3rd year portofolio

Page 1

Project Aim

Architecture will become a complex problem due to the increase in population, decrease in available space and the subsequent increase in prices. The average arhitecture practice from 2050 needs to open itself to a progressive mode of reusing the

The project presents the architecture office of the future, constructed in the 2050 City of London, in the spatial context of the former Museum of London. The aim of the desin is to


Population Density per region




> 45%


35 - 45%


25 - 35% 15 - 25%

0 England


Housing Prices Growth Areas: London 2015 The darker the area is represented the more is expected for the housing prices to grow on average.


available space. The high density high costs problem of the housing sector has been agravated by the increase in the permanent population

70< / h 45-75 / h 25-45 / h 10-25 / h 5-10 / h 0-5 / h

Population Density In UK and in London from the 2011 Census

Data by: Danil Nagy, Damon Lau, John Locke, Jim Stoddart,























Population Growth In London: Projection 2050

present the complexity of the future architecture working spaces and oportunities in terms of technologies that architects will have as 3D printing and generative design. In the future office the architect will be able to work closeley with engineers and constructors, will have the ability to define spaces requiered for them to use by constructing and deconstructing them using hi pesure water jets and will be able to perform heavy repetitive tasks using generative design.

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The population from London is expected to grow by aprox. 2 millions by 2050.

from central London. The first task of the new office will be to aid the problem by developing a system to increse the available houses without sacrificing the desirable qualities of spaces. The whole building, generative design and conept of constructing with concrete 3D printing is presented in this project.

Representative Image of The Main 3D Printing Space


Larger Context The page presents the location of the project in the context of the larger London. The building is located in the City of London, in the vicinity of the Barbican housing complex. This position is essential for the development of a solution for the housing problem.

So What Do Londoners Think Of Growth, And What Are Their Concerns? Most Londoners Feel Positive About Growth Close to two thirds of Londoners – 63% – think the growth of the capital is a positive. 26% strongly believe growth is positive 37% tend to believe growth is positive 22% tend to believe growth is negative 11% strongly believe growth is negative There is some variation between groups, however. While a majority in every age group favour growth, among young Londoners those in favour considerably outnumber those not in favour of growth.

Londoners Have Different Concerns About Growth Housing affordability, the availability of health services, and the capacity of public transport top the list of concerns which Londoners have about growth, with other issues such as the availability of green spaces somewhat less of a concern. Housing affordability: 67% Health services and waiting times: 58% Public transport capacity: 44% 31%

Enough jobs being created: Road congestion:


Pressure on green space:


London's environment: 11% High rise developments:


Undergound Infrastructure of London from City of London

The problem of housing and growing population has been discused in the infrastructure 2050 plan for London. The project follows the aims of this plan.

The site is located in the City of London, one of the primary victims of the housing crisys.

Residential Area

Golden Lane Barbican

Middlesex Street City West Carter Lane

Mansell Street

Temples Queenhithe Thames Ri ver

London Infrastructure Plan 2050 by The Mayor of London


The map presents the location of the site in City of London and marks the residential development areas, crucial for the choice of the site.

The x marks the location of the site in context. It is on the sit of the former Museum of London Scale:1:12500 and 1:2500


Smaller Context 3

The page presents the location of the project in the context of the larger London. The building is located in the City of London, in the vicinity of the Barbican housing complex. This position is essential for the development of a solution for the housing problem.


Building Site

The total space offers a 15000 square mm void between the walls of the Museum of London. This sums up to a total area of 1300 square meters.



Analizing The Available Space




A distance between the buildings in the vicinity is required. In this case, we used a distance of 2650 mm from the Museum of London and 3650mm from the housing complex.

Building Vicinity Axo 1



Adding Distance Between Buildings

Ironmongers' Hall

Shaftesbury Place, Off Aldersgate Street, Barbican, London EC2Y 8AA

Museum of London

150 London Wall, London EC2Y 5HN

Mountjoy House

Mountjoy House, Bailey Pl, London SE26 5PA

Bastion House

Bastion House, 140 London Wall, London EC2Y 5DN

Plaisterers' Hall

One London Wall, 1 London Wall, London EC2Y 5JU

Barbican Tenis Court

Mountjoy House, Bailey Pl, London SE26 5PA






Divising the Building in a Grid

The site regulations do not allow for a high sound pollution. So the building is devised into 10 parts that can be constructed as a scaffolding-type space frame with minimal noise and faster competition times.

