PAVEL SIMÓN REYES Selected academic projects | 2014 - 2022
ELEMENT EARTH Design Project | Winter semester 2021-22 | Hochschule Wismar Instructors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Hackel & Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Ludwig
ANIMAL WELLFARE Design Project | Summer Semester 2021 | Hochschule Wismar Instructor: Prof. Dipl. -Ing. Martin Wollensak
NEW EAST HAVANA Design Project | Winter semester 2014 | Technological University of Havana Instructor: Prof. Juan Carlos Martinez Serra
CITY NODE REGENERATION Design Project | Winter semester 2015 | Technological University of Havana Instructor: Prof. Larisa Castillo Rodriguez
Partner: Frieda Kittler | Winter Semester 2021-22
This project consists of exploring sustainable architectural design solutions for the new addition covering the exhibits of the topic “Element Earth” of the Technical State Museum Mecklenburg- Western Pomerania “Phantechnikum”. “Covering an area of 2,500 square meters the phanTECHNIKUM presents engineering and the technological history of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern as vivid, interactive, and attractive.
The project is lacated in the Hanseatic city of Wismar in the northern Germany. The site is in an elevated position at the intersection of Lübsche Str. and Zum Festpl. 1:3500
Demand One of the demands of the project is to pay homage to the architect Ulriche Müther with the new design. An archive storing Müther’s work will be part of the architectural design of the new museum.
Requirement The exhibition areas in the existing musuem are divided according to the four classical elements: fire, water, air, and earth. In the fire area focus is placed on casting, welding, and “Flashlights, bright ideas from state,” while in the “Water” topics of marine propulsion systems, hydro power, and flood control are at home. Aircraft technology and wind power are dedicated to the air hall. The new extension of the museum with the earth theme will exibit road vehicles, road construction, and geological history and others. Another requirement of the project is to use sustainable building materials, such as rammed earth, which reinforces the theme of the earth element.
Process The shape of the new building will be the main tribute to Müther. Starting from a rectangular shape, it was decided to raise the midpoints of each side of the rectangle proportionally. The resulting shape is a shell with four vaults similar to those of Müther’s Seerose café-restaurant project in Potsdam. To make the shape more dynamic it was decided to move the midpoints of each vault to one side. The openings of the vaults will be partly curtain walling and compressed earth walls. 8
.copper .copper
roofs consists structure consists of an o The The roofs structure of an outer shell The copper roofsplates structure of an o of bended to give theconsists building of bended coppertheplates an earthern touch representing element to give th of bended copper plates to give th to the outside. an earthern touch representing the an earthern touch representing the the outside. the outside.
.wood .wood
The substructure was chosen to be a The substructure was chosen to be a variation of Müthers hyperbolic stru variation of Müthers hyperbolic stru made by a waffle structure of two Structure made by a waffle structure of two of glue laminated wooden layers to ofsubstructure glue laminated layers to Thegether wasbuild chosen a towooden be an ab-form. and static stract variationand of Müthers hyperbolic strucgether build a static form. tures. It is made by a waffle structure of two main axes of glue laminated wooden layers to come together and build a static form.
The facade will be devided by two The facade will be devided by two Prefabricated loadbearing ramm Prefabricated loadbearing ramm Façade walls were chosen as the element walls were chosen as the element glas for showing a contrast and giv The facade will showing be devided byatwo materiglas for contrast and giv enough light andeart air. als.terior Prefabricated loadbearing rammed terior enough light and air. walls were chosen as the element itself and glass for showing a contrast and giving the enough light and air. be a Theinterior glass facade will
.glas .glas
structura The glass facade will be a structura cade withwilldouble layer The glass facade be a structural glassglazing in cade withlayer double layer glazing in facade with double glazing in the office and library area. and library area. and library area.
.earth .earth
The interior will be also built in A massive load bearingwalls wall built in rammed Thewithinterior wallsbetween will be earth wooden ceilings the also built in earth with wooden ceilings betwe single floors. earth with wooden ceilings betwe gle floors.
