3 minute read
50 Things to Do in the Urban Wild 17 1000 Checkmate Combinations 42 A Adam Dant’s Political Maps 36 Allen, Ian 56 Almqvist, Erik Eje 14 Amos, Sharon 47 B Barnes, Jeanette 39 Batsford Book of Chess for Children, The 82 Beech, Susan 25 Big Has: Home 6 Birch, Helen 40 Blake, Rose 72 Bob and Bunk 72 Bradbury, Dominic 16 Brandford, Paul 39 Britain’s Birds 53 Britain’s Strangest Placenames 63 Building Utopia: The Barbican Centre 34 C Chevannes, Sabrina 82 City Sketching Reimagined 39 Cool Technology 82 Cricket Grounds Then and Now 28 Crown’s Royal Britain, The 60 D Dant, Adam 36 Dare We Be Dragons? 76 de Soissons, Silvana 24 Dogs: 65 Canine Crochet Patterns 26 Dungeness 16 E Eastoe, Jane 30 Edward’s Menagerie 26 Elizabeth: Queen and Crown 31 Elizabeth: Reigning in Style 30 Every Last Crumb 10 F Fabiano Caruana: 60 Memorable Games 42 Falls, Barry 76 Feed Your Family 4 Foreman, Michael 75 Forever Flowers 41 From Coast & Cove 18 G Generation Green 81 Gentle Spells & Kind Magic 27 Gillibrand, Holly 81 Gogerty, Clare 17, 56 Goodbye 30s, Hello 40s 27 Good Food Fast 57 Goudercourt, Clive 54 Gray, Tanis 67 Green Traveller, The 21 Greyer, Dominic 63
Gristwood, Sarah 31, 67 Gunn, Kirsty 38 Gut-loving Cookbook, The 9 H Hammer & Nail 14 Hammond, Richard 21 Happy Vagina, The 22 Harry Potter Crochet Wizardry 67 Harry Potter: Gryffindor House Pride 67 Harry Potter: Hufflepuff House Pride 67 Harry Potter Knitting Magic 67 Harry Potter: Ravenclaw House Pride 67 Harry Potter: Slytherin House Pride 67 Harry Potter Watercolour Magic 29 Henkin, Victor 42 History of the World in 100 Limericks, A 63 Hoey, Brian 62 Hopkinson, Frank 61 J Jack, Danny 15 Jacoby, Jenny 82 Janaway, Rebecca 54 Jenkins, Carolyn 40 Jones, Rob 74 Jones, Terry 75 Jonzen, Emily 57 Journey Home, The 75 Joy of Weeds, The 66 Juel, Nickolaj 8 K Kenyon, Nicholas 34 Knappett, Gill 60 Koska, Anna 18 Kukura, Hailee 15 L Lane, Georgianna 20 Lazell, Emma 78 Learn to Paint Portraits Quickly 39 Leonardo da Vinci’s Life of Invention 80 Leth, Columbus 8 Levison, Brian 28 Lilacs 20 Lindsay, Ann 41 Lockdown Secrets 43 Looking Book, The 79 Lord, Kerry 26 M Macfarlane, Alana and Lisa 9 Madden, Richard 50 Magic of Crystals, The 46 Magntorn, Ida 16 Mahon, Stephanie 52 McKechnie, Sam 27 Midsomer Murders Location Guide 61 More Monster, The 70 N National Trust Favourite Recipes 54 National Trust Miscellany, A 56 Natural Menopause Method, The 23 Natural Skincare For All Seasons 24 Nature Lover’s Bucket List, The 50 Newby, Karen 23 New Ideas in Botanical Painting 40 Nilsson, Maria 17 P Paradise Shearring, Maisie 72 Paul Farrell, The 66 Petal Unfolds, A 25 Pisani, Nicole 4 Plants for Free 47 Preston-Gannon, Frann 75 Project Love 27 R Ramsden, James 10 Rosamunde Pilcher’s Cornwall 60 Rye, Tally 67 S Saga of Erik the Viking, The 75 Sartori, Lee 67 Semay, Hasan 6 Simmons, Mika 22 Simple Pleasures 56 Slade, Naomi 20 Smith, Paul 78 Smith, Rachael 16 Soan, Hazel 39 Soltis, Andrew 42 Story of Beatrix Potter, The 67 Such a Sweet Singing 38 Sustainable Home, The 16 T Tattersfield, Eleanor 43 Taylor, Ken and Joules 46 Tegelaar, Karolina 12 Train Happy Journal, The 67 T-Rex Made a Masterpiece 78 Twister, Mick 63 Q Queen’s Platinum Celebration, The 62 U Usher, Sam 78 V Van Life Cookbook, The 15 Veggie BBQ 8 Vegan Baking Bible, The 12 Venn, Jem 82 Vinti, Lucia 79 W Weinberg, Joanna 4 Wells, Hayley 70 Who’s Tickling Tilly? 74 Wild Gardens 52 Williams, Jake 80 Wood, Ness 72 Woolf, Jo 53 Y Young Designers, The 78