Quiz sheet vikings

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Quiz Sheet – The Vikings Fill in the answers using the revision booklet. Then, cover up the questions and test yourself regularly to ensure your subject knowledge.

Question What does the word “Viking” mean? You need to have knowledge of key Viking leaders; Name four facts about Rollo.

Name four facts about Erik the Red

Name three achievements of Harald Bluetooth

Give five achievements of Canute the Great

Describe the three parts of the Viking tribal structure

Use the following six words to come up with facts about Viking trade; Saami Asia Silver/Damascus


Bronze Scales Begen, Hedeby and Birka Volga Give two arguments that support the idea that Vikings assimilated along the Volga and the Middle East Name two cities conquered by Oleg in the East. What happened in 913 which provides evidence of Viking invasion of the East? What was a “council”? What were council meetings known as? Who attended these meetings and what else was decided here? Give four examples of how women were treated as “equals” by Viking society.

Regarding farming, explain what Vikings did during; Spring/Summer Autumn Winter Give Five push factors that led to Vikings going west.

Give TWO pull factors…..

Why were Vikings so effective in battle? Give FOUR fear factors…..

Now give FOUR technological advances that helped….

Now two methods of speed….Refer to one Viking God they worshipped that represented this….

Describe the features of; Odin Thor Freya Loki Sif What was a “runetsone”? What is a “rune”? What was a “skald”? How were mighty Viking leaders buried? What was the desired location for all Viking warriors?

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