Guy D. Smith Stewardship Talk
. Supporting the annual campaign is outward recognition of what a special place this is. -As a military family we have a unique perspective. We have moved a couple times already. When we lived in San Diego we attended a church where we felt like outsiders. Like were just passing through. That is not how we feel at Christ Church. From Day one we were welcomed with open arms. Lacee is a member of the Welcome Committee and has been making noise about wanting to join the altar guild. We feel like part of the community and have for some time. Some might suggest that is the difference between Californians and Southerners... Instead I Believe it speaks to how y'all are living the good news in your daily lives and in our collective church life. -Wonderful clergy: Think of how well our clergy serve us. This occurs everyday in pastoral care but it also happens every Sunday where I am constantly challenged spiritually and intellectually by the sermons from that pulpit. Being a Christian is challenging, it is not and should not be easy and our clergy do a nice job of fostering our collective growth in our faith.
Guy, Lacee and Dixon Smith
I support the annual campaign because doing so fulfills one of the three T's of stewardship: "Time, talent and treasure." I believe we have an obligation as Christians to be worthy stewards of the treasure that is Christ Church. Stewardship Metaphor: The chur ch r epr esents a collective home for all of us. A home we share with our Christ Church family. Nobody owns it outright. Instead we are tasked with maintaining it while we are here and passing on to the next "owner." The church has hosted joyous gatherings, like our weddings and children's and grandchildren's baptisms. It has also offered shelter in times of sorrow and personal crisis. Our job as members of the church is to maintain its physical and spiritual wellbeing and more importantly, to pass it on the next generation in better shape than we found it. It's a home that was built by those before us, and needs the work of all who gather here to make sure it's still around.
-Ministry opportunities here: There are too many to name. Instead of having a cocktail party culture I see a culture that turns on being the hands and feet of Jesus in this community. That doesn't happen everywhere and it is a treasure. One ministry that comes to mind is Camp Hope. If that is not truly God's work I'm afraid I don't know what is. Mrs. Brubaker--if I can get the Cherry Point Marines to stop getting thrown in jail as often as they do, I hope to be able to join y'all in that ministry next summer.
-Youth programs: Godly play, Sunday school, Children's sermon Vacation Bible School, etc. The list goes on. As a new Dad it is overwhelming to see the depth and breadth of our collective commitment to teaching our youngest parishioners of the power of God's love. There are so many reasons to support the annual campaign. I hope you will join Lacee and I in giving to Christ Church campaign this year.
Let's move from the Metaphorical to the Tangible aspects of stewardship. There are other more concrete reasons Lacee and I choose to support the annual campaign. Giving is tangible way of giving thanks to God for the numerous blessings in our lives. It is the least we can do, and it will never be enough based upon the gifts in our lives. 1
In peace we pray to you, Lord God For our ill and recovering parishioners: Art Vance, Muriel Latham, Barbara Willis, Dottie Parker,
Gary Derck, Janet Stevens, Jackie Barney, Linda Lore, Mike Pridgen, Sonja Doran, Sue Hartley, Barbara Schmalhofer, Jim, Mary Hasell, Catherine Bender, Betty Jane Bonapartian, Bob and Joan Burnett, Audrey St. John, Champ Mitchell, Janet Anderson, Margi, Bradley, Joe Freemon, Ray Stark, Bob Kohn, Linda Howell, David Hancock, Janice Millns, Nicholas Pridgen, Betty Paramore, Susan Rivenbark, Mary Kay Farnham, Warren Meadows, Janet Corcoran, Rex Willis III, John Reichenbach, Hal Cameron, Linda Foster, Anne Lutton, Charlie Mitchell, Robert Lane, Barbara Odderstol, Thom Wilson, Evelyn Hunter, LaVonne Reamer, Ed Czernik, Bill Wilson, Pat Polk
For our families and friends:
Bella, Natalie, Natalie, Richard, Nancy, Connor, Miles, Andrew, Everett, Michael, Edward, Jay, Roy, Gracie, Colt, Ken, Monty, Charles, Brett, Deanna, Cindy, Don, LaBinda, Barry, Rusty, Owen, Bobby, Anne, Brenda & Family, Liesel, Tate, Audra, Sally, Ruth, Kathy, Nancy, Denise, Tony, Barbara, Charlie, Ann, Mathias, Katherine, Alex, Linda, Ginny, Dennis, Mary Dunn, Jim, Teresa, Bill, Robert, Michael, Dorothy, Julia, Ian, Lee, Jessica, Michael, Dan, Steve, Andy, Matthew, Heath, Glen
For our deployed military:
Capt. Jason White, Cpl. Jason Church, Sgt. Bill Jarvis, Capt. Paul Truog, LCPL Ross Drury, Andrew Konzen, Capt. Delbert R. Patton, SSG Andrea D. Eubanks, CW02 Justin Harshner, Army Spec. Devin Clarke, Capt. John Jones
For our parishioners in boarding school and college:
Amanda Buffa, Ashley Buffa, Davis Cook, Anna Louise Flanagan, Campbell Huddle, Jack Huddle, William Little, Alex Norwood, Carlee Peele, Htoo Soe, Kiaishia Squires, John Thomas, Zack Thuringer, Dequan Williams
Calendar Sunday, October 29 7:30am 8:45am 10:00am 10:00am 11:00am 4:00pm
Monday, October 30 11:30am 12:00pm
Small Wonders NA Contemplative Group
Tuesday, October 31 8:00am 10:00am 2:00pm 6:30pm
Holy Eucharist Women’s Book Study OSL Small Wonders NA
Wednesday, November 1 10:00am 11:00am 4:30pm 5:15pm
Holy Eucharist /Healing Service Rector’s Bible Study - Gospel of St. Luke Music & Movement for children Wednesday Night Adult Ed.
