Booking a COVID-19 vaccine appointment for someone else
Who can I book an appointment for?
As an authorised substitute decision maker, you can book a COVID 19 vaccine appointment on behalf of someone who is your dependent. A person is your dependent if that person is:
• Your spouse
• Your child
• Any other person you are in an interdependent relationship with
• A person who is substantially financially dependent on you.
For more information on dependent people, please visit this website
Types of authorised substitute decision makers include:
• Close relation (parent, sibling, other family)
• Spouse or de facto partner
• Non paid carer
• Other statutory health attorney
• Enactor of an Advance Health Directive
• Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA)
• Tribunal Appointed Guardian
A tribunal appointed guardian is a person chosen by the Queensland Civil and Administration Tribunal. This person acts on behalf of a person who cannot make decisions about their own health care and does not have a valid Advance Health Directive or Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA).
What you need to do first
Before booking an appointment on behalf of a dependent person, you need to complete the following :
• If you already have a Queensland Health vaccine booking system account, please sign into the system and click on Creating a dependent person in the system.
• If you do not have an account, you need to click I want to register my interest to be vaccinated. After you get your email invitation for your COVID 19 vaccine appointment, click on the link in the email to sign up and register into the Queensland Health (QH) vaccine booking system.
You can complete the above by following the steps in the COVID 19 Vaccine booking system guide for users Once you have signed up and registered in the booking system you can then book an appointment on behalf of someone else. Your dependent person doesn’t need to register their interest to be vaccinated nor wait to receive an email invitation.
Note: The link in the email is unique to each individual and cannot be used by others.
Creating a dependent person in the system
Edge and Chrome are the recommended web browsers for computers, tablets and mobile phones (Internet Explorer is not recommended).
As the primary carer, please follow the steps below.
1. After completing the steps in the What you need to do first section above, click this link
2. The QH vaccine booking bystem homepage will appear. Select Sign in in the top right corner
3. Enter the email address and password, which you (the primary carer) used to set up your booking system account Click Sign in
Registering interest and booking an appointment on behalf of someone else
4. Yourr name will now show in the top right corner and a new button I want to register on behalf of someone else. Select this new button.
5. Enter the Personal details of the dependent person noting the following.
a. From the dropdown menu, select your type of Authorised Substitute Decision Maker.
b. Enter your relationship with the dependent person in Please describe relationship. Your dependent person’s Email and Mobile Phone have been automatically set to your (the primary carer) email and mobile phone. These fields cannot be changed as all communications will go to the Authorised Substitute Decision Maker.
For more information on authorised substitute decision makers, please read the section Who can I book an appointment for? at the start of this guide.
Registering interest and booking an appointment on behalf of someone else