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Digital Publications
July 2017–June 2018
The Royal Academy Summer Exhibition: A Chronicle, 1769-2018 www.chronicle250.com
30 May 2018
Mark Hallett, Sarah Victoria Turner, Jessica Feather, Baillie Card, Tom Scutt, and Maisoon Rehani (eds.)
British Art Studies, Issue 7, Autumn 2017
Jocelyn Anderson, “Elegant Engravings of the Pacific: Illustrations of James Cook’s Expeditions in British Eighteenth-Century Magazines”
Natasha Eaton, “A Photobook of the Shimmer: Pearl Fisheries, Photography, and British Colonialism in South Asia”
Katherine Gazzard, “‘The Snob’s Chaldron’: Alexander Davison and the Private Patronage of History Painting in Early Nineteenth-Century Britain”
“Seeing Red”, Cover Collaboration feature with Glenn Adamson, with photography by Richard Caspole
“Art by the Many: London Style Cults of the 1960s”, Conversation Piece feature coordinated by Thomas Crow
Inga Fraser, “From a Sheet of Paper to the Sky”, In the Artist's Words feature
Hana Leaper, “The Famous Women Dinner Service: A Critical Introduction and Catalogue”, Look First feature
“The Famous Women Dinner Service: In Conversation with Contemporary Art”, Look First feature discussion between Judy Chicago, Hana Leaper and The Women's Art League, filmed by Jonathan Law
British Art Studies, Issue 8, Spring 2018 Articles
Damian Taylor, “‘As if Every Particle was Alive’: The Charged Canvas of Constable’s Hadleigh Castle”
Kobena Mercer, “Aubrey Williams: Abstraction in Diaspora”
Michael Clegg, “‘The Art Game’: Television, Monitor, and British Art at the turn of the 1960s”
“Snapshots from No Man’s Land”, Cover Collaboration with Pippa Oldfield