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Milk Pasteurisation – How We’ve Destroyed Dairy The convention that dairy farmers pasteurise our milk to make it safe for consumption has been ingrained into our collective consciousness for over 200 years. However what we are often not told is the damage that occurs to the natural structures of raw milk during the pasteurisation process and that health risks that we associate with dairy consumption are direct a result of our industrialised processing of milk.

Pasteurisation, the process of using heat to kill bacteria and microbes, is a technique that was introduced to the milk industry in the late 1800s. Contrary to popular belief, whilst Louis Pasteur did invent the process of pasteurisation, he was not responsible for bringing it into the milk industry. Is Milk Good For You? Human culture has utilised raw milk in nearly every continent of the world from a range of different animals including cows, sheep, goats and camels. Traditionally young men would be trained for over 10 years in the art of raising, caring for the strongest animals in order to produce the highest quality of milk.

As a result, raw milk in its natural form has such a nutritionally complete profile that it was used as the base staple in many societies. Fresh, non-pasteurised, raw milk contains vitamins A, C, D, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 as well as folic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, selenium and chromium. What more is that these are all delivered in a delicate bio-dynamically balanced structure of protein, fats and carbohydrates that enables proper absorption and digestion. Pasteurisation – What Is It Doing To Your Milk?  Brought to the milk industry to make unhealthy milk safe for human consumption, pasteurisation is in reality changes the whole reason behind why we drink milk. Far from simply destroying the ‘bad’ bacteria, the pasteurisation process warps everything else in its path, most notably the beneficial bacteria and enzymes that help us to digest the milk in the first place. It is no surprise, therefore, that the introduction of milk pasteurisation coincided with a dramatic rise in lactose intolerance all over the world. Should We Be Drinking Raw Milk?  Unfortunately our history of pasteurisation has re-shaped the dairy industry and we now have very little access to healthy, raw milk in its natural forms. Animals kept in unsanitary and inhumane conditions, fed on a diet of GMOs and pumped full of antibiotics, and rarely (if at all) allowed access to pasture and sunlight will produce poisoned and bacterial infested raw milk that is unsafe for human consumption. Raw milk, if sourced from organically pastured cattle and freshly consumed is truly one of nature’s super-foods, however unless we can change the way we produce and raise healthy animals, raw milk and all of its goodness may be something that is recorded in human history as. See more at:- http://www.drstevenlin.com/milk-pasteurisation-how-weve-destroyed-dairy

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