E-LEARNING TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY: USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION Pavithra M.Rao Lecturer, Dept. of Compute Science. Sharada Pre university College, Mangalore,Karnataka ABSTRACT The research project reported in this paper is a contribution to the extension of understanding of the common user and students experience of e-learning. Qualitative data was collected from learners to offer insights into their perceptions and expectations of the e-learning experience. This paper starts with, focusing on meaning of e-learning and its type, its benefits, followed by an explanation of E-learning tool and its standards. Conclusions and recommendations for future research focus on the development of our understanding the criteria applied by common user and student in evaluating an e-learning. INTRODUCTION E-Learning is the use of technology to enable people to learn anytime and anywhere. E-Learning can include training, the delivery of just-in-time information and guidance from experts. Having the potential to improve the quality of learning; improve access to education and training; reduce the cost of education; and, improve the cost-effectiveness of education e-learning has become integral part of society. There has been considerable interest in the potential for the development of e-learning in universities, schools (e.g., Crook, 1998; DfES, 2003; Roussos, 1997), further education and the workplace (eg, Hughes & Attwell, 2003; Morgan, 2001; Sambrook, 2001). The development of elearning products and the provision of e-learning opportunities is one of the most rapidly expanding areas of education and training, in both education and industry (Imel, 2002). Education and training is poised to become one of the largest sectors in the world economy. E-Learning is being recognized as having the power to transform the performance, knowledge and skills landscape (Gunasekaran, McNeil & Shaul, 2002. 1. What is E-learning? Electronic learning is the use of network technology to design, deliver, select, administer and extend learning. E-learning has brought about a convergence between learning networks, new technology and new economy. E-learning is able to provide answers pertaining to the needs of the socioeconomic situation that is changing globally. E-learning
provides a wide spectrum of knowledge where the learning gets shared within the community. The net advantage of E-learning makes it possible for learners to experience the learning in real time. E-learning solutions are offering a great deal of knowledge creation by combining tools such as Computer Based Trainings, Web Based Trainings, Virtual Class room, chat, e-mail list groups with instructional design and create learning products that teach. The products currently Web-based had to be easy to use and maintain, portable, replicable, scalable, and immediately affordable, and they had to have a high probability of success, with a long-term cost-effectiveness. E-learning is learning that is web enabled, it is a complete learning solution and deliver learning through incorporation of technology. In simple words, e-learning refers to education created and delivered by using technologies related to computer, the internet and technology in combination or isolation. Web-based learning is worldwide accessible, low in maintenance, secure, platform-independent, and always current and can accommodate various learning styles. Educators and students are using the web in a variety of ways to enhance their teaching and learning experiences. E-learning can be delivered to the learners easily, in an individualized manner.
2. Levels of e-learning E-learning falls into four categories, from the very basic to the very advanced. The categories are: 2.1
Knowledge databases
While not necessarily seen as actual training, these databases are the most basic form of e-learning. You've probably seen knowledge databases on software sites offering indexed explanations and guidance for software questions, along with step-by-step instructions for performing specific tasks. These are usually moderately interactive, meaning that you can either type in a key word or phrase to search the database, or make a selection from an alphabetical list. 2.2 Online support Online support is also a form of e-learning and functions in a similar manner to knowledge databases. Online support comes in the form of forums, chat rooms, online bulletin boards, e-mail, or live instantmessaging support. Slightly more interactive than knowledge databases, online support offers the opportunity for more specific questions and answers, as well as more immediate answers.
2.3 Asynchronous E-learning Asynchronous training -- This is e-learning in the more traditional sense of the word. It involves self-paced learning, either CD ROM-based, Network-based, Intranet-based or Internet-based. It may include access to instructors through online bulletin boards, online discussion groups and e-mail. Or, it may be totally self-contained with links to reference materials in place of a live instructor. Asynchronous E-learning includes:Self-paced Courses and Discussion Groups 2.3.1
Self-paced course
The obvious advantage of a self-paced course is convenience. People can get the training they need at any time. This can include just-in-time training where a person gets exactly the training he or she needs to perform a task. Self-paced courses are created with e-learning authoring tools. Self-paced courses can be delivered in many ways including:
Internet ,Intranet or Local Area Networks ,CD-ROM or DVD ,Wireless
Self-paced courses usually have these features: Multimedia., Interactivity, Book marking, Tracking Some self-paced courses have these advanced features: Simulation:, Online Experts, Multiple Bookmarks, Search, Notes and Highlights
2.3.2 Discussion Groups A discussion group is a collection of conversations that occur over time. Other names for discussion groups are message boards, bulletin boards and discussion forums. A discussion group might start out as a question from an individual. Some time later, another individual responds to that question. Others can respond to the question (creating a thread) or they can start their own conversation (forming another thread). A discussion group is a very efficient way to provide expert answers to a large group people. A single answer to a common question can benefit many. 2.4 Synchronous E-learning Synchronous training -- Synchronous training is done in real-time with a live instructor facilitating the training. Everyone logs in at a set time and can communicate directly with the instructor and with each other. You can raise your cyber hand and even view the cyber whiteboard. It lasts for a set amount of time -- from a single session to several weeks, months or even years. This type of training usually takes place via Internet Web sites, audio- or video-conferencing, Internet telephony, or even two-way live broadcasts to students in a classroom.
