9 minute read

Traffic Calming Measures

In this unit students are going to write a proposal designing an action plan to reduce traffic flow and accident rates through traffic calming measures.

The main key points to a successful proposal are:


● An eye-catching title which attracts the reader’s attention and suggests the theme of the proposal. Proposals can also have subheadings before each paragraph.

● An introduction which clearly defines the action plan to be covered and keeps the reader’s attention.

● The main body of two to five well-connected paragraphs in which the topic is further developed in detail.

● The conclusion summarising the suggested plan and making future speculations.

● Linking words or expressions and a variety of vocabulary.

And last, but not least, proposals must not use over-personal or overemotional language or simplistic vocabulary.



The aim of this proposal is to highlight the current problem with road accidents in our city and suggest improvements to the service for local citizens.


According to recent surveys, the number of incidents caused by drivers has recently increased in our city, not to mention the fact that the conditions are not advantageous enough to encourage more responsible driving. Therefore, this should be taken into account by the local council.


It would be advisable to invest money in improving road features, which would force vehicles to travel more slowly since safety for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists is vital. Other recommendations worth mentioning are to set up speed limits, as well as to restrict cars in areas where schools and parks are located. In addition to this, it is crucial to offer a better service to those who have impairments. I strongly believe that if surveillance cameras were installed in the city, drivers would be more aware of their actions. Traffic calming is about to become essential in cities and, as a result, all citizens will be able to lead a healthier and far more secure life.


If these recommendations are implemented, the current undesirable situation will probably get better and, as a consequence, not only would pedestrians benefit from all these changes , but also drivers and, eventually, city life itself.



The aim of this proposal is to suggest measures to reduce road traffic accidents in our city. That is the main reason why the final section will make recommendations to improve pedestrians, cyclists and motorists´ security.


What a recent survey conducted among our locals shows is a number of concerns with regard to the high level of accidents, mainly in the areas near schools, coinciding with the schedules of entry and exit.

Furthermore, the elderly also expressed this worries about speed in the city centre, given that they have a serious problem when they try to cross the roads. Never before has our city had such a high number of fatal accidents.


Following these main concerns, measures must be implemented combining road safety education, speed limits, punishment for offenders and greater investment that improves road quality and increases traffic signals.


According to the survey, I would like to suggest the following actions to our council:

● Local council police should give road safety education classes in all schools at least twice a year.

● The speed in the city centre has to be reduced to 20 km/h.

● More traffic lights, zebra crossings and speed bumps must be placed in the streets near schools.

● And, last but not least, it is important not to forget that we must establish fine and point systems for drivers who do not respect the law.

If these recommendations are implemented, our city is bound to be more secure and both fatal and severe accidents will definitely be reduced.



This proposal is intended to highlight the current problems with mobility in the city and suggest ideas for improving our living standards.


Pontevedra is widely considered as one of the most accessible cities in our country due to the impressive urban transformation registered in the last two decades. The elevate number of pedestrian streets, the speed limit reduction to 30 mph and the implemented traffic calming measures, have been highly praised by all social sectors. But, as a direct consequence of these changes, and following a survey among Pontevedra citizens, a significant and increasingly disapproval of these measures has also been revealed. It is the lack of parking places and the difficulties in reaching the hospital by car that the survey respondents object the most. As the council may be aware, a large number of our neighbours live in rural areas and they need to use the car to come to the city centre.


Firstly, the implementation of public transport lines with circular routes and regular timetables connecting the outskirts with the city centre. Secondly, the approval of significant discounts for the elderly and students would also be an advantage. Finally, another core measure would be transform abandoned and derelict areas in public parking lots.


If these three measures are implemented, the current disaffection with traffic politics will disappear and Pontevedra inhabitants will be bound to feel more satisfied with their beautiful city.



This proposal is intended to highlight the current problems with traffic and provide ideas for lessening traffic circulation and accident rates.


As the Council may be aware, the number of traffic congestions and vehicle accidents has increased by about 20% in the last five years.


In a long-term, a media campaign encouraging responsible driving can be launched, involving citizens in the consequences of their acts. In a short-term, school, residential and commercial areas can be created with special traffic restraints.

Another method, adopted in many cities, has been expanding pedestrian areas. However, at the same time, it is recommended to improve public transport in the zone.