The interior divisions will also be made of gle floors. earthen walls, showing the different construction techniques that can be applied in architecture using this material.
Material selection The intention from the beginning was to use as many natural materials as possible. These materials were to reinforce the concept of building with earth. Furthermore, they should be recyclable and durable materials in order to increase the life cycle time. On the other hand, the industrial materials used should be recyclable and durable as well.
Structure The structure of this building is made of cross laminated timber. The wooden beams grid distributed parametricaly intersect each other. The beams of each axis interlock them selfs and form the Waffle structure.
09 Site Plan The master plan shows the new project as an extension of the existing building. In the centre of the courtyard, a shell-structured pavilion in the style of Müther is proposed to reinforce the idea of reflecting his architectural style. This pavilion will also be used as an earth construction workshop space. In the general plan another building is shown to the northwest which is a warehouse that would be built just after the extension and is part of another competition.
Main Office Offices
Reception WC
Kitchenette Copy room Meeting Room Existing building
Emergency staires Library
Exibition area
Exibition area Exibition area Exibition area Exibition area
Elevators Archive Technical Room Storage Exibition area
13 N
Climat The façade of the new building most exposed to the sun throughout the year is the façade facing the inner courtyard. A large part of this façade is protected by a massive rammed earth wall which acts as a thermal regulator inside the building. In summer it contains heat gain and in winter it stores solar radiation and passively releases heat, greatly reducing heating energy costs.
28 Inner atmosphere Rammed earth walls ‘breathe’ so they counteract humidity, and they naturally maintain a stable internal temperature throughout the seasons. In summer this represents keeping the internal spaces cool on hot days. A passive ventilation system produces a chimney effect. The pressure difference brings fresh air into the building and exhausts hot and stale air to the outside. In winter, when an appropriate heating system is used internally, the walls will absorb and retain the heat, keeping the space warmer for longer. Rammed earth U-value: 0,9 W/m2K
ROOF 2 mm copper plates ROOF ROOF
40 mm timber battens 2 mm copper 2 mm plates copper plates 40 mm counter timber 40 mm timber 40 battens mm timber battens battens 40 mm counter 40 mm timber counter timber 2 mm sarking membrane battens battens 25 mm wooden lining 2 mm sarking 2 mm membrane sarking membrane 200 25 mm hard insulation mm wooden 25 mm lining wooden lining 2 mm vapour barrier 200 mm hard 200 insulation mm hard insulation 2 x 30 mmvapour wooden lining 2 mm 2 mm barrier vapour barrier 10002 mm 100wooden mm x 30xmm 2 x 30 mm lining wooden lining waffle structure 1000 mm x 100 1000mm mm x 100 mm waffle structure waffle structure
WALL 1 WALL 1 1 500 WALL mm
triple glazing triple glazing east side (offices): additional east side (offices): east side (offices): second layer of additional additional windows with second layersecond of layer of ventilation system windows with windows with
ROOF ROOF2ROOF mm copper plates
ventilation system ventilation system
