Table of Contents Session 01
The Need For Disciples (feat. Zach Ertz) Session 02
Disciples Live By Faith (feat. Trey Burton) Session 03
Disciples Are Serious About Seeking God (feat. Jordan Hicks) Session 04
Disciples Are Students Of God’s Word (feat. Stefen Wisniewski) Session 05
Disciples Walk In Community (feat. Chris Maragos) Session 06
Disciples Live For Something Greater Than Themselves (feat. Jordan Matthews) Session 07 Disciples Are Prepared To Endure Hardship (feat. Carson Wentz)
Session 08
Disciples Live For Eternity (feat. Scott Hanson) Session 09 Disciples Live For Christ (feat. Nick Foles)
01 The Need For Disciples
FEAT. Zach Ertz
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very one of you has an idea of what it means to be “a man.” But when we typically define manhood, we think
of the guys in action movies and professional athletes—guys we want to be. Successful. Powerful. Wealthy. What if you could actually talk to some of those men to hear what really matters the most to them? They would tell you that money will not satisfy, fame does not take away anxiety, and success is never enough. They would tell you that the only thing that really matters is a personal relationship with Jesus. It’s time we reminded ourselves of what it means to be a disciple.
“I always knew who Jesus was, but I never really knew Him as someone I loved and someone who loved me...”—Zach Ertz
Session 01
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Questions 1. In your own words, what does it mean to be a man?
2. In your own words, what does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? Is this different than your definition of manhood?
3. The time we spend in church requires such a small percentage of our week, but God demands our full
devotion. What would have to change in your life to give God your full devotion? Be specific.
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4. Do you feel like you are on the front lines of God’s
mission, or are you sitting on the sidelines? Why do you think that is?
5. When you listen to Zach Ertz, what is the source of his joy, what matters most to him? Does this surprise you? How does his source of joy compare to what brings you joy?
6. In his interview, Zach Ertz described a moment when he decided to give everything to Jesus. What are you still
holding onto in your life that is keeping you from living as a fully devoted disciple of Jesus?
Session 01
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Key Verse “And he said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’” Matthew 22:37
Make A Change Make a list of practical things you can do this week to live as a disciple of Jesus. For example, what personal entertainment time could you replace with studying the Bible or reading a gospel-centered book to deepen your faith and fall more in love with Jesus?
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