2 3


3 4





5 N

There is a requirement to allow the free circulation of cars in the west-northen part of the site. An offset of aprox. 3000mm has been given to allow the free circulation of cars in accordance with the council regulations for infrastrcuture.

Space Allocation in Context The illustrations present the strategy taken to choose the allocation of space on the context. The final 3D spae represents the limits for the development of the building.

Barbican Construction Photos

Photo Location in Context

Page 1/12

Adding Space for Car Circulation

The map represents the place where the photos were taken from. It is important to note that the photos were take in immediate vicinity of the builing site. This will offers information about the posibilities that we have to integrate the building in the context from an aestethics perspective.

Enviromental Analasys


The page presents the decisions done in positioning the light wells and screw pilles to match the data given by the undergound analasys, shadow study and sound pollution.

Arm 3

Building Site

Anual Sunpath and Shadow Study The Sunpath and Shadow analasys was later feeded to the algorithm and used as constraint to define spaces.

Arm 3 3D Model Used to Create The Alignement of The Pilles and Position of The Lightwells






10m 20m 30m



40m 50m 60m 70m



80m 90m 100m 110m




Arm 3 Made ground (hardcore)

Firm brown mottled clay

Firm brown mottled clay

Medium dense gravel

Firm brown mottled clay

Stiff fissured grey clay

Anual Sunpath and Shadow Study Stages to construct the underground level and screw pile foundation.

Page 1/12

The toph graph shows the underground composition in the vicinity or under the site. It was created using borehole data, and managing a 3 point undergound section. The data colleted from the British National Geological Survey Will be used to deduce the depth requiered for the foundation to be built at and the lenght of the screw piles.

The x marks the location of the site in context. The map shows the sound pollution in the context. The data is gathered using swarm simulation to determine the main points for sound pollution.

Proposal 1

The client requested an architecture office that can use the latest technological developments in construction to design spaces. The proposal is a programable building where the space is chosen and redesigned by the architect using 3D printing and deconstruction.

Universal 3D Printer Space

2 6





Staircase 4

Meeting Room


1 Housing market speeds towards 'crisis point'


Available space for extension via 3D printing

House prices in the UK increased by ÂŁ10,000 in the last year on average, according to official figures, with estate agents warning that affordability of houses is reaching "crisis point".

To construct an architecture firm in the City of London to solve the housing problem by offering cheaper construction and design services. This place will be both proofs of concept for the future technology and workplace. The workplaces will be defined by the ability to use A.I. and 3D printing in order to generate previous unpredictable concepts that offer novelty and practicability in use.

2 Available space for extension via 3D printing

06/ sept/ 2017

Modular System

A space frame struture with modular and reprogramable qualities.

Generative Design

A process that allows us to automate parts of the design proess.

3D Printing

Offering the fast prodution and posibility to rebuild.

Reprogramable Spaces

The posibility to modify spaces by moving walls with ease.




8 Sadiq Khan is right: only London can solve its own housing crisis





The mayor of London plans to spend ÂŁ250m buying and preparing land for new affordable housing 4 1


04/ sept/ 2018




Programmers Council Aproval


London mayor seeks stamp duty revenues to boost housebuilding Sadiq Khan likens trying to tackle housing crisis without control over revenue to fighting with one hand tied behind his back

The problems from Background The Mayor of London is intersted in the development of such a poject due to the possible rewards that this would bring. It ould solve the housing problems and completley revolutionize the way that we see architecture. Such a projet would not be possible without his aproval.

Bike Parking





Engineers Artificial Intelligence

Utilities Space

The main aim is to offer a nw strategy to design faster and better. The main problem that this approach is meant to solve is the communication problem between the engineer, architet and the council.




2 Architects

4 Architects

Managing The Artificial Intelligence

3 Available space for extension via 3D printing


Computer uses algorithms and its own reasoning to generate 1000 or more designs, running performance analysis for each.

Building Massing Diagram The diagram presents the different spaces from the building proposal. It also presents the spaces designated for use by the 3D printers (1, 2) or by the concrete recycling mechanism (3).

Designer/ engineer inputs design goals and constraints, using a generative-design system like Project Dreamcatcher. Human enters specifics such as material type, weight, strenght, and cost.



Designer/ engineer studies oprions and modifies goals and constraints. Computer regenerates. Human intuition and computational artificial intelligence (AI) identify most relevant solution. Designer/ engineer fabricates the prototype, by milling or 3D printing, and returns to step 3 as needed.