40 mmcopper timber plates battens 2 mm copper 2 mm plates 40 mm timber 40 mm timber 40 battens mm counter timber battens battens 40 mm counter 40 mm timber counter timber 2battens mm sarking membrane battens 25 mmsarking wooden lining 2 mm membrane membrane 1 mm surface finish2 mm sarking 200 mm hard insulation 25 mm wooden 25 mm lining wooden lining 100 1mm earth floor with clay mmrammed surface 1 mm finish surface finish 2 mm vapour barrier 200 mm hard 200 insulation mm hard insulation mortar 100and mmheating rammed 1002pipes mm earth rammed floor with earth clay floor with clay 2 x 30 mm wooden lining mm vapour 2 barrier mm vapour barrier 1 mm foil and heating mortar mortar and pipes heating pipes 1000 mm xwooden 100 mmlining 2 x 30 mm wooden 2 x 30 mm lining 1 mm foil 1 mm foilmm x 100 waffle structure 1000 1000mm mm x 100 mm LEVEL 0: waffle structure waffle structure 300 LEVEL mm reinforced concrete 0: LEVEL 0: 10 mm 300clay mmplaster reinforced 300 mmconcrete reinforced concrete 10 mm clay 10 plaster mm clay plaster LEVEL 1-3: 20 mm sound LEVEL 1-3:insulation LEVEL 1-3: 25 mm wooden lining 20 mm sound 20 insulation mm sound insulation 240 25 mm / 200 mm beams mm wooden 25 wooden mm lining wooden lining 20 mm wood lath 240 mm / 200 240 mm mm wooden / 200 mm beams wooden beams 10 mm clay plaster 20 mm wood 20lath mm wood lath
1,50 1,50
a roof
1,50 1,50
WALL 1 WALL500 WALL 1 mm 1
1,50 1,50
Walls & Ceiling CEILINGS CEILINGS CEILINGS 10 mm CEILINGS clay 10 plaster mm clay plaster
11mm mmsurface surface 1 mm 1finish surface mm finishsurface finishfinish On the facade of the office side we decided to implement a double cur100 100mm mm100 rammed rammed mm 100 mm rammed earth earth rammed floor floor earth with with earth floor clay clay floor with with clay clay tain wall asmortar part and of our natural ventilation system. Automated valves in mortar and mortar heating heating mortar and pipes heating and pipes heating pipespipes mm mmfoil foil 1 mm 1 foil mm foil the11façade will regulate the air flow and its movement. LEVEL LEVEL0:0: LEVEL LEVEL 0: 0:
300mm mm 300 reinforced reinforced mm 300 reinforced mm concrete concrete reinforced concrete The ceiling 300 slab will be made ofconcrete CLT wood with acoustic insulation and A A 10 10mm mmclay 10 claymm plaster 10 plaster clay mm plaster clay plaster heating system. LEVEL LEVEL1-3: 1-3: LEVEL LEVEL 1-3: 1-3: 20 20mm mmsound 20 sound mm 20 insulation insulation sound mm sound insulation insulation 25 25mm mmwooden 25 wooden mm 25 wooden mm lining lining wooden lininglining 240 240mm mm240 / /200 200 mm 240 mm mm /mm 200 wooden wooden / mm 200 wooden mm beams beams wooden beams beams 20 20mm mmwood 20 wood mm 20 lath lath wood mm wood lath lath 10 10mm mmclay 10 claymm plaster 10 plaster clay mmsurface plaster clay plaster 1 mm finish
100 mm rammed earth floor with clay 1 mm surface 1 mm finish surface finish mortar and heating pipes 100 mm rammed 100 mm earth rammed floor with earth clay floor with clay 1mortar mm foil mortar and heating and pipes heating pipes 1 mm foil 1 mm foil LEVEL 0: mm LEVEL 0: 300 LEVEL 0:reinforced concrete 10 plaster concrete 300 mm reinforced 300mm mmclay concrete reinforced 10 mm clay plaster 10 mm clay plaster LEVEL 1-3: mm1-3: sound insulation LEVEL 1-3: 20 LEVEL 25 mm lining 20 mm sound 20insulation mm wooden sound insulation 240 mm / 200 mm wooden beams 25 mm wooden 25 mm lining wooden lining 20 mm wood lath 240 mm / 200 240 mm mm wooden / 200 mm beams wooden beams 10 mm plaster 20 mm wood 20lath mm clay wood lath 10 mm clay plaster 10 mm clay plaster
Basement Slab In this project we tried to minimise the use of reinforced concrete. Only the intermediate slab on the ground floor and some isolated elements will be made of reinforced concrete. The basement walls are made of stone because it is a natural material and widely available locally.
