STXscene #15

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Entertainment Resource Guide Issue #15 • Dec. 23, 2013-Jan. 5, 2014 Bi-Weekly

in remembrance of


P. 2

DECEMBER 23, 2013-JANUARY 5, 2014

Eat healthy for the holidays Treadwell explained, “Pretty much what happens is I open up at 6:30 a.m., and I go until 1:30 p.m. Then I have a little break to go and shop for whatever I need. “Then I go from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. for people who are just getting off of work. Then after that is when I have to go home and cook the meals. So I spend all night cooking, and then I’m back here in the morning.”

Growing up in a small town and trying to be health conscious are two things that don’t go very well together. Especially if you’re always on the run during the holidays when it’s just easier to head to the nearest fast food or Mexican restaurant and grab lunch or dinner. But now there’s a new, healthier option in Beeville. Located at 419 N. Washington St. in the same building as the local BTX Crossfit studio, Meals N Thrills has everything you’d need to eat right on the run. Jennifer Treadwell, who opened up Meals N Thrills in early December, said, “We bring in Paleo and clean eating meals that consist of pretty much anything natural, so you’re not putting in any preservatives into your body.” And Treadwell setting up shop at the Crossfit

There’s no set menu, and every day there’s something new and difstudio wasn’t just by acci- ferent. But that’s part of dent. Her boyfriend is Meals N Thrills unique JoJo Gonzales, who runs appeal. the fitness studio, and “I try to mix it up with though they tried numerdifferent things daily ous other locations, it just just so people will have made sense to open there. a big variety of items and Gonzales said, “I don’t not stuck to just chicken think there’s anything and rice,” Treadwell said else in town that offers laughing. “Because that’s cleaner, healthier nutri- what people think, eating tion. healthy is just chicken “Aside from just cook- and rice.” ing the meals, we try to Her meals include tell them why it’s cleaner steak, chicken, turkey, and why the meals are sushi and much more. cooked this way and what And for the price of a products and ingredients plate of enchiladas with are in them. People with rice and beans (well more health issues will obvi- than your recommended ously benefit.” daily amount of calories) Now, it’s not your usual you can get a great tastrestaurant. When you ing, fresh meal, correctly step into Meals N Thrills portioned out in either 5 you’ll see a few tables, oz. or 10 oz. servings that a microwave and a glass you can just pop into the two-door fridge stocked microwave. with containers. Treadwell cooks the meals, usually the night before, and brings them in, so every meal is pretty fresh.

editor: Paul Gonzales email: phone: (361)358-2550 website: twitter: @stxscene facebook: Published bi-weekly by Beeville Publishing Co.

Gonzales said, “You can go to Chili’s and try to order healthy, but the chicken breast is going to have a ton of sodium. It’s just the way they get it. “And, obviously, at the end of the day people have a choice of what to do. If they want to go through the drive through and get fries or go spend $40 on two meals, but here there’s convenience, and it’s quick.” And if you ever want to know what they’re serving that day, Treadwell updates the Meals N Thrills Facebook page, MealsnThrills, to let people know what’s on the menu that day. “There’s usually an item that will be sold out, so I just change it up every day. I try to keep five different items in there, plus the desserts, so sometimes there’s a little bit more, so you’ll have to come earlier rather than later because most times it ends up selling out. “We have some people that come in and get their whole meals for the week. I have weekly plans and, of course, we have the buy 10, get one free, and then if they want a monthly plan, we can do that too.” So what made this Beeville native decide to start up such a healthy

eatery? Treadwell explained, “I left for 10 years and then I moved back just a year ago, and I realized that there wasn’t really any healthy place to eat in Beeville. “And the biggest thing is convenience. People can cook healthy, but it takes a long time, so why not me? I can cook for people, and it’s convenient for them to just come in here, pick up a meal and take it home, pop it in the microwave, and you’re done. “So I decided this is what I was going to do, so I opened this place up.” Gonzales added, “In places like Austin, people will buy into the grassfed beef and farm-raised chickens. “Beeville’s going to be a little tougher. There’s probably a minute handful of people that understand that or will pay an extra 50 cents to $1 for it. But in the meantime, we can at least offer comfort foods and healthier Paleotype foods in a little to-go meal in a proper portion

size.” So far, the eatery has been doing pretty well, with people coming from Kenedy, George West and Goliad stopping in to grab a week’s worth of meals. “Pretty much on a daily basis, I’ve sold out of items,” Treadwell said. “I think the first day I had 120 meals in, and when I walked out the door I had 10. So it’s pretty good. “I’m getting more ‘likes’ on the Facebook page, and people are asking more questions. “It’s getting pretty big. I’m cooking lots,” she said with a laugh. And having had a meal from their healthy eating spot, it’s clear that this place will be around for a while. The food tastes great, and afterward you’ll never guilty or bloated. The worst thing about the eatery is trying to explain to your wife that you like another woman’s cooking more than hers. Good luck with that.

