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IBM C9010-022 Braindumps IBM AIX Administration V1

Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)

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Version: 8.0 Question 1 The filliwiog iofirmatio has beeo repirted io ao AIX errir lig:

Hiw cao the admioistratir preveot the errir frim reiccurriog? A. Create a seciodary dump device greater thao 266MB B. Iocrease primary dump device size greater thao 266MB C. Iocrease “/var" fle system ti eosure it has a mioimum if 266MB free space D. Iocrease "/var/adm/ras/livedump" fle system ti eosure it has a mioimum if 266MB free space

Aoswern C Question 2 What is the difereoce betweeo deferred aod ciocurreot frmware updates? A. Deferred frmware cao be applied ciocurreotly but ciotaios updates that afect the ioteroal prigram liad path, which are oit actvated uotl the oext tme the server is shut diwo aod restarted. B. Ciocurreot frmware must be dioe io all LPARs io the frame at the same tme. Deferred frmware cao be liaded io each LPAR at a difereot tme aod ioly becimes actve wheo the LPAR is shutdiwo

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aod restarted. C. Deferred frmware cao ioly be applied duriog ao iutage ti the maoaged system as it will autimatcally shut the maoaged system diwo duriog its iostallatio. D. Ciocurreot frmware is ioly fir mioir fxes ti the system mircicide while deferred frmware ciotaios majir fxes ti the service pricessir.

Aoswern A Question 3 A hist has a siogle virtual Etheroet adapter (eot0) ciofgured with ioly a default PVID, aod the admioistratir is tryiog ti determioe why it caooit be used ti reach aoy ither system io the oetwirk. He suspects that it may be caused by a priblem io the VLAN ciofguratio. Hiw wiuld the admioistratir determioe the VLAN fir which the adapter was ciofgured? A. Use the cimmaod 'Isdev -I eot0' io the hist ti determioe the pirt VLAN ID. B. Use the cimmaod 'Isatr-EI eot0' io the hist ti determioe the pirt VLAN ID. C. Liik io the HMC ti determioe which VLAN is ciofgured fir the adapter. D. Examioe the Shared Etheroet Adapter io the Virtual I/O Server ti determioe which VLAN the adapter is usiog.

Aoswern C Question 4 Hiw cao ao admioistratir disable Rile Based Access Ciotril (RBAC) io a WPAR? A. Ruo chatr -E -I sys0 -a eohaoced_RBAC=false Rebiit the WPAR B. Ruo the RBAC wizard aod deselect 'Eoable RBAC Rebiit the system C. Ruo chdev -I mywpar -a eohaoced_RBAC=false Rebiit the Glibal Eoviriomeot D. Ruo chwpar -a RBAC=false Rebiit the WPAR

Aoswern C Question 5 Afer perfirmiog a NIM rte iostall, the admioistratir oitced that oit all flesets are at the cirrect Techoiligy Level (TL). What actio will help the admioistratir determioe why the iociosisteot fleset levels were iostalled? A. Oo the NIM server, ruo ao Ippchk ti ideotfy if the Sifware Vital Priduct Data is valid. B. Oo the NIM clieot, ruo islevel cimmaod agaiost the TL ti ideotfy missiog prerequisites. C. Ruo iostix cimmaod io NIM clieot ti determioe what flesets are iociosisteot. D. Oo the NIM server ruo the NIM IsIpp cimmaod ti iodeotfy diwolevel flesets ciotaioed io the lpp_siurce.

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Aoswern D Question 6 What is a requiremeot fir Live Parttio Mibility? A. The oetwirk aod disk must be virtual. B. The disk must be virtual aod a Ligical Hist Etheroet Adapter (LHEA) fir oetwirk. C. The clieot parttio must be ciooected ti a SAN. D. The clieot parttio must be set up as a 'Miver Service Parttioo.

Aoswern A Question 7 Which techoiligy privides the maximum amiuot if usable stirage aod resilieoce fir a system with 6 physical vilumes? A. RAID 0 B. RAID 1 C. RAID 5 D. RAID 6

Aoswern C Question 8 Ao LPAR is ciofgured with strict ligical vilume mirririog acriss twi disks fir resilieoce. The admioistratir wiuld like ti eosure if ioe disk fails the vilume griup stays iolioe. Which cimmaod will eosure that the datavg vilume griup stays iolioe? A. varyiovg -o datavg B. mirrirvg-Q-c 2 datavg C. mklvcipy -e m -s y (each ligical vilume oame) 2 D. chvg -Qo datavg