WALL 2 WALL 2 2 rammed earth WALL 30 mm rammed earth rammed earth reet insulation 30 mm 30 mm 20 mm reet insulation reet insulation rammed earth 20 mm 20 mm 30 mm rammed earth rammed earth reinforsment 30 mm 30 mm with concrete reinforsmentreinforsment 300x300 mm with concrete with concrete
mm 300x300 mm 1,50 1,50 300x300 1,50 1,50
500 500mm mm500 mm 500 mm structural structural structural glas glas glas glas structural with with100 100 with mm mmwith 100 mm 100 mm triple tripleglazing glazing tripletriple glazing glazing
structural 500 mm 500 mm glas with 100 mm structural glas structural glas triple glazing with 100 mm with 100 mm triple glazingtriple glazing east side (offices): additional east side (offices): east side (offices): layer of additional second additional withof second layerwindows second of layer ventilation system windows with windows with ventilation system ventilation system
1,50 1,50
22mm mmcopper copper 2 mm 2plates copper mm plates copper plates plates 40 40mm mmtimber 40 timber mm 40battens battens timber mm timber battens battens 40 40mm mmcounter 40 counter mm 40 timber counter mm timber counter timber timber battens battensbattens battens The outer layer of the roof is made of copper 22mm mmsarking sarking 2 mm 2membrane sarking mm membrane sarking membrane membraneas this material has colour shade very close to the colour oflining thelining earth. The shape of the 25 25mm mm wooden 25 wooden mm 25 wooden mm lining lining wooden 200mm 200 hard hard mm 200 insulation insulation hard mm hard insulation insulation refers to the earth200 as itmmgives the idea of mountains as a whole. 22mm mmvapour vapour 2 mm 2barrier vapour mm barrier vapour barrier barrier 22xx30 30mm mm 2 xwooden 30 wooden 2 xmm 30 wooden mm lining lining wooden lininglining 1000 1000mm mm 1000 xx100 100 1000 mm mm mm xmm 100x mm 100 mm waffle wafflestructure structure waffle waffle structure structure
structural glas 500 mm 500 mm withstructural 100 mm glas structural glas triple glazing with 100 mmwith 100 mm
east eastside side east (offices): (offices): side side (offices): east (offices): additional additional additional additional second secondlayer second layersecond ofoflayerlayer of of windows windows windows with with with with windows ventilation ventilation ventilation system system system ventilation system
rammed rammedrammed earth earth rammed earthearth 30mm mm 30 mm 30 mm 30 reetinsulation insulation reet insulation reet insulation reet 20mm mm 20 mm 20 mm 20 rammedrammed earth rammed earthearth rammed earth 30mm mm 30 mm 30 mm 30 reinforsment reinforsment reinforsment reinforsment withconcrete concrete with with concrete concrete with 1,50 300x300 300x300 mm 300x300 mm mm 300x300 mm
WALL 2 WALL WALL 2 2 rammed earth
27 27 2
30earth mm rammed earth rammed reet insulation 30 mm 30 mm 20 mm reet insulation reet insulation rammed20earth 20 mm mm 30earth mm rammed earth rammed reinforsment 30 mm 30 mm with concrete reinforsment reinforsment 300x300 mm with concrete with concrete 300x300 mm 300x300 mm
27 27272
27 22
5. 18.00
Pavillion WORKSHOPS WORKSHOPS EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE EARTH EARTH Workshops like traditional Adobe brick
production or learning the right mixture of Workshops Workshops like like traditional traditional Adobe brick brick plasters and how to apply Adobe them also in a production production or or learning learning the the right right mixture mixture decorative sense can be just some of the ofmany ofplasters plasters and how howtotoapply applytechniques them themalso alsoto kindsand of earthern work ininaadecorative decorative sense can be bejust justsome someofof be shownsense at thecan Phantechnkum. the themany manykinds kindsofofearthern earthernwork worktechnitechniques questotobe beshown shown atatbe the the Phantechnkum. Phantechnkum. External guests can invited to teach people from many different backgrounds how External External guests guests can be be invited invited toto teteto deal with thosecan different techniques. The create a meetings ach achPavillion people peoplewill from from many many different differentpoint. backbackgrounds groundshow howtotodeal dealwith withthose thosediffedifferent renttechniques. techniques.The ThePavillion Pavillionwill willcreate create aameetings meetingspoint. point.