P. 3

’ an interview with Santa Claus

The other day, while visiting a local watering hole, I sat next to a fat, bearded gentleman dressed in a red jumpsuit with a red hat on the bar next to him. At any other time it would’ve been a strange sight, but it being so close to Christmas I figured it had to be him. Santa. And upon further investigation, it was clear that it could quite possibly be jolly St. Nick. So I took to Facebook and immediately posted the question, “If you could ask Santa anything, what would it be?” Armed with a few online questions and my impeccable journalistic abilities, I was

ready to confront the man in red. Little did I know, he may have had a few too many. STXscene: Hi, excuse me, are you Santa Claus? Santa Claus: Sure, why not? (motions for the bartender to bring him another shot of what smelled like gasoline) STX: So how’s your holiday been? SC: My wife left me for an elf yesterday, and they took our only good reindeer. How do you think it’s going? How’s your holiday going? Get any presents?! STX: Well, it’s not Christmas, yet.

SC: Well, it doesn’t matter because I’m not giving you anything! STX: How do you know who I am? SC: I know everything. I’m Santa. (taps his forehead, swaying) STX: OK. So what do you love about Christmas? SC: All the free presents I get. STX: Oh, do kids leave you gifts and stuff? SC: No, they don’t! All I get is cookies at every house I go to and milk. Milk! It’s bad enough I’m diabetic now, but no one bothered to write down that I’m lactose intolerant in any of those books you buy your kids. Why not leave some rum and some quarters, so I can pay for parking every once in a while? You think I like landing on top of people’s house? STX: I can see how that would be a little inconvenient; but you have to come down the chimney, don’t you? SC: (grabs his gut) Do you think I can fit down a chimney? STX: I see. Well, moving on, how are the reindeer doing? Besides the

one that was taken. SC: Look, man. Reindeer stink. All they do is eat and s**t all year long. And what do they eat? Not snow, that’s for sure. And you feed them the generic stuff because they start gaining weight, and then they’re useless. STX: What do kids get in their stocking if they’re bad these days? Coal seems a little passé. SC: I told you I was lactose intolerant, right? STX: Here’s a question from Facebook. Is President Obama on the naughty list this year? SC: Ha! I made a whole new list just for him! Do you know how many employees I have? Do you think I can afford insurance on all them elves and their elf babies? STX: Here’s another question from Facebook. How does it feel being the only person loved for breaking into people’s houses? SC: That’s probably the only perk about the job. You see this? (shows me a Rolex watch) The father was worse than the kid, so I made sure he made time for his kid! STX: That doesn’t really make sense? SC: (shrugs) Oh, well. I got a free watch. How many questions are you going to ask me? STX: Just a few more. What do you do on your off time?

SC: Drink. STX: What’s your favorite holiday drink? SC: Vodka. STX: What happens when kids see you? SC: I have one of those mind erasing tools from the Men in Black movies. I just zap’em. STX: Really? SC: Naw. I just put them in a headlock until they pass out; then I run. No one believes kids anyway. Are we done now? STX: I have one more from a friend of mine. He asked why he got a Princess Barbie play set instead of a bike when he was a nine. SC: You’re probably

talking about Josh. Well, if he wasn’t a such a sissy he might’ve gotten what he wanted. Ask him how often he played with it? And what happened to his sister’s princess dress that went missing a week later. STX: I will. Thank you for your time, and good luck on Christmas. SC: You’re not getting anything, remember that. And as a friend drove me home that night, we couldn’t help but think that the whiskey bottles that were smashing down on the road around us from the sky were Santa’s way of saying thank you. And not just him on the roof of the car trying to get a lift home.

