Brief 2 Penguin

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p e n g u i n

Brief Book covers and branding for a new

p e n g u i n d y s t o p i a

range of four classic Penguin novels that share the common theme of the dystopia. This is a celebration of classic literature and a step forward in encouraging more people to read these novels.

d y s t o p i a

Pawel Adamek Level 6 OUGD301 Design Practice 3 Brief 2: Penguin Dystopia

Novels There are four novels in the range. The novels concerned are:

p e n g u i n d y s t o p i a

Anthony Burgess - A Clockwork Orange Aldous Huxley - Brave New World George Orwell - Nineteen Eighty-Four Yevgeny Zamyatin - We

Pawel Adamek Level 6 OUGD301 Design Practice 3 Brief 2: Penguin Dystopia

Book Covers Each book has its own, typographic

p e n g u i n d y s t o p i a

illustration to communicate the novel to the viewer. Each illustration distinguishes the novels making them recognisable.

Pawel Adamek Level 6 OUGD301 Design Practice 3 Brief 2: Penguin Dystopia

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p e n g u i n

accompany the series. The book cover designs are transferred over to the format of the CD packaging.


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Audiobooks Packaging proposals for audiobooks to

Aldous Hu xley Brave New World

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read by John Hu rt


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Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Ora nge

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Pawel Adamek Level 6 OUGD301 Design Practice 3 Brief 2: Penguin Dystopia

Poster Promotion Posters to promote the release of the

p e n g u i n d y s t o p i a

Penguin Dystopia range. These are designed for display in the public as well as Waterstones window displays.

Pawel Adamek Level 6 OUGD301 Design Practice 3 Brief 2: Penguin Dystopia

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