In fact, traffic calming measures can be divided into two categories: a) Punishable: Those which impose fines if they are transgressed; such as restricted speed areas or speed cameras. b) Mechanic: Those which prevent motorists from speed driving, for example roundabouts, road narrowings or raised pedestrian crossings.

Both of them are effective, even more when they are combined because they complement each other.


I strongly believe that what the council should do is strengthen pedestrianization and, at the same time, establish a great public transport system between suburbs and downtown. No sooner are pedestrian areas created, than accident rate will be drastically reduced making our city a greener, safer place to live in.

I am absolutely convinced that, if these recommendations are implemented, the current underiderable situation with traffic flow will definitely improve.



This proposal is intended to outline traffic problems in our city and suggest ways to solve them with feasible calming measures. Pontevedra is a small city; however, traffic problems have been present since the capital started to get bigger. The volume of traffic in the centre of the city is unbearable and the amount of cars circulating and parking in the narrow streets of the old town is enormous.


As the council may already be aware, there are several traffic calming measures that could be implemented. They are a combination of mainly physical measures to reduce the negative effects of motor vehicles use, alter drivers´ behaviour and improve conditions for nonmotorized street users, such as pedestrians or cyclists.

Studies show that the limitation of the average speed from 60Km/h to 50Km/h reduces fatal accidents by 25-35 %.The installation of vertical control measures, like speed bumps, are also claimed to reduce injury accidents by 41%. Therefore, a reduction in the speed would improve road safety.


The council main goals would include the following:

● Achieving slow speeds and low volumes of motor vehicles

● Reducing collision frequency and severity of accidents

● Increasing safety for non-motorized street users, such as pedestrians or cyclists

● Reducing the need for police enforcement

● Reducing air and noise pollution associated with increasing traffic speed and volume


I would like to make the following recommendations. First of all, we have to take into account that TMC must be designed to accommodate emergency vehicles and that is why it is essential to avoid placing TMC near hospitals and fire stations.

If these suggestions are implemented, it will lead to an improvement in traffic flow in our city, which will be proved by the fact that accidents will be less serious and road traffic fatalities will almost disappear.



The principal aim of this proposal is to highlight how the number of fatal traffic accidents has increased significantly in recent years in this part of the city. The lives of residents have been affected by this serious issue, so what they would like is authorities to adopt some measures to eliminate it.


The figures of the current situation are extremely dramatic. Every week a pedestrian or a cyclist suffers an accident, without taking into account car collisions. This part of the city was a residential area but now, after the new bridge was built, it is the main road that connects the city with the motorway. Actually, not only is it the most dangerous zone in the city, it is also the noisiest.


The most interesting proposals were suggested by the neighborhood association. As they are clearly affected, they are notoriously aware of how hazardous the road is. They have made some suggestions, such as installing speed bumps and one-way roads, which would also mean a good way to reduce noise, installing a speed limit to 20mph controlled by speed cameras and building, at least, one roundabout every 200m along the entire avenue.


If some of these safety measures were adopted, positive outcomes would have a significant impact on the prevention of the severity of collisions and the immediate reduction of pedestrian fatalities.



This proposal is intended to highlight the current problems with road traffic accidents in our city and give ideas for reducing them.


What the council of Pontevedra does is promote a kind of city in which its population can feel safer and more comfortable in its streets than in other towns and places. This can be supported by the fact that downtown is traffic-free. Therefore, there are quite a few pedestrian areas and even bike lanes throughout Pontevedra. However, road traffic collisions still occur, although slow automobile speed limits have been installed. Another relevant aspect, which is an issue that is not being considered at all, is the design of projects that take individuals with diverse disabilities or the elderly with reduced mobility into consideration, in order to improve their lives and security.


It would be an advantage to introduce traffic calming schemes through the development of urban plannings, for instance, establishing speed bumps and speed limit traffic signs. These initiatives are aimed at improving safety and mobility for what it is called vulnerable users, that is to say, pedestrians, cyclists and motorists.


As far as I am concerned, if these recommendations are implemented, fatal road traffic accidents will be reduced and in general, society will ameliorate. In addition, there should be a decrease in traffic flow and jams, together with an evident reduction in air and noise pollution, too. Last but not least, a better quality of life and mobility in residential areas would also be appreciated.

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