8 minute read

A letter of interest


A letter of interest is sent to companies that may be hiring, but haven't listed a specific job opening to apply for. You can use a letter of interest to see if the company has any job openings that would be a good fit for you. You might also use a letter of interest to arrange an informational interview with someone at the company. A letter of interest is a great way to get your foot in the door with a company you are interested in.



Your letter of interest should contain information on why the company interests you and why your skills and experience would be an asset to the company. Use the letter to sell yourself, explaining how you would add value to the company. Conclude your letter by explaining that you would like to meet with the employer to explore possible career opportunities. In the conclusion, also provide information on how you can be contacted if the company is interested in following up with you.


Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am writing to show my interest in volunteering for your “Get-involved-in-our-political-campaign” programme. I am really keen on local issues that need to be solved and I consider that citizens must be implied in them since we know our community problems first-hand.

I have already collaborated with another local campaign to promote different aspects related to the environment, particularly implementing measures to increase our recycling habits. We tried to make people aware of their role protecting the earth, and all the small actions we can take to contribute to a global purpose.

As a result of this experience, I have highly developed my skills of working in teams or communicating and interacting with people.

I would like to receive more information about your programme, so I would appreciate it if you could let me know when the campaign events will take place.

I am really motivated and enthusiastic about your cause and I think I would be a valuable member of your organisation. Due to my previous experience, I have a great knowledge of the area and the members of the community, which would be a positive aspect to consider.

I am available for an interview at any time.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,


123 Main Street Pontevedra

CA 112333

m@gmail.com 123-456-789

4561 PR, Human Resources Natural Party Headquarters

London Street


Dear Mr. Muñoz,

I recently read your party advertisement for the local council campaign called “Get involved in our political campaign”. I feel my own personal values and talents might benefit you, because they are coincident with those of your party. It is for these reasons that I am writing to you, since I feel I can contribute to it, joining your campaign and helping with many things you would provide.

I haven’t got any experience in political campaigns, but in my job I usually deal with many people, so I can help to contact votes door-to-door or phone calling. In the same line, meanwhile I can assist your campaign events. I can learn more about your cause and, consequently, I can better defend your programme, which I would like to know more of. As a result, getting a fair and accurate view on what is at stake in the next election, I will be a mainstay in subsequent campaigns.

I enclose my CV, so you can revise my work experience and education. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss the proposition, to know a few more details about your programme and to provide further information of my candidacy.

Yours sincerely,


From: patricia@gmail.com

To: localcampaignprogramme@council.org Subject: My interest.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I recently came across an article outlining the different problems most local councils are facing. I strongly believe that getting involved in politics is a good way to improve our society. For this reason, I am writing to show my interest to support your community and I am sending you my resume in the hopes that I might be able to join your team.

I believe in the possibility of a better society if citizens work together hand in hand and I have become aware of the fact that being part of the local government is a healthy start to change the world. I have over seven years of experience as a social assistant and during my time in this role, I have participated in the development of several projects. Besides, I have a lot of ideas that can contribute to your party enormously.

I have included my CV, which contains my qualifications, skills and some information of my experience. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions at any time. I look forward to speaking with you in the near future.

Yours faithfully,

Patricia Penela


Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Cheli Silva and I recently came across an online ad by your local council. It outlined that the local government is going through a political situation which involves a vital need to make imminent changes in your community to contribute to an improvement in your city. For this reason, I feel my own personal values and talents might benefit you, thanks to my degree in political science.

In fact, I am fully qualified since I volunteered for my local council in the last election campaign. During that time, I worked in a wide variety of positions, which was a great opportunity to show my strong management skills. In addition, I consider myself an enthusiastic and dedicated professional with excellent communication skills, which would be useful to contact voters door to door. Therefore, I would be very grateful if I could get more information about your manifesto, I firmly believe that I could be of great help.

My resume is included with this email so you would be able to value my education, work experience and achievements. Please, do not hesitate to contact me with any questions at any time. I would be pleased to give you further information.

I look forward to speaking with you in the future.

Yours faithfully,



Dear Sir or Madam,

I recently had the opportunity to interact with a few members of your party and they talked to me about the importance of citizenship contribution to the creation of a better city. It is clear that we need changes so that our dayto-day lives improve. We must bring people all together. That is why I am sending this email, so that I can get to be part of your team.

I am a recent graduate from the University of Nebraska with a degree in Politics. Furthermore, I have over two-year experience volunteering for Greenpeace. Back then, I worked with diplomatic affairs and, the way I see it, this could be very useful for the campaign. I am hard-working, observant, committed and always willing to learn. As you can see, I have experience in the field. Nonetheless, I want to get more and improve my skills.

I just have a few questions about the campaign. I would like to know the time and the duration, but I am sure we can discuss that in the meeting.

I look forward to speaking with you about this exciting opportunity.

Yours faithfully,



Dear Major,

Considering that the political campaign is underway, let me tell you about my experience. For some years I have worked for a project to improve personal and labor relations, as well as for the protection and improvement of the environment in urban areas. This experience has given me extensive knowledge in teamwork, which has helped to enhance the quality of people’s lives. Although I do not have all the information about the programme developed by your team, I am convinced that it represents a big challenge for the community.

After reading about the campaign launched by our Town Hall to achieve a better quality of life in our city, I would like to express my total interest and share my knowledge on that issue.

An important aspect of political campaigns is to influence people’s thoughts and routines and this is achieved with the participation of volunteers, whose goal is no other than to change the mentality of their inhabitants to avoid future disasters with their collaboration.

For all this, and as I faithfully believe that I can contribute to leading this group of volunteers, I would like to participate in meetings and conferences to learn more about the real intentions of the project.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Pablo Lorenzo

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am interested in an opportunity in getting involved in your political campaign as well as contributing to building a better city. I have some relevant experience on marketing strategies and would like to do so in a volunteer capacity.

I volunteered for The Women´s Education Project in Kenia last year. I enjoyed being immersed in the culture and getting in touch with the locals. In this position, I worked closely with local community centers, providing support to women and their families. My role was focused on providing mentoring support around management, financing and educational development to increase independence among the women. As a result, I believe my combined ability to succesfully deal with people from different cultures while also effectively having experienced with marketing strategies makes me the perfect candidate for this role.

I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to assist your campaign. It would be an excellent opportunity not only to develop my interest in getting involved in my community but also to contribute to make a better city.

My schedule is flexible, and I would be available to volunteer at your convenience. I would be grateful for the opportunity to meet you at a convenient time and if you could provide me with information about the campaign programme.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours faithfully,


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