limiting waste. Another major problem is the use of harmful overfishing techniques which destroy the deep-sea. In modern times, the consumption of food from the sea has increased, resulting in the disappearance of fishing banks. It is important to plan a campaign to concern citizens about how our way of consuming damages marine ecosystems. Besides, local authorities have to develop a fundraising plan to support the change to less harmful fishing materials. To conclude, preserving the biodiversity of the coastal ecosystem in Galicia should be the first purpose of our government and also Galician citizens because there is no alternative planet B.

Sample 6

There is no doubt that the Galician coast has many protected areas where thousands of tourists come every year. Although local authorities have been working on environmental conservation plans, they need to be improved.

It is clear there are advantages and disadvantages in relation to the treatment of protected areas. Therefore, environmental policies should include mainly two fundamental aspects. Firstly, information on the importance of the diversity of the ecosystems in these areas, as well as its impact on local economy. Secondly, local and regional governments should invest money and resources in vulnerable areas to protect and repair damages.

The first measure to develop protection plans is bound to work on social awareness and to carry out action schemes, such as activities to preserve the fauna and flora of these areas. Besides, a part of the tourism income must be invested in developing restocking projects with the participation of local population.

To conclude, the protection of these areas can cater for a long-term source of income for the community, even if we have to apply strict control and exploitation policies at first to control damages.


The defense of regional conservation areas on the Galician coastline is necessary and of great importance, so local authorities should take urgent measures to ensure their protection.

Firstly, the local government ought to invest more money in restoring and protecting natural habitats, many of which are being destroyed by urban expansion, logging and other human activities due to economic interests. I would also like to mention the destruction of wildlife areas, close to the coast, in which a great deal of wild species lives.

Secondly, I consider that urban regulations are not strict enough and that is the reason why a management plan would be a positive contribution, as it would help to find a solution to the problem. In addition, citizens should become actively involved in this challenge by calling for drastic action, not only to show children the real consequences but also to raise awareness about it.

All in all, all measures are absolutely essential since all of them are part of a solution which I personally consider imminent. Apart from this, it is crucial to keep a balance by offsetting the carbon footprint.


According to scientists, climate change is a fact nowadays, and the local planning Authority programme to protect conservation areas considers it crucial to implement appropriate policies in order to contribute to the protection of the environment and natural parks on the Galician coastline and to the prevention of the devastating effects of climate change.

Firstly, and above all, Administrations have to take measures to limit the construction of new buildings and resorts close to the shore. They are invading natural parks and dunes. This measure would protect all wild areas, such as: “A Lanzada”, certain archipelagos, etc, all over the coast. They should declare some areas natural reserves or sanctuaries. Therefore, they would be protected by law. Another action connected to the previous one is tourism regulation in order to make a sustainable use of our natural resources.

Secondly, Governments should avoid the dangers derived from global warming and predict that, in the short term, the sea level could rise due to the melting ice, which will provoke natural disasters and the disappearance of many places such as: beaches, natural parks, and even residential areas, changing habitats completely.

To sum up, I personally consider that both mentioned types of urgent actions should be implemented to preserve all our natural parks and to minimize the future negative effects of global warming. Undoubtedly, these measures cannot be delayed to make our planet a better place to live.

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