p e n g u i n
Pawel Adamek Level 6 OUGD301 Design Practice 3 Brief 2: Penguin Dystopia Board 1
d y s t o p i a
Brief Book covers and branding for a new range of four novels published by Penguin Books that share the common theme of the dystopia. That is, novels that are set in the future and speculate on how society in our world may change in the future - usually for the worst.
The books concerened are considered modern classics. The release of them is a celebration of classic literature and a step forward in encouraging more people to read these novels.
Pawel Adamek Level 6 OUGD301 Design Practice 3 Brief 2: Penguin Dystopia Board 2
Book Covers
There are four novels in the range. The novels concerned are:
Each book has its own, typographic illustration to communicate the novel to the viewer. The illustrations distinguish the novels making them recognisable.
Anthony Burgess - A Clockwork Orange Aldous Huxley - Brave New World George Orwell - Nineteen Eighty-Four Yevgeny Zamyatin - We
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Audiobooks are a great way of extending the range to the visually impared and illiterate.
read by John Hur t
by Un ive rs al
With digital media ever-expanding, the audiobooks would be available in MP3 format for convenience of listening on the go.
LC O7 34 1. (P )
in the UK
Packaging proposals for CD audiobooks to accompany the series. The book cover designs are transferred over to the format of the CD packaging.
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Aldous Hu xley Brave New World
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Pawel Adamek Level 6 OUGD301 Design Practice 3 Brief 2: Penguin Dystopia Board 3
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Pawel Adamek Level 6 OUGD301 Design Practice 3 Brief 2: Penguin Dystopia Board 4
Poster Promotion Posters to promote the release of the Penguin Dystopia range. These are designed for display in Waterstones shop front windows.