Get to know
yOUR Helpful Self at
Book One
Dear Important Ones, The World Needs Your Help One-to-One -- Now! Yes, that’s right - all you kids of all ages -- that’s you adults too -- we are all important. You have an important part to play. Without you something is left undone that needs to be done. Without you someone is left unloved who needs to be loved. Oh, and you are worthy! That means you have a Helpful Self, who is your True Self. Your Helpful Self is the inner quiet guide (that we each have) that points you in a helpful direction. Do you want to get to know your Helpful Self? If you do, it can help to read this book! Pause one page at a time. Pause line by line. You may ask, “How do I know I am listening to my Helpful Self?” Your Helpful Self is safe, wise, and strong. Your Helpful Self is with you all day long. Your Helpful Self is the LOVE to whom you belong. Your Helpful Self is super-duper, loving, and kind. Your Helpful Self is your light to shine, upon us all. ng, Happy Pausing, ew The Pause Crew Woof! My name is Happy. I‛m here to help you get to know Your Helpful Self! Can you find Happy?
You can Pause for Your Helpful Self
Everyone has a Helpful Self
The choice is yours YOU are IMPORTANT
HELPFUL GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING HE THE HELPFUL SELF IMAGES The ‘Helpful Self wheel’ lists some of the characteristics of the Helpful Self to help the reader connect with their Helpful Self.
The ‘Helpful Self Thought’ represents opening to the Helpful Self for help with thoughts and actions. fo
Recommended for ages 4 to 104
For more information visit: Your Helpful Self TM WNYHOO-NOW, Inc. – World Needs Your Help One-to-One-NOW!, DBA PAUSE FOR INSPIRATIONR, is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) since 2008. All rights reser ved. No par ts of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author. Printed in the USA. ILLUSTRATIONS:
C Can Stock Photo / Tigatelu; C Can Stock Photo / Yelet; C Can Stock Photo /brgfx; and C Can Stock Photo / RaStudio GRAPHIC DESIGN AND ART EDITING: Designs by Lisa
Sharing Thoughts with Readers and Listeners: WHY Practice Pausing for Your Helpful Self? This Pause Practice, when used in everyday life, can help you have a better experience with: Relationships and Connecting with Others Creativity Focusing and Paying Attention Being Present What you Say and Do Preventing and Solving Problems Sharing Ideas Respect for Yourself and Others Having Fun ... and SO MUCH MORE !
Visit V isit it YourHelpfullS Sellff.o org
Your Helpful Self iis Y Important and Worthy.
Get to know
You can Pause for Your Helpful Self always your True Self! 2
My Helpful Self points me in a helpful direction.
My Helpful Self is the LOVE in me. 3
Pausing for MY HELPFUL SELF can help me 5
I can Pause. Pausing for My Helpful Self can help me ...
When I feel upset or mad,
lonely or sad,
when I need an answer or help with absolutely anything, my Helpful Self can help me.
I can Pause. Pausing for My Helpful Self can help me ...
when I wake up and when I g go to bed;;
when standing in line and d waiting iti my turn; t
Pause bbefore P f I say something h that can’t be unsaid.
with all the new things I can learn.
I can Pause. Pausing for My Helpful Self can help me ... when I am at school and meet someone new; with the things I say and do.
when doing my homework and nd studies;
when someone being a bully meone is bein and being unkind;
with how to get along with family and buddies.
with all the thoughts that are on my mind.
I can Pause. Pausing for My Helpful Self can help me ...
safe helpful
understand d and learn new things I have not yet done
and with ALL THINGS under the sun! Practice Pausing for Your Helpful Self. Sometimes Your Helpful Self may lead you to talk with parents teachers or counselors parents, about your feelings and what‛s on your mind. Cool Cool!
The Helpful Self Practice
PAUSE FOR HELP THE HELPFUL SELF PRACTICE IN 4 STEPS: PAUSE - STEP BACK - STEP ASIDE - LET MY HELPFUL SELF GUIDE As a reader or listener, what can be most helpful is to be willing to pause while going through the 4 steps.
