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1.What is beekeeping?

1.1What does it consist of? 1.2Importance 1 3Purpose 1.4Daily use 2.Benefits of beekeeping in biodiversity. 2 1What do we mean by biodiversity? 2.2Advantages of beekeeping. 2.3As user good use of this method in our natural environments. 3.Where are the hives? 3.1In which municipalities does beekeeping work? 3.2Where in Tlaxcala is there a greater presence of these living beings?

4.What are the social benefits? 4.1What can we achieve with these types of actions? 4.2How bees help our world? 4 3Actions to promote projects related to this type 5.Marketed beekeeping products. 5.1What products are marketed by beekeeping? 5 2How does this benefit society? 5.3How to make good use of these resources in the state of Tlaxcala?



Benefits of beekeeping in biodiversity

What do we mean by biodiversity?

Biodiversity is the variety of life. It covers the diversity of species of plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms that live in a given space, their genetic variability, and the ecosystems of which these species are a part. It also includes ecological and evolutionary processes that occur at the gene, species, ecosystem, and landscape levels.

Advantages of beekeeping

Biodiversity depends on the pollination of bees, if they were to become extinct or were minimized it would be an environmental debacle. Only in terms of human nutrition it would be a catastrophe, according to Greenpeace, 75% of the food we consume depends on pollination.

How can we give this method a good use in our environments?

The main benefits of beekeeping consist of the amount of products generated by bees. Therefore, its socio economic contribution is given by the production of products such as honey, propolis, pollen, wax, royal jelly, etc. Bees are also important pollinators, being the process by which pollen is transferred from the stamen to the stigma, allowing germination and the appearance of new fruits and seeds. In this way, the beekeeping industry is an important agent that generates employment and represents an increase in the income of many rural families. In addition, beekeepers can generate additional income by making products derived from honey or beeswax such as candles, creams, soaps, vinegar and wine.



Benefits of beekeeping in biodiversity

What do we mean by biodiversity?

Biodiversity is a concept that refers to the variety of life forms in the planet, including species of animals, plants, fungi, and microorganisms that live in a determinate space.

Advantages of beekeeping

As bees are one of the principal pollinators, they provide useful food, such as honey, jelly and pollen. They also balance and support our ecosystems.

How can we give this method a good use in our environments?

Beekeeping promotes
Beekeeping provides food for
Beekeeping helps
to maintain nature’s
As the website Beekeeping101 (2021) states, “Beekeeping helps the environment in three ways:


In which municipalities does beekeeping work?

In the state of Tlaxcala there are around 51 beekeepers who day by day operate around 1,926 hives in general, being mostly from the municipalities of Atltzayanca, Apizaco, Huamantla, Ixtacuixtla, Ixtanco, Lázaro Cárdenas, Mazatecochco, Nanacamilpa, Tetlanohcan, Santa Cruz Tlaxcala, Tetlatlahuca, Tepetitla, Terrenate, Yauhquemehcan, Tzompantepec and Xicohtzinc.

Where in Tlaxcala is there a greater presence of these living beings?

In the state of Tlaxcala there is the socalled "Honey Route", a project that seeks to raise awareness about the importance of bees in ecosystems, being located in Guadalupe Victoria, specifically in Terrenate. Being this same place the space where there is a greater presence of these insects, in addition to being a tourist center where many visitors to the place have the opportunity to live this great experience.



What are the social benefits?

What can we achive with these types of actions?

Beekeeping in Tlaxcala is of great social, economic and ecological importance. It is a livestock activity that generates jobs, income and foreign exchange for rural producers, with the production of honey, wax, pollen, royal jelly and propolis.

How bees help our world?

Bees are part of the biodiversity that we all depend on to survive. The bees! One of the most important natural means of pollination is in jeopardy. Without bees, the agricultural yield would be much lower and some fruits could disappear.


Actions to protect bees

Buy local honey

Local honey produced by nearby beekeepers preserves the vitamins and other properties of the honey to the maximum. This helps the beekeeper to cover the costs of beekeeping

Helps protect swarms of bees

They have to be left alone and wait for a beekeeper to take them away

Do not light fires in the field, especially in summer

Many beehives are lost due to forest fires, but the environmental damage they cause is even more serious.



Marketed beekeeping products

What products are marketed by beekeeping?

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), it’s stabilized that, within the beekeeping sector, honey is the main product by weight and value obtained from hives, the second in importance is wax, followed by pollen, propolis and royal jelly.

How does this benefit society?

Thanks to the big amount of production inside beekeeping, far in the future Tlaxcala will be known as one of the biggest apiculturist states improving our exports.

How to make good use of these resources in Tlaxcala?

Knowing about all the marketed products in Tlaxcala and where does beekeeping occur, it’s possible to offer financial support to organizations that backup this activity. As well, these resources can be used to know which are the certified brands that you can buy products from.





"What is biodiversity?". (2022). Retrieved from: es

“Why bees are essential for people and the planet”. (2022). Retrieved from: y reportajes/reportajes/por que las abejas son esenciales para las personas y el planeta

“How Beekeeping Helps the Environment”. (2021). Retrieved from: Zempoalteca, J. (2021). Tlaxcala collects a thousand tons of honey a year. Retrieved from: https://www elsoldetlaxcala com mx/local/municipios/tlaxca la recoge mil toneladas de miel al ano 7566833.html/amp Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. (2019). This is how we support beekeeping in Mexico. Retrieved from: es como apoyamos la apicultura en mexico


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