2 minute read
by PaulGC
Ask Iva!
Dear Iva,
I have found that working with an EMI can offer me and my brand a huge amount of flexibility in sending and receiving transactions. However, my biggest challenge with them is that they are very impersonal, often just being a website and no real contact person apart from an email and perhaps a skype call. I would like to know your thoughts on this, as no doubt EMI’s can play a solid role in any institution’s payments structure. All the best
Kevin Fondue.
Dear Kevin,
This is a really interesting point that you bring up. I was discussing this with a new client that we onboarded last week. Although he was keen to see that we were well regulated and the twelve tier one banks in our network, interestingly one of his key criterias in taking on a new EMI was the personal touch. Like this gentleman I have always found the ‘who are you?’ factor huge when I make major purchase or new service decisions.This can be from choosing a new restaurant to eat lunch in, or identifying the new partners that we like to work with.
The main challenge that he had faced was the anonymity of the previous service providers they had used which although may have been adequate as a provider, they always had that 1% of doubt as they are relatively generic and have an anonymous website with just a very basic support email address. At Breinrock we do like to do things radically different to our peers with regards to this. We actively like to meet our clients in person at our various offices or the many events that we attend. Not only do they get to meet the people behind the service, it is a great way to get to understand their specific needs and to teach them how to use our technology, so they can maximize our service. Moreover, they can understand Breinrock as an organization and to also see how we work so we can have a truly symbiotic relationship. Further to this, once you get to know the support staff personally you do not feel bad if you ask a question, which is always welcome as we understand that you are dealing with a new technology and service provider so it helps us have well informed clients. If you cast your mind back ten to fifteen years ago, you used to be able to walk into your local bank and probably know the name of your bank manager, and more importantly they got to know you also. Why can we not do this with an EMI service where it is logistically possible? In the internet era we have lost the personal touch, with a huge amount of high street branches closing, humans really do need contact to make a relationship flourish. Although Breinrock is definitely not a bank and should not be confused with one, we are looking to bring back the traditional values that they had with customer relationships that have long since disappeared in the internet era. Come up to our office and let’s see how Breinrock can help you. Thanks. Iva.
To find out more about how Breinrock can help you, mail us on welcome@breinrock.com