P. 4





very year, hundreds of thousands of movies are released all over the world. And thanks to Video on Demand services and rental kiosks like Redbox, they’re easier to find, but it’s harder than ever to find time to watch most of them. Yet, over the course of the year, more than few gems have landed on my lap. There’s still a few films that won’t be released until the Christmas week that seem like candidates, but they’ll have to wait until next year.

DECEMBER 23, 2013-JANUARY 5, 2014 tually welcomed change, especially after what we got with Superman Returns. Zack Snyder’s turn as director was also a pleasant surprise. Not that any of his movies are bad; it’s just that his style of filmmaking would’ve been a mismatch for this film if he hadn’t had switched to a more gritty, realistic feel. Snyder is next tackling Superman vs. Batman, which is a task all unto itself and another set of tepid expectations. Only time will tell if he can succeed in bringing DC Comics other blockbuster superhero back to the big screen with the panache that Christopher Nolan did with his Batman trilogy.

Here’s a list of movies in any genre that felt the need to be mentioned as the top five best films of the year by yours truly.

4. “Only God Forgives” This movie is probably the worst reviewed film of the year. Reading the critics reviews was actually pretty entertaining though director Nicolas Winding Refn, best known in the states for his film “Drive,” has stated that this film is not for everyone. Ryan Gosling again teams with Refn in this 5. “Man of Steel” fever dream of a movie Henry Cavill’s portray- filled with sex, extreme al of Superman was an violence, gorgeous scenunexpected, though even- ery and beautiful visuals.

It’s a tale of revenge that unspools under heavy neon lights and dark shadows and very little dialogue. It’s a slowpaced film that relies heavily on each shot to slowly unveil the story. It’s not for everyone but definitely worth a watch, especially if you’re a Gosling fan. But be warned, this isn’t “The Notebook.”

Watching it in 3D was amazing and may be as close as many of us will get to floating amongst the stars. Director Alfonso Cuarón once again pushes the envelope with his filming and visual style, creating angles and shots no one has ever done before. He uses 3D as a storytelling tool, not as a gimmick. And plus he gives us Sandra Bullock in 3D. 2. “Gravity” Probably as close to seeThe scariest movie I ing her in real life as most of us will ever get (fingers may have ever seen. still crossed). Sure there’s no monsters, aliens or ghosts 1. “Spring Breakers” popping up from behind Another film that dividdoors, but reality-based ed a lot of audiences and horror has always gotten critics. This one pits forme. mer Disney Channel stars And it’s true that we Vanessa Hudgens and may never become astro- Selena Gomez against nauts (my fingers are a crazed gangster with crossed), but if you fully dreads and a grill played immerse yourself in the by the always amazing environment and connect James Franco. 3. “Don Jon” with the characters and The fact that the award Everyone loves Joseph their plight, it’s scarier season is gearing up and Gordon-Levitt. And to than any horror movie. there’s no mention of his finally see the extremely talented actor blossom into a director is a satisfying experience that few people could pull off with such grace. The kid has style. The way the film’s edited to the angles he uses to the actors he pulled together for his directorial debut shows how much the star is adored in and outside the Hollywood community and what he’s learned after all these years in front of the camera. And then there’s Tony Danza. Danza pretty much stole the film for me as Gordon-Levitt’s Italian father. Getting to see Danza unleash his talent on the big screen was well worth the ticket price. When he’s in a scene with Gordon-Levitt, it’s almost magic.

name anywhere boggles the mind. This movie is also extremely violent and can be used as a cautionary tale for parents with daughters heading out to enjoy spring break. There’s guns, scantily clad girls, drugs and violence, but writer/director Harmony Korine blends them all together into some sort of strung out poet’s fantasy. It’s a beautifully shot film with an amazing score. And if you ever wanted to hear Franco sing some Britney Spears, this is the movie you’ve been waiting for. Honorable mentions: “Insidious: Chapter 2” “This is the End” “The East”

P. 5

Ray Price Thanks for the good times


e was credited with changing the sound of country not once, but twice. First taking Honky Tonk music out of the rowdy dance halls to the top of the charts with “Crazy Arms” and then again taking the orchestral Nashville sound there again with “For the Good Times.”

relocated to Nashville, where he met and, for a brief period, lived with Hank Williams. Price was hand picked by Williams to be his caretaker on the road and would sometimes have to step in for Williams when he was too drunk to perform.