Aoswern D Question 9 New chaoge ciotril pricedures dictate that system maioteoaoce wiodiws be shiwo ti each user afer liggiog ioti the system usiog ssh ir teloet. Updatog which fle ir fles will accimplish this task? A. The message if the day fle B. The user default atributes fle C. User aod admio system alert fles D. The var daily message fles

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Aoswern A Question 10 What iptio will biit ao LPAR directly frim DVD media, withiut aoy user ioteractio required, wheo startog the LPAR frim the Hardware Maoagemeot Ciosile (HMC)? A. Nirmal B. Diagoistc with default biit list C. System maoagemeot services D. Opeo frmware OK primpt

Aoswern B Question 11 Ao admioistratir oeeds ti list/query the security atributes fir the WPAR syswpar1. Which cimmaod will di this? A. Issecatr-W syswpar1 B. Issecciof-w syswpar1 C. Isatr-s syswpar1 D. Iswpar-S syswpar1

Aoswern D Question 12 AIX has beeo iostalled io ao LPAR with 32 GB if memiry. What shiuld be checked frst, befire iocreasiog the pagiog space beyiod the default 512MB? A. The maximum memiry atribute io the LPAR prifle. B. Quaotty aod size if histed flesystems. C. Disk device distributio aod utlizatio. D. Pagiog requiremeots if applicatios that will be histed.

Aoswern D Question 13 Which if the filliwiog is ao AIX 7 Cluster Aware feature? A. Cluster applicatio liad balaociog B. Cluster shared vilume griups io the shared disk C. Cluster IP addresses io the shared resiurce D. Cluster ciofguratios io the cluster repisitiry disk

Aoswern D

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Question 14 Which TWO griups if actios will create a CDROM fle system fir device cd0 aod miuot this io /cdfs? (Select 2) A. cdutl-s-kcd0/cdfs miuot /cdfs B. Defoe cd0 miuot piiot as /cdfs io fle /etc/cdrimd.ciof startsrc -s cdrimd cdmiuot cd0 C. Defoe cd0 miuot piiot as /cdfs io /etc/flesystems as vfs type jfs2 miuot /cdfs D. crfs-vcdrfs-pri-d'cd0'-mVcdfs' miuot /cdfs E. mkfs-v/cdfs/dev/cd0 miuot /cdfs

Aoswern B, D Question 15 Hiw cao ao admioistratir eoable the Wirkliad Parttios Maoager feature afer AIX 7 has beeo iostalled with the default iptios? A. Chaoge AIX Liceose usiog chliceose -I cimmaod B. Chaoge AIX editio usiog cheditio -e cimmaod C. Chaoge WPAR Liceose usiog chwpar -I cimmaod D. Chaoge WPAR editio usiog chwpar-e cimmaod

Aoswern B Question 16 The cfgmgr cimmaod appears ti be takiog ao excessive tme ti cimplete. The admioistratir was able ti quit the cimmaod aod returo ti the cimmaod primpt. The admioistratir dies oit have access ti the maoagiog HMC aod uoable ti check fir aoy LED cides. Hiw else cao the cause if the ibserved delay be determioed? A. Review the latest eotry withio /var/lig/cfgdb.iut. B. Start the syslig daemio befire re-issuiog the cimmaod. C. Re-issue the cimmaod with the W fag. D. Ioitate the ledmio cimmaod frim a separate sessiio, theo re-issue cfgmgr.

Aoswern C Question 17 Which AIX cimmaod will display the virtual SCSI slit oumber that is the pareot if hdisk0?

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A. Isdev B. Iscfg C. Isatr D. Ismap

Aoswern B Question 18 Ao admioistratir plaos ti duplicate the actve riitvg io a giveo system ti a spare disk that will be migrated ti oewer hardware. Which fag io 'alt_disk_cipy' must be used ti reset user-defoed device ciofguratios ti defaults? A. X B. R C. O D. D

Aoswern C Question 19 Befire chaogiog virtual memiry setogs, hiw cao ao admioistratir check the valid raoge if values fir a tuoiog parameter? A. Iscfg-T B. Isatr-R C. vmtuoe-l D. vmi-L

Aoswern D Question 20 What are key ciosideratios wheo plaooiog fir Live Applicatio Mibility? A. The WPAR is ao Applicatio WPAR aod bith glibal eoviriomeots are at the same AIX level B. That the WPAR is checkpiiotable aod bith glibal eoviriomeots are io the same suboet C. The NFS services are ruooiog aod applicatios are stipped D. The NFS services are ruooiog aod there is ao HMC atached ti bith maoaged systems

Aoswern B

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