Silent connections

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Silent connections

Paul du Buf

Silent connections

Table Of Contents









When and Where

8 Page 1

Silent connections Page 2

Silent connections

Connections Connection in stillness, being a witness, metaphor for timelessness. Allowing to be with the other, a re ection of ourselves. Witnessing allows for a meeting in presence, recognising the other as you. Being the body, space, environment and relationship that we are.Â

Connection with our hearts, metaphor for our relationships in this moment. Sensing the depth of our hearts and the relational eld that we inhabit. All is welcome, all rainbow feelings from love to heartache. Sharing the space of our environment and relationship space.Â

Connection with our bodies, metaphor for our unique embodiment in this moment. Being grounded, noticing our breath, sharing our experience of being a body. Our physical manifestations can be sensed and expressed through movement. Feeling our physical body and its ability to express itself and our inside space. Page 3

Silent connections Page 4

Silent connections

Structure 1 minute in silence: allowing you to relax, arrive, simply notice how you sit, how you breathe. Noticing the space inside and outside of you. Allowing your gaze to be di use, inwardly orientated, not focussed on anything in particular. Allow yourself to arrive and relax.

2 minutes in stillness: being aware of your experience without focussing on any speci c element in your experience. Relaxed awareness of yourself, your experience, your environment and the other. Allowing your gaze to also be outwardly orientated. All is good, all is welcome.

3 minutes for relating: allowing and noticing the natural connection that you have and experience with an other. Perhaps noticing sensations arising, changing and disappearing or a neutral response. All is good, all is welcome. 4 minutes for sensing / moving: tuning more into the experience of your body, your senses and maybe move a little. These can be subtle micro movements or visible movements, inwardly or outwardly. In connection with the other or more from within. All is good, all is welcome.

5 minutes for integration: this time allows to re ect, relax, allowing associations to show themself, feeling grateful, close your eyes, enjoy the moment ..... Page 5

Silent connections Page 6

Silent connections

Focus Allowing stillness to connect; connecting as timelessness With an other, a re ection of ourselves Presence, allowing, seeing, sensing Being body, space, environment, relationship as we are

Feeling hearts connecting in moments Sensing hearts and space-time All is welcome, rainbow sensations, kaleidoscopical memories Sharing environment and relationship space

Exploring and sensing our embodiment in this moment Grounding, breathing, feeling, associating, imagining, thinking, wanting Movement as an inner stillness sensation Moving as expression in a sensing space of questions and answers Page 7

Silent connections

Meetings Meeting in silence allows us to develop our capacity to be with others and ourself just as we are without a story.

My invitation for 10 minutes is to allow your experience, feelings, emotions, associations just as they are.

These experiences are like gold that silent connections allows to uncover in the opportunity just to be with what arises, in gratitude, in partnership, in stillness, in silence.

In the meeting please turn on your video allowing for a visual connection. You can relax as your microfone is muted.

Welcome to silent connections!

I look forward seeing and connecting with you in silence!

Paul Page 8

Silent connections

When and Where November 2020 Saturday 7 - 14 - 21 - 28 @ 5pm UK, 6pm Europe, 10am Vancouver, 1pm New York time Sunday 8 - 15 - 22 - 29 @ 5pm UK, 6pm Europe, 10am Vancouver, 1pm New York time

December 2020 Saturday 5 - 12 - 19 @ 5pm UK, 6pm Europe, 10am Vancouver, 1pm New York time Sunday 6 - 13 - 20 @ 5pm UK, 6pm Europe, 10am Vancouver, 1pm New York time

Silent connections meetings: Zoom Meeting:

Silent connections information: Facebook page: Page 9

Paul du Buf

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