Price recalled during an interview on NPR about a New Year’s gig. “I didn’t know what to do because they come running in and said you’re going to have to take Hank’s place. And I said ‘There’s no way I can do that.’

Ray Price was born Noble Ray Price in Perryville, Texas, in 1926. In 1944, he joined the Marines and after his tour headed to Abilene to “Anyway, they put me sing for KRBC. out there with Hank’s In the early ’50s, he band, and we made it all

right.” Price would later manage Williams’ band The Drifting Cowboys after his death. Price formed his own band, The Cherokee Cowboys, during the ’50s and ’60s, with many legends becoming members such as Roger Miller, Willie Nelson, Darrell McCall, Johnny Paycheck amongst others. Price remembered Miller coming in to audition on fiddle during an NPR interview. “His fiddle playing was terrible,” he said with a laugh. “And when he got through, he said, ‘How’d you like that?’ And I said ‘Well, can you sing and play guitar?’” Miller was later hired to sing and play guitar. Miller also wrote and sang harmonies on one of Price’s earlier hits “Invitation to the Blues,” and Nelson composed the song “Night Life.” While experimenting with the Nashville sound, Price scored his second number one hit on the country charts with “For the Good Times,” which was written by his good friend Kris Kristofferson. Kristofferson has been quoted as saying that Price is “the link from Hank Williams and the country music of today.” During a recent interview with the Associated Press, Haggard said, “He was probably the first outlaw. I think Willie (Nelson) will agree. “He was out there fighting for what he believed and doing it his way and being criticized and all that. I remember when he laid the guitar down and started hiring violin players and all that, and everybody thought he was crazy. Crazy like a fox. He

knew what he was doing.” He continued to have hits on the charts through the ’70s and ’80s, even recording some classic gospel songs along the way. In 1996, Price was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame. And as Price grew older, he never stopped touring or playing shows, even appearing twice on the Fox News show “Huckabee” with the Cherokee Cowboys and Willie Nelson. Price’s latest album came in 2007 titled Last of the Breed, which he recorded with Willie Nelson and Merle Haggard. The trio toured from March 9 through March 25. In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Haggard said, “I told Willie when it was over, ‘That old man gave us a g..d... singing lesson.’ He really did. “He just sang so good. He sat there with the mic against his chest. And me and Willie are all over the microphone trying to find it, and he found it.” On Nov. 6, 2012, Price

confirmed he was fighting pancreatic cancer. He could’ve had surgery which would’ve removed portions of his stomach and liver and caused the crooner to be bedridden for months.

“That’s not very much an option for me,” Price told the San Antonio Express-News. “God knows I want to live as long as I can, but I don’t want to live like that. “The doctor said that every man will get cancer if he lives to be old enough. I don’t know why I got it—I ain’t old!” Price continued to tour the country, playing numerous shows in South Texas, and always kept a positive outlook on his condition. He had set up nearly a hundred shows to perform throughout 2013, but was hospitalized in May with severe dehydration. He would never take the stage again. He passed away at his home in Mount Pleasant, Texas, on Dec. 16, 2013, at the age of 87.

“Don’t look so sad, I know it’s over / But life goes on and this old world will keep on turning / Let’s just be glad, we had some time to spend together.” -Ray Price “For the Good Times”

P. 6

DECEMBER 23, 2013-JANUARY 5, 2014 Taqueria Vallarta 1611 S. Washington St. (361) 358-5948 Washington Street Seafood 1602 S. Washington St. (361) 358-8454 Whataburger 1710 N. Washington St. (361) 358-1971




Beeville Diner 2503 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 362-9724 Burger Depot 515 E. Houston St. (361) 362-2400 Chili’s Grill & Bar 400 E. FM 351 (361) 354-5600 Church’s Chicken 611 N. Washington St. (361) 358-9256 Dog & Bee Public House 119 N. Washington St. (361) 354-5871 Domino’s Pizza 414 N. Washington St. (361) 358-6871 El Charro Restaurant 601 E. Houston St. (361) 542-4572 El Jardin Restaurant 806 W. Corpus Christi St. (361) 358-2922 Gasthaus Berliner Bear 2510 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 354-5444 Golden Chick 2305 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 358-5525 Hensley’s Cafe 307 N. Washington St. (361) 358-8414 Hong Kong Palace 301 S. FM 351 (361) 358-2861