precast concrete hyperbolic paraboloid shell
earthern area for 29 29 outside workshop
18.00 GSEducationalVersion
Hyperbolic paraboloid shell
18.00 18.00
precast precast precast concrete concrete concrete made fo precast concrete. hyperbolic hyperbolic hyperbolic paraboloid paraboloid paraboloid shell shellshell
earthern area for outside workshops
earthern earthern earthern area area forarea for for
Earthern area for outside workshop outside outside outside workshops workshops workshops
Visualization For the lighting design we decided to make use of the waffle structure of the roof. LED light strips along each beam will emphasise the wavy shape of the roof and create an interesting play of light.
Visualization For the interior spaces we selected a colour palette with ochre and beige tones that match the earthen walls and wood. The result is a warm and bright atmosphere. 18
Visualization With the ramp we had the idea of giving the sensation of descending to earth. The route of the ramp surrounded by earth texture will give the temporary feeling of being buried.
Visualization The exhibition space will showcase equipment and ground vehicles manufactured in the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern region. 20
Partner: Fabian Rodriguez Izquierdo | Summer Semester 2021
Schwerin Zoo aims to achieve sustainable and climate-neutral resource management. This project proposes a zero-carbon building. It also proposes efficient management and production of renewable energy. The reuse of rainwater and the treatment of wastewater is another of the objectives achieved with this project. A composting facility will recycle organic waste for use in the zoo.
The project is lacated in Schwerin. This city is the state capital of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in northern Germany. The site is located more specificaly in the NorthWestern part of the Zoo of Schwerin between “An der Crivitzer Chaussee” and the core area of the zoo, the so-called “Hexenberg”.
The Schwerin Zoo aims to achieve climate-neutral and sustainable management and supply. This should happen in accordance with the climate goals of the state capital Schwerin, the federal government and the EU and be implemented by 2035. After a period of standstill, the Schwerin Zoo has been developing very well in recent years. New outdoor facilities are being built with buildings for the animals. Recently, the new lion house was completed. Not all the big c ats have arrived yet, this is due to the currently difficult travel conditions due to the worldwide pandemic and the exit of Great Britain from the EU. Before there the lions will come. The structural further development of the Schwerin Zoo is to be implemented under ecological aspects of sustainable, energy and resource-saving construction and by choosing reusable building products. Also, the potential available on site to supply all areas of the zoo is to be maximized. This includes the use of wind and solar energy, but also the inclusion of accumulating wood, stable manure and the inclusion of rain, gray and well water. Each year, for example, more than 80 tons of manure are produced, which now have to be disposed of at high cost, but could certainly be put to better use in the future. Innovative and emission-reducing technologies are to help turn the Schwerin Zoo into a model project for sustainable development. In order to be able to implement all of this and also to create more free space for the future zoological development of the Schwerin Zoo, the currently unfavorably located service yard is to be relocated to a better location. From there, this area can be connected to the public road network in a shorter and better way. The relocation of the depot requires a long-term master plan with initial concrete implementation measures. The goal is to enhance the overall impression of the Schwerin Zoo and thus further develop it into a tourist highlight. The individual measures within this project are numerous and varied. In the area of path construction, for example, some badly damaged asphalt surfaces were replaced with more attractive stone paving, and accessibility was further improved. An area that is regularly flooded was covered with a small but beautiful arched bridge. From here, there is now a particularly beautiful view of the adjacent waterfowl facility and into the facility for southern helmeted cassowaries, which was also implemented. The coatings on the wooden bridges are particularly effective, and they can now be used without hesitation even in winter and in wet weather. The zoo’s main path network will get accompanying lighting, as well as a public address system. This will make it possible to visit the zoo into the twilight hours in the future, or to use it for evening events. In this way, zoo visitors will be able to call up more detailed information about the animals directly on their smartphones. The approximately 3-acre waterfowl enclosure at the core of the zoo received a new enclosure, replacing the fishing net that was more