Virtual Classroom , Audio and Video Conferencing , Chat ,Shared Whiteboard ,Application Sharing , Instant Messaging ,Development and Management ,Learning Management Systems ,Learning Content Management Systems ,Knowledge Management
3. Some of the benefits of e-learning
Self paced learning process, flexibility, accessibility, convenience travel cost, time and other savings highly customizable individual learning style interactive and rich multimedia learning content learner focused learning, more active participation in the learning process easier content management, simpler data management, ease of update capacity to link the content with other learning resources use of distributed libraries, inexpensive worldwide delivery integrated assessment and testing facilities variety of measuring methods of the learning success measuring ROI by monitoring and evaluating the learning progress greater storage capacity results in more products Quality assurance for e-learning
4. Need or importance of E-learning Faster Learning , Consistent Instruction ,Higher Levels of Retention, Greater Levels of Assessment, No Travel Expenses ,No Need for Classroom, Simplified Training Management, Incredible saving of time and money 5. Who uses e-learning and how is it Used? All types of organizations use e-learning – private sector/for profit, nonprofit, governments, and educational institutions. Organizations use elearning for many reasons – to save money, to reach geographically dispersed groups, to provide “anywhere-anytime” learning, to provide consistency, to ensure compliance with regulations, and to improve productivity, to name just a few. E-learning is often used for some of the following reasons: To provide introductory/orientation training, to provide remedial training, to provide certification training, to deliver academic courses, to promote products and services, to support organizational initiatives, to offer training to geographically disparate personnel, to offer a variety of learning opportunities, to coach and mentor learners, to standardize training/knowledge, and to provide software training. 6. E-learning Software Tools and Products The numbers of tools that are available for e-learning development are far too many these days. Starting from media creation tools, web
publishing tools, online conferencing tools, to multimedia authoring tools, integrated learning environments, collaboration and management tools and so on. Digital multimedia creation tools ,Text creation tools,Graphic and Image creation tools,Animation tools ,Web Publishing Tools, Internet-based Conferencing Tools. Some of the common conferencing tools are: Web Chat , Internet Phones Popular software tools available are the following:
LotusNotes Domino Collabra Share First Class Microsoft NetMeeting Intel Proshare Internet Conference Pro and also Multimedia Internet Authoring Tools
7. E-learning Standards Notable advancements in e-learning technology in the last five years have included the introduction of learning management systems and the development of standards promoting “sharable learning content objects”, or “learning objects”. Many emerging standards are expected to dramatically advance the elearning industry. Central to these standards are the learning objects (called “Assignable Units” or “lessons” within AICC’s model, and “Sharable Content Objects” within SCORM’s model). The smallest units of learning content tracked by LMSs or LCMSs, learning objects are labeled in a standardized way. Few important standards are as follows:
SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) SCORM versions: SCORM 1.1,1.2,2004,timeline January 1999 — Executive Order 13111 signed tasking the DoD to develop common specifications and standards for e-learning across both federal and private sectors ,January 2000 — SCORM Version 1.0 January 2001 — SCORM Version 1.1 ,October 2001 SCORM Version 1.2 January 2004 — SCORM 2004 (1st Edition) ,July 2004 SCORM 2004 (2nd Edition) , June 2006 — Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 1322.26 , Requiring DoD Use of SCORM October 2006 — SCORM 2004 (3rd Edition) ,March 2009 — SCORM 2004 (4th Edition) Learning-Education-Training Systems Interoperability (LETSI) IMS (Instructional Management System) AICC (Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee)
IEEE LTSC (Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineering’s Learning Technology Standards Committee) XML (eXtensible Mark-up Language)
IEEE 1484.12.1 – 2002 Standard for Learning Object Metadata
8. Goals of E-learning E-learning lessons are generally designed to guide students through information or to help students perform in specific tasks. Information based e-Learning content communicates information to the student. Examples include content that distributes the history or facts related to a service, company, or product. In information-based content, there is no specific skill to be learned. In performance-based content, the lessons build off of a procedural skill in which the student is expected to increase proficiency. Finally, the "learning tools," whether used asynchronously or synchronously, must communicate knowledge or skills to both face-toface and distributed audiences, with the highest likelihood that the information will generate the desired results i.e., participants achieve both higher and verifiable levels of content retention, understanding, and satisfaction with the learning process being employed.
9. Conclusion In end I can conclude that, E-learning is defined as individualized instruction delivered over public (internet) or private (intranet) computer networks. E-learning is also referred to as online learning, web-based learning (WBL) and the virtual classroom. Thus E-Learning includes CBT, WBT and other electronic delivery forms of training and teaching. E-learning means “Web-enabled material deployed using the Net”. Elearning contributes to superior retention of knowledge; and is more quickly, conveniently, and economically delivered. But it must be done methodically, considering the user interface which includes effective transfer of knowledge.
Bibliography: Author guide: Dr.Niranjan N.Chiplunkar Professor, Dept. of Computer Engg., NMAMIT, Nitte 574110, Karnataka. 1. E-LEARNING: USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS, Dr.Niranjan N.Chiplunkar Professor, Dept. of Computer Engg., NMAMIT, Nitte 574110,Karnataka. 2. http://www.isodynamic.com/ 3. Getting Up to Speed on E-Learning, Tom Werner, BrandonHall.com Publishers, 2001 4. Various pages about E-learning in WWW.wikipedia.com 5. e-Learning E-Content Report 6 ACTeN Anticipating Content Technology Need Published in a series of E-Content Reports by ACTeN (www.acten.net) June 2004