6:00pm 6:00pm 6:15pm
EfM Evensong AA meeting (open)
The family and friends of Nancy Richards , former member of Christ Church
For all refugee families especially:
Harrison Center at Christ Church
Thursday, November 2 12:30pm 2:00pm 6:30pm
For those who mourn:
Eucharist I Eucharist II Contemporary Music Prayer Book Sunday School for all ages Eucharist II Traditional Music Fall Festival
Compassionate Listening St. Frances ECW Small Wonders NA
Friday, November 3
Saturday, November 4 Sunday, November 5 Birthday & Anniversary Sunday
Leonardo, Viviana and Mariann
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:
7:30am 8:45am
St. Andrews on the Sound, Wilmington
sic 10:00am 11:00am 4:30pm 5:00pm
The flower on the altar are given to the Glory of God and in thanksgiving for the 60th wedding anniversary of Jim and Joan Phillips.
Eucharist I Eucharist II Contem porary M uSunday School for all ages Eucharist II T raditional M usic Mother’s Group POD EYC (3rd, 4th, 5th)
EYC Fall Schedule
Nominees for Vestry
The Vestry Nominating Committee is pleased to present the follow six individuals who have agreed to have their names placed in nomination:
October 29th Fall Festival 3-6 pm
Stephen Clayton Bill Dorn Sheridan Holstein Dev Lippitt Jean Reichenbach Aira Underhill
November 5th P.O.D. 3rd, 4th, 5th. November 12th Regular EYC November 19th Regular EYC November 26th
Nominations from the floor can be made at 10:00am on Sunday, October 29. Voting will be held at the Annual Meeting of Christ Church on Sunday,
Thanksgiving Weekend
(No EYC)
December 3rd P.O.D. 3rd,4th,5th. December 10th Parent’s Night Out Event
Farmworkers, Year Round Many of us are changing over our wardrobes, putting away summer clothes and taking out winter clothes at this time of year. Please look for clothes items you can donate to the farmworkers as you do so. Although less in number, in the fall, winter and spring, Farmworkers are here in North Carolina all year-round doing farm work. Planting starts as early as March, and harvesting ends as late as the following January.
December 17th End of Year EYC
Will take place Today, October 29th. Remember all contributions go straight to outreach - no overhead. UTO envelopes and boxes will be available in the pews prior to the collection.
To help keep the farmworkers warm and dry during these cool and wet seasons, and projected from pesticides in the warmer weather, we are collecting the following items, used or new: Bedding (sheets pillows, pillow cases & blankets) Men’s jeans (waist sizes 30, 32, 33, 34) Long sleeve shirts, any size Hoodies Athletic shoes Men’s rain boots Men’s (or medium to large women's) rain jackets Winter jackets
We will collect through Oct. 29th—Dec. 3. for more information contact: Anne or Jerry Ocorr.
Hand Bells
Christ Church is alive with the possibility of sounds from hand bells We are looking to restart the Hand Bell Choir at Christ Church. We are looking for those that would like to participate in this music ministry. Prior hand bell ringing experience not necessary, but some ability to read music is needed. There are many bells and not enough hands to play. The main requirement is you have a love of music and be willing to attend practices. There will be a display of bells in the Parish House today. You are invited to come see the bells and try your hand at playing one or just to get more information about the bell choir. There will be a sign-up sheet at that time. We are hoping there is enough interest to join the group. No practices have been scheduled at this time. If you would like more information please contact Kathleen Gormley at or by phone 634-1749. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Hand Bell Committee: Jean Reichenbach, Janet Peregoy & Kathleen Gormley
Christ Church Classifieds PUMPKIN PATCH - WE STILL NEED YOU TO HELP! SALES PEOPLE NEEDED There are still a few days left to fill for pumpkin sales next week. Help us get through the home stretch! (Please call the church office to sign up 252.633.2109)
PARISH HALL EXHIBIT FOR WINTER Please look around your home for a wall hanging or create one of your own with colors and phrases of joy for the Christmas season. Words could be from poems, hymns or from your heart in a design that would fit with the use of the Parish Hall. These hangings can be floating material or framed, but must not exceed 24 wide x 36 long and be “hanging ready” with wire. Drop off your hangings Saturday, December 2nd from 11 am to 1 pm in the Parish hall. The exhibit will be up until the end of February. For more information contact Vicki Vitale Farrow
HOW DO I TURN IN MY PLEDGE CERTIFICATE? So the pledge brochure has arrived and you have had the opportunity to read and reflect on the magnitude of God’s love. Now we ask, with an attitude of gratitude for the gifts God has given you, to prayerfully consider your annual pledge. After completing your pledge certificate, it may be mailed to Christ Church or you may drop it off at the reception desk with Suzanne. You may also pledge online at Thank you for sharing the gifts God has so generously given to you.
All Saints' Evensong
Sunday, November 5th at 5:30pm Middle Street, New Bern - Tickets are $75 each and can be purchased either online or at church through DJ Besack- (252) 658-4789
Wednesday, Nov. 1st 6:00pm
This service will take the place of the regular Wednesday program. Dinner will still be available in the Harrison Center at 5:15 and the Children's Program will take place.
Now collecting for MERCI Clinic: Paper towels Toilet paper Boxes of tissues
All Saints' Day is a time to remember those who have gone on before us, especially in the last year. If you have lost a loved one since November 1, 2016 and would like them remembered at this service and on Sunday, Nov. 5th, please email the name to:
Please bring these items to the reception area to the designated bins.