than 30 years old. Birds on the islands also benefit, as a power fuse protects them from nighttime visits by foxes and other predators. The old fishing boat, also known as the Zoo Ark, is getting a new themed exhibit and will be equipped with modern information media. This is located directly at a new event site, which has been created below the festival meadow. Here, the area of the free-ranging prairie dogs could also be refurbished. Now the nimble rodents can be observed up close. For the cooler off-season, visitor areas will be equipped with heaters so that visitors can warm up during a winter visit. A very special enhancement will be the replacement of the dilapidated wooden walkway near the otter and red panda. This will be replaced by a climbing and wobbling path. This will allow visitors to get even closer to the animals and at the same time test their own dexterity. The total project has a cost volume of 990,000 euros and is supported by 90% of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Sustainability, energy concept and ecology From the client’s perspective, the implementation of the following criteria is important. To what extent these are part of the design task, we clarify in the design process. However, they are mentioned here in full in order to ex-plain to the participants the demand associated with the implementation of this challenging project. ▪ Model concept development of innovative components for the implementation, evaluation and documentation of energy- and resource-optimized new buildings, taking into account the entire life cycle. ▪ Exemplary development and implementation of concepts for improving indoor air quality, passive air conditioning, plus-energy buildings, CO2 neutrality, minimization of gray energy and emissions, sufficiency, and their evaluation and documentation. ▪ Further development, implementation and documentation of timber construction for a larger building volume. ▪ Optimization of concepts, systems, and constructions in timber construction to increase the acceptance of timber buildings. ▪ Optimization of closed-loop recycling and recycling options for building structures, building materials, building products, and development in lightweight construction to improve resource efficiency. ▪ Further development of planning methodology, process quality, and tools by using digitization as an optimization strategy for sustainable and health-friendly planning for the construction and operation of buildings, as well as their target-group-specific dissemination. ▪ Use of innovative methods and concepts for education, communication, participation, and qualification of public and private building owners, planning offices, approval authorities, building professions, and users. ▪ Measures for communicating building ecology to children, young people, and trainees. For the design of the new depot is still to be considered: ▪ The depot functions autonomously from the actual animal area and zoo operations. ▪ In the event of an epidemic, i.e. the considerable and supra-regional spread of a threatening, highly con-tagious infectious disease (epidemic) with relatively short incubation periods, whether by transmission from animal to animal or from human to human, the area must be separable. ▪ The administrative wing must be designed to be barrier-free.
▪ The veterinary station and the quarantine station are to be located at ground level. The following areas should be visible from the visitor area or adjacent to it. ▪ Feed kitchen ▪ Veterinary treatment room ▪ Animal management office ▪ Nursery / greenhouse ▪ Recycling yard 25
By reading and analysing the brief provided we point out the main ideas and user demands. Among all the information related to the site and all the requirements for the new project we found a symbolic element that would rule our conceptual approach. The briefing mentions an old boat called the zoo ark. We decided to recover that idea and create a building that represents the ark that would save the animals. An ark like Noah’s ark.
Site Plan The resulting project consists of a set of blocks that contain the functions required by the project. These blocks are located on different levels of a hill. To access them, a volume that resembles the prow of a ship was designed to make reference to Noah’s ark. This volume will be the point of interest that will welcome visitors inside and guide them to the rest of the building at the top of the hill. This volume will serve as a foyer, café and rainwater collector.
+6.00 +4.00 +2.00 0.00 -2.00 -4.00 -6.00 -8.00
Level 0.00
Level -4.00 On this level are the warehouses, the barn, the workshops and technical rooms. On this level, but at the entrance to the building, there is also a café that surrounds the large rainwater collector, which also illuminates the interior as a skylight.
Level -2.00 En este nivel se ubican algunas áreas de cuarentena para animales y el área de los trabajadores del zoológico. 30
Level +2.00 All the zoo administration offices are concentrated on this level.