Process In The Building The building is constructed as a layered process. Each level has a defined function. The functions are as follows: Utilities and Parking (-1), Entrance (0), Reception of services (+1), Storage (+2), Office Work (+3), Meeting and Presentation (+4).

The Client The client has a problem/ building to solve.



Reception The client comes to the office with the problem / building to solve.


Meeting Room

Office Space According to the brief the task is solved by a variation of methods.

The client is guided to the office where the brief is setted up.

Save Money Simulation and testing are baked into the initial design process, preventing expensive changes later in the manufacturing process.

Save Time

Does the brief require highly repetitive tasks or/and high intensity data analasys to be done?

In the time a human can create a few design options, a computer can generate 1000, along with data to prove wich designs are performance-based frontrunners.

Boost Creativity Creating 1000 of ideas, generative design opens new doors for designers and engineers to explore nontraditional forms they could not have imagine alond.


Create Novel Geometry

Generative Design

Yes 4

Go with programming for the generative design process.


3D Printing Bay

The design is presented to the client as a final solution and adjusted as required.

Experiment with large scalelow resolution models.

Generative design software makes formulating this complex geometry possible, and 3D printing enables fabrication of objets that would otherwise be impossible to make.

The Advantages of Generative Design in Architecture What is Generative Design? Most recently, Autodesk considered generative design applied to architecture, engineering and construction industry to be: “… a technology that mimics nature’s evolutionary approach to design” that” …starts with your design goals and then explores all of the possible permutations of a solution to find the best option. The process lets designers generate brand new options, beyond what a human alone could create, to arrive at the most effective design.” (Autodesk, 2017)


Good Job!

Traditional Design Go for 3D modelling and 2D drafting.


No 3D Printing Studio Experiment with a smaller scale high resolution models.


Storage The design is stored for future reference.

External Structure The spaces are constructed / 3D printed into the interior of the external structure. The structure is a metalic frame that holds the printed spaces and the 3D conrete printing system.


Section Planes Configuration No.1





Structure configuration recomended by the structural engineer

End/ Starting Segment Configuration

Middle Segment Configuration

This segment is used for the beggining ad ending part of the aligment on the structural grid. Two segments can be used.

This segment is used for the middle aligment on the structural grid. Multiple sement s are used.

Configuration No.1

Configuration No.2


Configuration No.1


Glass Structure

Primary Structure Structure Elevation (Scale 1:100) The primary structure is developed in accordance with the recomandations given by the strutural engineer.

Secondary Structure

Underground Structure

Precedents The structure had as inspiration constructuions as Hotel Arts Barcelona by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill and the Centre Georges Pompidou by Renzo Piano, Richard Rogers and Gianfranco Franchini.

Axonometric Drawing of The Modules Connected The top structure shows the connexion between 3 modules into the easiest configuration possible. This modular property of the structure allows the building to be extended according to the context. This configuration could be adapted in the future or used for a different building on another context.

Structural Details The drawings show different parts of the structure at a higher level of detail.

2D Plotting Experiment The experiment tests the posibility of a new system of concrete 3D printer to be used for the conctrution of the building. The phisical experiment recreates the most complex part of the printer (the 4 system axis) removing the vertical axis (z axis). To prove the experiment was suessfull it is requiered for the traking of the lines to be within 1mm error.

Coil Support







Coil Support

Coil Support


The support winds and rewinds the coil moving the carriage on the XY axis.

Cord Slot Tension Spring


Servo Motor

Position “A”

Position “B”

The carriage starts from point “A” by lowering the pen on the canvas.

The carriage moves from point “A” to point “B” tracing a line on the canvas.

Tensioner Legs

XY Carriage This component moves along the XY axis holding the pen. It lifts and lowers the pen on canvas making a path. NEMA 17 Stepper Motor

NEMA 17 Stepper Motor

NEMA 17 Stepper Motor

NEMA 17 Stepper Motor

Ploting Process

NEMA 17 Polu A4988

Polu A4988

Polu A4988

Polu A4988

Exhaus Fan

The process has been recorded in 6 images, showing the devcie printing a poliline with 6 vertexes. The experiment proven to be sucessfull. The penplotter even if not very accurate has managed to draw the CAD file on a pice of graph paper. This proves the posibility to adapt this device for 3d printing tasks. The results of the experiment are presented below into a comparative manner. We can see the accuracy problems given by the plot file in omparison with the CAD file.

Tension Disk

The drawing instructions are calculated by a laptop, converted and sent to the arduino board via wifi. The board send the instrutions to the arduino finishing the process by sending electrical impulses to the NEMA 17 engines.