Jalisco Mexico Taqueria 1401 W. Corpus Christi St. (361) 362-0841 KFC 200 E. Houston St. (361) 358-7222 Little Caesars Pizza 420 E. FM 351 (361) 358-9555 The Lodge at Shorty’s Place 702 S. Washington St. (361) 358-7302 McDonald’s (Walmart) 502 E. FM 351 (361) 358-9255 2301 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 354-5215 Mi Familia Restaurant 2017 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 358-9255 New China Super Buffet 2003 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 358-8889 O’Daddy’s 901 W. Corpus Christi St. (361) 358-5945 Pantry Stores 3803 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 358-4965 911 S. Washington St. (361) 358-8477

1720 E. Houston St. (361) 358-8602 Pizza Hut 1103 N. Washington St. (361) 358-2970 Sammy’s Burgers & Brew 2144 Ellis Road (361) 358-1067 Scores Sports Bar & Grill 1502 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 358-5055 Stars Restaurant 2403 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 358-0020 Stone Creek Grill 4402 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 354-5189 Subway 710 E. Houston St. (361) 358-6200 1700 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 358-6000 Taqueria Chapala 1805 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 354-5945 Taqueria Guadalajara 622 W. Corpus Christi St. (361) 358-1971 Taqueria Jalisco 2020 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 354-5803

Agave Jalisco Restaurant 403 Nueces St. (361) 449-8899 Burger King 4059 W. Hwy 59 (361) 449-3014 Church’s Chicken Highway 281 at Burleson (361) 449-1864 Dairy Queen 1350 U.S. 281 (361) 449-1822 Nueces Street Grill 206 Nueces St. (361) 449-2030 Pizzarriffic 407 Nueces St. (361) 449-1900 Sonic Drive-In 805 Nueces St. (361) 449-2614


Blue Quail Deli 224 S. Commercial St. (361) 645-1600 Dairy Queen 243 E. Pearl St. (361) 645-3274 Empresario Restaurant 141 S. Courthouse Sq.

(361) 645-2347 Hanging Tree Restaurant 144 N. Courthouse Sq. (361) 645-8955 La Bahia Restaurant 1877 US 183 (361) 645-3900 Subway 420 E. Pearl St. (361) 645-3709 Whataburger 348 E. Pearl (361) 645-8800


Becky’s Cafe 201 W Calvert Ave. (830) 780-4339 Big Daddy’s Tarbender’s 426 CR 298 (830) 780-3202 Dairy Queen Texas 80 (830) 780-2712 El Mariachi Jalisco Restaurant 118 Texas 123 (830) 780-3350 The Market Sat. & Sun. only 208 E. Calvert Ave. (830) 780-3841 Partner’s BBQ 204 S. Hwy. 123 (830) 780-5121 Polak’s Sawsage Farm Restaurant 2835 U.S. 181 (830) 583-2113 Taqueria Vallarta 202 Texas 123

(830) 780-2465


The Backyard Grill 496 N. Sunset Strip St. (830) 583-0438 Barth’s Restaurant 445 N. Sunset Strip St. (830) 583-2468 Church’s Chicken 110 N Sunset Strip St. (830) 583-9030 Jerry B’s 4531 U.S. 181 (830) 583-2500 Lucita’s Mexican Restaurant 500 W. Main St. (830) 583-9455 Pizza Hut 106 N Sunset Strip St. (830) 583-9864 R J’s Hamburgers 420 W Main St. (830) 583-2344 Rodriquez’s Tacos 205 Texas 72 (830) 583-9800


Agave Jalisco Mexican Restaurant 400 S Harborth Ave. (361) 786-2020 Bar @ 3 Rivers Bar & Grill 201 N. Harborth Ave. (361) 786-2020 Beckett’s Dugout 800 N Harborth Ave. (361) 786-3600 Brush Country BBQ U.S. 281 (361) 786-4335

It’s like a punch to the face... but in a good way. twitter: @stxscene

P. 7

Wed. Dec. 25

Expect things to get a

• Cee Lo Green at the American Bank Center: Celebrate your Christmas with the ‘Crazy” singer at the American Bank Center. Tickets will run you from $31.50 to $81.50. 1901 N. Shoreline Dr. in Corpus Christi.

little rowdy that night.