Level +4.00 On this level is the viewing area, through which you can access the residence and the educational area of the zoo. 31
Visualization The photovoltaic panels installed on the roofs of each block of the complex face south to produce renewable energy more efficiently.
Visualization View of the lobby area and the rainwater collector. The intention of the design is to show visitors the process of rainwater reuse and to use it as a skylight to illuminate the interior of the foyer. 32
Visualization Ita qui ommolupta voloria volorestios invella cescium volumquia ne mi, nonem ea cone excerepedit modis et que non rerit lat andandae dolupcon rem aboratus nes sequi
Visualization The front volume resembling the prow of a ship will be an eye-catcher inviting visitors to discover the rest of the facilities of this ecological building. 33
Partner for the urban design: Valdir Anibal Firmino Da Silva | Summer Semester 2014
This integrative project consists of designing a master plan for an undeveloped area located 5km east of the old town of Havana. The first stage of the project is to design the master plan of the area. The second stage is to design a more detailed block of the master plan. The third stage is the architectural design of one of the buildings of the designed block.
The project is located in Havana, the Cuban capital. More specifically in the municipality ¨Habana del Este¨ between the Unidad Vecinal Camilo Cienfuegos and the Pan-American Stadium. 1:5000
Urban layout The main idea of the urban layout design is to directly connect the existing stadium with the existing development on both sides of the site. The grid of the layout is generated by interpolating the existing axes. A belt of green area separates the new project from the highway.
Urban zoning The area in orange will be a residential area and residential buildings will have ground floor services as shown by the red dots. The blue area will have public and administrative buildings. The area in pink and yellow are areas for education. The area in purple will have cultural facilities. The existing urban agriculture area shown in brown is maintained.
Traffic hierarchy The main roads will be the central axes connecting the main areas with each other and will be two-way roads. The secondary roads connect the existing roundabouts. Tertiary roads are shown in orange and will be oneway roads. The interiors of the blocks will have pedestrian circulation.
Density The densification and height of the buildings will increase from north to south. The administrative buildings in the south will be the tallest buildings. The block marked in red was selected for more detailed design in the next stage.
Functions The main services will be distributed heterogeneously and in such a way that they are all quickly accessible within walking distance.
Accesibility Walking distances would be a maximum of 8 minutes. Blocks in residential areas will be fully permeable to pedestrian circulation.
8m in u
s to
3m in
5m inu t
os ut tos nu
2m i
Block design The residential areas were designed with less dense blocks with L-shaped buildings that create inner courtyards that will be leisure and recreational spaces. From north-east to south-west the heights of buildings will increase for climatic reasons. For the further architectural design stage, the building on the north-east corner was selected.
+7.65 +6.00 +4.65 +3.00 +0.45
+7.65 +4.65 +1.65
+7.65 +4.65
+1.65 +0.45 -1.35
Details One wing of the building is offset by half a level while the other wing is offset by a full level.
Visualization The open ground floor of the new building allows the interior of the block to be ventilated by the prevailing north-easterly breezes. This ground floor will be used as a café and/or other small gastronomic offerings. 44
Visualization The trapezoidal and triangular shapes make the building look more dynamic even though it also has a 1950’s modern movement style.
Visualization The lifted flats in the corner not only create a new open space on the ground floor but also reinforce the dynamism of the whole building’s form. This idea is inspired by the aerodynamic shape of a bird. 45
CITY NODE REGENERATION URBAN IMPROVEMENT AND LANSCAPE REGENERATION Winter Semester 2015 The main objective is to create a fast connection between a central area such as Vedado and the square Plaza de la Revolución. This connection will increase the importance and attractiveness of the Plaza de la Revolución and the José Martí memorial. It will also create a new city-wide park for the enjoyment of recreational, sporting, cultural and leisure activities. This connection will also provide new services and commercial facilities that will boost the local economy. To achieve this objective it is necessary to restructure and redesign the Boyeros and Carlos III node.