Rasberry Pi 3 B+




1 3

Tensioner Legs


Axonometric Drawing of The Adjustable Engine Support This design is a more advanced and cheaper version of the “Engine Support”.


Plotting Path

3 5


CAD Path

Concrete 3D Printing

Concrete Pipe Track The track used to keep the pipe in an operable spot.

The page presents the devices used to make the concrete 3D printing process possible in the building. The process is marked on the building diagram shown at the center of the pages. On the right of the page are different details offering insights about the 3D printing of different constrution elements.


Concrete Storage Container Provides constatnt malaxation process to keep the concrete at a printable viscosity.

fine aggregates 160gr

sand 80gr

0.5 mL

cement 125gr

Concrete Printed Product Concrete Composition

The final printed product.

The illustration shows the materials needed for a liter of 3D printed concrete. The rest of the composition is aided by water.

XY Axis Frame The frame is used for the lateral carriages. 3D Printed Structural Collumn The illustration shows the structure of the collumn that will be used to sustain the floors. The form of the collumn is parametrically changed according to the stress that needs to be held.

ApisCor Apis Cor is a Russian company that has developed a 3D printer capable of building a house in just 24 hours

BatiPrint BatiPrint is the result of a team of researchers from the University of Nantes who developed a new 3D printing technology for house construction. This allowed them to 3D print the first social housing in Nantes.

WASP Italian manufacturer WASP has developed a concrete 3D printer which is the largest currently on the market. The printer, called the BigDelta, aims to respond to the housing crisis by building cheaper homes, especially for developing countries.



(Ultimaker & DUS Architects) DUS Artichtects started making 3D printed houses in 2012. They developed the KamerMaker, a huge 3D printer made in conjuction with desktop 3D printer manufacturer Ultimaker.

XY Carriage

3D Printed Interior Wall

3D Printed Exterior Wall

The illustration shows the structure of the interior walls. The Wall is placed on a 3d printed floor. The struture of the wall is derived from the Apiscor 3d printing wall model as it an be seen in the left page.

The illustration shows the structure of the exterior walls. The struture of the wall is also derived from the Apiscor 3d printing wall model as it an be seen in the left page. It has the addition of insulation.

The carriage that moves the extrusion head on the XY axis. Wall Precedents in Concrete 3D Printing in The Construction Industry

Concrete Recycling System Recycles the concrete parts collected from the destroyed 3d printed elements.

The project presents the architecture office of the future, constructed in the

Workshop 3D Printing

Extrusion engine

The page presents the printing process in the xy and z axis. The printing process for the large 3D Printing process is done using the 5-axis printer.

UV light cooler

Extrusion engine

The XY Carriage

Concrete transporting pipe

Carriage body Feeding pipe

Concrete Insertor

Tension cord

5 Axis Printer

Multi-Axis Robotic Arm

Printer head can move in any direction quickly

Printer head can move in 6 axis with accuray

Metalic wire connexions to the motorized Z axis

UV Lights

Used Technologies Emited UV light

The 5 Axis Printer is presented in this page.

Tension Legs

External Wall:


Vertical construction for thermal insulation insulation

Exploded Axo of Carriage


The carriage is the component that directs the extrusion of concrete in the building. air


concrete Scale 1:10 Concrete volume (m3)

Printing time (h)






Structure with thickness x (mm)



concrete Scale 1:10

Structure with thickness x (mm)

Concrete volume (m3)

Printing time (h)







Concrete 3D Printing surface

Internal Wall: Vertical construction for loadbearing or partition wall

XY Axis

Z Axis

The model shows the carriage operating on the two axis.

The image shows the vertical (z) axis. The axis allows the concrete 3D printer to develop height in printing.

Concrete 3D Printing The page presents the devices used to make the concrete 3D printing process possible in the building. The process is marked on the building diagram shown at the center of the pages. On the right of the page are different details offering insights about the 3D printing of different constrution elements.

Concrete Recycling The page presents the adaptation of a concrete recycling system. This is integrated into the building and will be used to reuse the concrete that is gathered from the deconstruction of the printed concrete objects. After the concrete is deonstructed with high pressure water jets the resulted materials are collected by the pipeing and guttering systems.


The deconstructed concrete is collected in the gutters


The collected concrete remenents is broken further down into smaller elements


Further the concrete is cooked so the water evaporates and the a powder is resulted.

Concrete Recycling on Site The image shows the machine used to recycle concrete on site. The machine is used to crush the concrete blocks into smaller elements that will be used afterwards in the omposition of foundation for new buildings.