I can Practice Pausing and choose to SLOW DOWN. I can feel calm m and safe.
To Pause is to choose a moment of quiet inner calm. I can take as long as I need to rest my mind. There is no need to hurry.
Press the button and start your Pause. Your Helpful Self is in the Pause.
For a better day, Practice Pausing anytime ~ anywhere!
STEP BACK I can Practice Pausing and choose to take a DEEP BREATH. I can choose to o get out of my own way. After I Pause, I get out of my own way by choosing to clear my mind of what I am thinking now. This will make room for helpful thoughts from my Helpful Self.
point to yourr
point to yourr
a and breathe in
a and breathe out
STEP ASI ASIDE I can Practice Pausing and choose to be still and listen to my Helpful Self. Right now, now I want help with ___________________________
(My thoughts about: another person; myself; things I do; places I go or anything else I want help with.)
Once I have made room in my mind, I choose what I want help with. I ask my Helpful Self, Self What will be “What Truly Helpful now?”. now?
My Helpful Self can point me in a helpful direction
Touch and say the words on the Helpful Self wheel to help you connect with Your Helpful Self!
HELPFUL LET MY truly helpful
Now that I have asked and listened to what will be truly helpful now, I can choose to follow my Helpful Self who leads me to be SAFE, KIND, CALM, and HELPFUL.
Use your finger to draw a path for Happy to follow.
SELF GUIDE I can Practice Pausing and choose Self to follow my Helpful Self.
My Helpful Self LOVES ME!
Pausing for MY HELPFUL SELF can help make everyday life better 21
MY HELPFUL SELF in all ways, ways my True Self!
at Home
at School
at Play
doing chores
at the Store
on Adventures
Wherever you are
Whatever you
are doing
Whomever you are with -
- Pause for your Helpful Self. Who always wants you to be safe safe. Who is always kind and always loving you. IMPORTANT!
Remember to also listen to your parents and teacherss safe. about being safe
Thanks for being willing to Practice Pausing for your Helpful Self! Remember, wherever you are, whatever you are doing and whomever you are with, the choice to Pause is always yours yours. We all have a part to play. Do you want to help other people get to know their Helpful Self? By sharing about this book, it may be you who lets someone know they have a Helpful Self who Loves them too. Visit:
The Ki Kids Can Pause and the Parents Can Pause cards both have ha a Helpful Self Practice back! Practice on the b
To order cards and books, visit
BULK ORDERS: For information on ordering cards and
books in bulk, contact: Ask Mary about potential ential sponsors ffor or your your school or organization. org ganization.
3 1/4� X 5� double-sided d Purrrrrr-fect pocket sized ed cards for yourself and sharing with friends!
You can Practice PAUSING for YOUR HELPFUL SELF I can Pause and choose to Slow Down. I am willing to feel calm and safe.
Sometimes Your Helpful Self may lead you to talk with parents, parents teachers or counselors about your feelings and what‛s on your mind.
Cool! Cool
I can Pause and choose to take a deep breath. I am willing to Step Back from my thoughts and make room so my Helpful Self can help me. I can Pause and choose to be still and listen to my Helpful Self. I am willing to get Help with any thoughts, feelings, words, or actions that are on my mind. Once I have chosen what I want help with, I ask My Helpful Self, “What can be Safe, Kind, and Truly Helpful?”. I am willing to listen to My Helpful Self who can point me in a helpful direction. I can Pause and choose to follow my Helpful Self who leads me to be Safe, Calm, Kind, and Helpful. I am worthy of my Helpful Self who encourages me and is my True Self Self. Purrrrrr-fect! A Practice that kids, parents, teachers, grandparents... EVERYONE can do! It‛s simple and it works! WE ARE ALL WORTH A PAUSE !
ISBN N 978-1-7326750-0-1