Day offering savaria curved stairfriend stair lift, the ideal option for curved stairs

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DAY offering Savaria Curved Stairfriend Stair Lift, the Ideal Option for Curved Stairs Savaria’s Stairfrie d Stair Lift is desig ed to provide a s ooth a d o forta le ride over urved stairways. DAY Elevator and Lift is an established supplier of accessibility equipment offering a wide range of premium quality stair lifts for customers in New York and New Jersey. DAY offers quality products f o top a ufa tu e s at o petiti e p i es. DAY’s po tfolio of Stai Lifts i ludes the Savaria Stairfriend Stair Lift for curved stairs. The Stairfriend is designed to provide a smooth, quiet and safe ride and is a great option to resolve the challenges posed by curved stairs in homes. This model is meant for indoor use and comes with a 350lb (160kg) lifting capacity. Its key features include: • Co t ols o the a • Eas ope atio


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• O e speed go e o a d o st u tio se so s • Custo -built to fit staircase • Co es ith a ious fi ish optio s The de i e’s elia le a k a d pi io d i e a d ad a ed te h olog eate s oothe tu s fo a safe ride. Regardless of type of home and staircase design, DAY can custom-install this curved stair lift to provide outstanding performance. I toda ’s ult a o petiti e a ketpla e, usto e s ha e o e hoi es tha e e efo e. The challenge is to make smart decisions that deliver positive results. The professionals at DAY are passionate about improving mobility by providing curved stair lifts and straight chairlifts that are safe, du a le a d depe da le , sa s a ep ese tati e of the o pa . About DAY Elevator and Lift DAY Elevator & Lift is a leading supplier of accessibility equipment serving the areas of New York and New Jersey was established in 1992. The company offers technology-driven accessibility products a d solutio s fo eside tial a d o e ial pu poses. DAY’s e te si e ollection includes elevators, wheelchair lifts, stair lifts, ceiling lifts and much more. The company also provides excellent support for project design, selection and installation. Contact and Location Details 50 Hempstead Gardens Drive West Hempstead, NY 11552 Phone: (800)758-5438 Email:

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