Concrete Recycling Plant The image shows the machine used to recycle concrete on a plant. The machine is used to crush the concrete blocks into smaller elements and finer agregates that will be used for the fabrication of concrete.

Diagram of The Concrete Recycling Process

Short Section in Perspective

The diagram shows the process of recycling the concrete, by crushing the bigger elements and storing it ready for the malaxation process.

The section shows the concrete recycling machine in the interior of the construction. The perpective is aimed to present the seamless integration of the machine in the building.

Generative Design This page presents the analasys process done to gather data about the space requirements of different parts of flat elements. As shown, the gathered data is mainly minimal and maximal spatial requirements. The data is used afterwards in the development of the algorithm with a generative outcome.








Data Inputs




Names of spaces, enviromantal data, etc.

Restreictions in height width or behaivior

Desiered spaces qualities

Are you satisfied by the output?


Good Job!





This robotics company is the first to use generative design to create a bridge, which 3D-printing robots will manufacture to san a canal in Amsterdam. Autodesk MaRS Offices

Parametric Staircase The staircase is created with a series of parameters that allow the generative algorithm to adjust it depending to the given space where it is added. On the top is presented the steps done to use the parametric stair in the generative algorithm.

The Living used generative design to develop the arrangement for the Autodesk Offices from Toronto.

Experiment No.1

Experiment No.2


Using generative design, Airbus created a new abin partition for its A320 plane. Designed by mimicking natural growth processes, the partition is stronger than the original yet half the weight.

Voronoid Based

Rectangular Based

For the purpose of this experiment I will derive voronoid based spaces starting from the Space Syntax Theory.

The second experiment starts from the same theory to create more conventional spaces with a rectangular conformation.

Who Uses Generative Design? Since it is a versatile solution generative design was used for the generation of spaces and structures as seen in the cases from above.

Analasys of The Parameters

More in Depth Experiments

The top diagrams show the analysis done for one element considering the space required for a retracting bed to function. This data will be used for the forming of the parameters for the generative algorithm. The data is confronted with the space required by the rotating wall. The generative algorithm makes the choices that allow the seamless integration of all the elements in an arrangement with the highest fitness.

Two experiments are conducted to develop flatspaces arrangements using generative design scripts in the next page.

Generative Design This page presents the solution found by the office in solving the housing crisys from the City of London. They presented the idea of generative design to the Mayor of London and the City of London Council. The concept is to convert office space from older buildings to housing space. This would be an organic process by making the spaces reprogramable with movable walls and by making an automatic method of division of space in flats using the Space Syntax Theory.


Experiment No.1

Polygon Mesh

Unrestricted Form


Core Technology


Voronoid Based For the purpose of this experiment I will derive voronoid based spaces starting from the Space Syntax Theory.


Integration (Hillier and Hanson, 1984) decides how likely is for a space to be private or communal. (Nourian, Rezvani and Sariyildiz, 2013)


Control (Hillier and Hanson, 1984; Hillier et al., 1987) “...intuitively indicates how strongly a vertex in a graph (a space in a configuration) is linked to other points in a superior manner...” (Nourian, Rezvani and Sariyildiz, 2013)


Difference Factor (Hanson, 1998) “...indicates how differentiated the spaces are within a configuration” (Nourian, Rezvani and Sariyildiz, 2013)


Final Form

The algorithm fills a given space with a Voronoi 2D structure and a walking path, that is afterward converted into 3D walls, doors, and spaces. Space Syntax Theory is the core of the algorithm. From an analytical point of view, it provides a comprehensive and consistent framework for understanding spatial arrangements and their likely human effects, which we can term as the social performance of buildings. The algorithm space syntax theory has was used to generate the value of integration, Difference Factor, control, and choice. Galapagos was used to automate the process.

3D Representation of the generated spaces

1 2 3


4 5

Room links and paths +Room data Constraining space External intersection+ Intersection Mesh defined spheres Projection Plane

The diagram above in an interpretation of the inner workings of the algorithm. It explains the process of creating the voronoid structures based on the values defined by the Space Syntax Theory.


Choice (Freeman, 1977) or “...Betweenness is a measure of importance of a node within a configuration. That literally tells how many times a node happens to be in the shortest paths between all other nodes.” (Nourian, Rezvani and Sariyildiz, 2013)


Room Links


The technology used for this experiment is based on the mesh generation of objects (in this case spheres) that are used to create a Voronoi structure from the intersections.