The site is located in Havana, the Cuban capital. More specifically at the crossroads of Avenida Carlos III with Avenue Rancho Boyeros and Avenue G (Avenida de los Presidentes). Other streets such as Zapata and Universidad also intersect at this node.
Connect a central area of the city such as Vedado with the square Plaza de la Revolución and the new urban park proposed in the previous stage of the master plan through Avenue G (Los Presidentes). This connection should be a pleasant and welcoming route for pedestrians. To provide use and design for each space in the area of study, taking into account the initial situation. To increase the importance of this node on a city scale.
Issues A big problem arises when a pedestrian connection from Av. G to the new central axis of the Plaza de la Revolución is to be created. The problem is that it is not possible to reach the population safely through this new connection if they have to cross a node with huge vehicular conflicts in which the pedestrian does not have priority. Even if they manage to cross, the attractiveness of the new plaza would be lost because of the risk and inconvenience of access.
3 3 3
Site analysis
Pedestrians do not have priority. There are no pedestrian crossings. Vehicles make dangerous manoeuvres for pedestrians. Vehicle speeds are between 50 and 60 km/h. Pavements are no more than 1 m wide. There are no flowerbeds on the pavements. Lighting at night is insufficient. Pedestrian traffic in the area is dangerous at night. There are no public transport stops in the area. Green and outdoor areas are not designed. The thermal sensation is very hot due to the lack of shade on the footpaths and the huge asphalt surface. Vehicular roads have an excessive number of lanes. Urban furniture is almost non-existent. Vehicular traffic Some pedestrian paths
R #
Pedestrian shelter Number of vehicular lanes
Widen and extend the Avenida G separator to the Node for... • • • • •
Increase the pedestrian circulation area. Protect pedestrians when crossing streets. Reduce the number of vehicle lanes and reverse the number of lanes in favour of pedestrians. Reduce the distance of pedestrian crossings between pavement and median. Encourage cycling, including bicycle lanes
Protect the pedestrian by... • • • • • • •
More pedestrian crossings based on the routes most used by people. Reduce the number of vehicle lanes. Use these lanes to create cycle lanes, differentiated traffic for public transport, tree strips, pedestrian paths, etc... Reduce vehicular speed through continuous pedestrian crossings, narrowing of lanes, pedestrian priority signs etc... Break with the old road design that makes the population dependent on motorised vehicles (cars)... Include street furniture such as bollards, fences, etc...
Occupy existing pedestrian refuge areas for... • • •
Reduce the area of asphalted surfaces that increase the thermal sensation. Increase green areas to ensure environmental comfort. Have more freedom to play with the design of road sections.
Proposal One of the most important goals of this project is to create a balance between pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular circulation. Another important objective of this intervention was the use of the pedestrian refuge in the crossing. The new trees bring more shades, this improve not only the thermal confort but also the quality of the space.
Floor Plans A large pedestrian walkway channels and protects the circulation of cyclists and pedestrians going in the direction of the Plaza de la Revolución. A bus stop is created in the area to make the place even more accessible. Street furniture supports the character of these spaces and their functions. A wide variety of tree species qualify the place by filtering the sunlight, regulating the humidity in the environment and add beautify to the space.
Details Construction detail of the sidewalk Punch with tree surround Bus lane
Section of the Av. Carlos III One side of the road Reduced from 5 lanes for vehicles to 3 lanes for vehicles to create one lane for Bus only + bicycle lane. On the other side the amount of lanes for vehicles remain the same but the area of the pedestrian shelter is used to create greeneries and a bicycle lane.
Visualization With the new proposal the union of Av. Carlos III with Av. Boyeros takes advantage of a huge space wasted with the previous design. It also makes traffic flow more smoothly and prevents cars from having to make strange manoeuvres.
Visualization The new landscape regeneration proposal in the node allows people to move through it safely and enjoy the newly designed green spaces.
Visualization The new design proposes a dedicated lane for public transport and a new stop to improve accessibility in the area. 59
PAVEL SIMÓN REYES Academic projects | 2014 - 2022