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Limassol Nautical Club
by PaulGC
For this edition of keeping it all things summery, we resisted choosing a bar or something that reflected the nighttime, and thought it was better to forsake a hangover and instead take part in something relatively healthy.
Having sat in many of the eating and drinking establishments that go from the part of the seafront that houses the Crowne Plaza. I have always found it incredibly relaxing to sit and watch the small boats leave Limassol Nautical Club and go off gently into the distance.
Watching the boats go over the tiny white crests of waves, gathering speed to go far out to sea kind of helps address with the childhood trauma of being taught how to use what my teachers of the time would could very loosely describe a boat, on the once yearly charade of ‘let’s show the inner city school some nature stuff’. We were shouted at from the sidelines, by our sports teacher whose only relationship with the sea appeared to be an excessive and enthusiastic relationship with rum. Whilst bellowing at us that we are a seafaring nation, from under the comfort of his umbrella, and his feet being firmly on terra firma.
Myself and my boat based companions did receive several mild concussions from being hit several times on the head, from the randomly swinging mast which seemed to operate on its own set of rules. It always kind of put me off sailing as a past time when the opportunity arose in adulthood.
For some reason they always chose to do this activity around November time, when the wind and rain were driving in your face, where you seemed to have a constant existence of being constantly cold and wet.
LNC Waterpolo Credit: Andreas Mylonas

You kind of got the feeling that this was just some government box ticking exercise to show us some water and to float on it, with nothing really being gained by any of the parties involved. The main highlight of that day was seeing RIcky Barnes falling into the cold grey unforgiving mistress that this lake represented.
Barnesy was reliably informed by the rest of us sons of Poseidon that he probably did not have a future in the navy, by the use of various colourful anglo saxon words and phrases, along with several international hand signals and gestures...the innocence of youth! It was great that the Limassol Nautical Club completely cured me of all of the above, and also helped me enjoy many sea based activities. The LNC offers great tutelage to kids by professionals who understand how to use a boat in an incredibly safe manner.
Moreover, it also teaches both you and them great skills, such as teamwork and confidence in handling new situations . Having come from the frozen north, I can honestly say that you will not get a better environment to be taught or have your kids learn something new.

One thing I always felt about these types of places is that they seemed very exclusive. However, Anastasia Georgiou from the Limassol Nautical Club let us know that it prides itself as an institution that is very inclusive. “We give access to as many people as possible. Moreover, by having this way of operating has given us the honour of being represented at the olympics by such people as Pavlos Kontides (Silver medal London 2012) and Karolina Pelendritou (Gold medal Athens 2004 and Beijing 2008), which is quite remarkable when you think of the size of the country.”
The costs are not prohibitive, the LNC is run as a non profit organisation which will no doubt go a long way in helping past, present and future olympians get access to the sea to keep their skills sharp.
Moreover, if you are a local brand looking to provide some well earned sponsorship for the LNC, why not consider sponsoring them or some of the local clubs and give the grass roots improved resources.
After being closed indoors for what seemed like eons, I cannot think of a better way to enjoy your freedom than getting out in the sun and the deep blue mediteranean that surrounds this wonderful country and try something new.

Furthermore, with being in nature a great mental antioxidant, one thing you feel is that you have actually done something with your free time over the weekend, and by having an actual experience as opposed to just laying under the AC, it;s a great way to spend a couple of hours in your free time.
For more information on the great programmes that the Limassol Nautical Club runs you can visit their web site www.limassolnauticalclub.com