Experiment No.2 ITG


a i




1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2






10 8 6 4 2


Non-uniform rational B-spline

Room Links

The technology used for this experiment is based on the NURB generation of objects (in this case planar surfaces) that are used to create rectangular structures.

Unrestricted Form


Core Technology


Final Form Concept


d f



d f


Rectangular Based 10 8 6 4 2 0

a b c d e

f g h


Legend a. Coridor b. Master Bedroom c. Living Room d. Master Toilet e. Storage f. Toilet g. Entrance h. Bedroom i. Kitchen

The second experiment starts from the same theory to create more conventional spaces with a rectangular conformation.

The algorithm fills a given space with a regular, polygonal structure and a walking path, that is afterward converted into 3D walls, doors, and spaces. Space Syntax Theory is the core of the algorithm. From an analytical point of view, it provides a comprehensive and consistent framework for understanding spatial arrangements and their likely human effects, which we can term as the social performance of buildings. The algorithm space syntax theory has was used to generate the value of integration, Difference Factor, control, and choice. Galapagos was used to automate the process.


3D Representation of the generated spaces

1 2

2 6

3 4 5 6

Room links and paths +Room data Atractor Point Constraining space Secondary Atractor Points Room Defined Planar Surfaces Projection Plane

The diagram above in an interpretation of the inner workings of the algorithm. It explains the process of creating the planar surfaces based on the values defined by the Space Syntax Theory.

Workshop 3D Printing The page presents the analasys done on KUKA 6-axis robotic arms to create a space for the 3D printing studio. 6 arms have been analized using Grasshopper for simulation of the maximum movement in all axis.


KUKA KR120 R1800 nano

KUKA KR6/16 arc


KUKA Model The KUKA model was imported from Grasshopper using the parametric robot control module offered by the Association for Robots in Architecture. 5 Axis Printer

Multi-Axis Robotic Arm

Printer head can move in any direction quickly

Printer head can move in 6 axis with accuray

Used Technologies


Metalic connexion to the level slabs

The 6-axial arm is used in this page.


KUKA KR90-270 R2500


4 2


KUKA Arm The KUKA Arm is one of the most used advanced means for robotic construction in architecture.


KUKA KR125-200-2


Support for 3D printing elements

KUKA Extension machine


Test On KUKA Arms Range of Motion

KUKA Arm In The Studio Space

The diagrams show the KUKA arm test in range of motion to choose the best arm to use into the given studio space.

The image presents the KUKA arm into the studio attached to the extension arm.

Roof Plan Scale 1:100

Breake Area


Printing Bay Balcony

Level +3 Plan Scale 1:100

Axonometric View The axonometric shows the building in context, in the immediate viinity of the Museum of London, Bastion House and The Barbican Housing Complex. The site accessibility is done from the western part of the building.


Site Accessibility via Car/ Foot

Car Entrance The perspective shows the car entrance to the underground level and the street-view of the building.


LEVEL 0 : Mapping of The Views

Concrete Storage Tank The perspective shows the concrete storage tank used to keep the mixed concrete redy for the printing process.


LEVEL 0 : Mapping of The Views

Main Entrance The perspective shows the main entrane into the building from the groundfloor. The main interest in this image is the atmosphere given by the structural elements that are presented in orange.


LEVEL 0 : Mapping of The Views

Lightwell Utilities Spot The perspective shows the place where the utilities pipes are reaching the main building segments. The spot is illuminated with natural light by a lightwell.


LEVEL 0 : Mapping of The Views

Reception The perspective shows the reception space used to guide the lient into the building.


LEVEL +1 : Mapping of The Views

3D Printing Bay The perspective presents the printing bay where concrete 3D printings are made. In the image the device prints a flat arrangement that will be explored by the client afterthe process is complete.


LEVEL +1 : Mapping of The Views

3D Printing Studio The perspective shows the interior of the 3D printing studio where the KUKA arm is used for high resolution printing. The studio has natural lighting from a lightwell. The studio can be seen from all the working desks so the progress on the urrent printing job is tracked in real time by the architects.


LEVEL +1 : Mapping of The Views

3D Printing Bay The perspective presents the printing bay where concrete 3D printings are made. In the image the device prints a flat arrangement that will be explored by the client afterthe process is complete.


LEVEL +2 : Mapping of The Views

Workplace The perspective shows a view in the workspace. the architect an see the working KUKA arm in the printing process.


LEVEL +3 : Mapping of The Views

Meeting Room The perspective shows the interior space designated for meetings and presentation of projects.


LEVEL +4 : Mapping of The Views

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