Sat. Dec. 28 • Kevin Fowler at Schroeder Hall: Texas country staple Kevin Fowler will play from 9 p.m. until 11 p.m. Tickets are $18 at the door. 12516 FM 622 in Goliad. • Pasadena Napalm Division at Zeros Hard Rock Club: Killamora,


511 Starr St. in Corpus Christi.

Sat. Jan. 4 • Aaron Watson at Schroeder Hall: Celebrate the new year weekend with Aaron Watson. Pre-sale tickets Switchblade Jesus and Greedy Mouth with be

Sat. Dec. 28 • Restless Heart at

thrill you with their award-winning talent,

opening up the show

Schroeder Hall: The

showmanship and flaw-

for Pasadena Napalm

Forever Restless 30th

less harmonies. Pre-sale

Division which features

Anniversary Tour of

tickets are $35 and $40

members of D.R.I. &

Restless Heart. With

at the door. Doors open at

DEADHORSE. Get ready

over 30 years of musical

8 p.m. 12516 FM 622 in

for a night of metal! 6327

history to their credit,


McArdle Rd. in Corpus

the 5 original members

Sun. Dec. 29


of Restless Heart will

• Memories in

Broken Glass at the House of Rock: Shattered Sun and Darkness Divided are a few of the bands that will be tearing up the stage. The doors open at 7 p.m. and there’s a $10 cover charge, which isn’t so bad considering all the loud metal you can handle.

are $12 and $15 at the door. Doors will open at 8 p.m. and music starts at 9 p.m. 12516 FM 622 in Goliad. Need your awesome event listed? Drop us a line at Info@stxscene. com with all the details, and we’ll be glad to gently place it on this page.

and bar guide continued

El Tapatio 405 N. Harborth Ave. (361) 786-3949 Pepe Boudreaux’s 3145 Texas 72 (361) 786-4938 Ranch House 100 S Harborth Ave. (361) 786-2196 Sowell’s BBQ 114 W Thornton St. (361) 786-3333 Staghorn Restaurant 1019 N Harborth Ave. (361) 786-3545 Subway S Harborth Ave. (361) 786-3308 Church’s Chicken 110 N. Sunset Strip St. (830) 583-9030 Jerry B’s 4531 U.S. 181 (830) 583-2500 Lucita’s Mexican Restaurant 500 W. Main St. (830) 583-9455 Pizza Hut

106 N. Sunset Strip St. (830) 583-9864 R J’s Hamburgers 420 W. Main St. (830) 583-2344 Rodriquez’s Tacos 205 Texas 72 (830) 583-9800


19th Hole Patio Cantina 3601 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 358-2837 B.O.B.W.E. 1308 S. St. Mary’s St. (361) 542-4551 Chili’s Grill & Bar 400 E. FM 351 (361) 354-5600 Club 59 1610 W. Corpus Christi St. (361) 362-0591 Dog & Bee Public House

119 N. Washington St. (361) 354-5871 The Grand Dancehall 2461 U.S. Hwy 59 (361) 358-1185 Papi’s Place 1517 W. Corpus Christi St. (361) 358-7160 The Riverbend Sports Bar 1603 N. St Marys St. (361) 362-0471 Roadside Tavern 2503 S. Washington St. (361) 362-1720 Scores Sports Bar & Grill 1502 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 358-5055 Stone Creek Grill 4402 N. St. Mary’s St. (361) 354-5189 T’s Honky Tonk 209 N. Washington St. (361) 358-1411 Tejano Highway 1205 S. Washington St.


Bar Tonik 102 N. Market St. (830) 780-5255


Coyotes Sports Bar 116 W. Main St. (830) 583-9243 Desperado Saloon 312 S. Sunset Strip St. (830) 583-0371

Jerry B’s 4531 U.S. 181 (830) 583-2500

201 N. Harborth Ave (361) 786-2020 Beckett’s Dugout 800 N. Harborth Ave. (361) 786-3600 Pepe Boudreaux’s 3145 Texas 72


Chasers Bar & Grill 10620 CR 535 Hwy. 181 (361) 287-3340


(361) 786-4938

Al’s Friendly Bar 517 County Road 619 (361) 287-3326



Bar @ 3 Rivers Bar & Grill

7 Brothers Saloon 7961 Hwy, 181 N. (361) 318-5250



Schroeder Dancehall 12516 FM 622 (361) 573-7002

to advertise call

(361) 358-2550

P. 8

DECEMBER 23, 2013-JANUARY 5, 2014

1926 - 2013

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