Portfolio Pavla Maxovรก
Bc. Pavla Maxovรก Born:
18.03.1991 in Ostrava (Czech republic)
Contact: email: pavlinkamaxova@seznam.cz telephone: +420 732 620 003 Education
2015-2017 - Master degree on Faculty of Architecture, CTU in Prague 2013-2015 - Bachelor degree on Faculty of Architecture, CTU in Prague 2010-2013 - Bachelor degree on Civil Engineering Faculty, CTU in Prague 2006-2010 - Grammar school - Wichterlovo gymnรกzium, Ostrava
English - fluently, B2 French - elementary knowledge, A1
ArchiCad, AutoCad, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Artlantis, Microsoft office
Experiences Studion MAAT - summer 2016 - job in small studio in the centre of Prague - work project of block of flats in Kodaň (small historical ciyt) and on other smaller projects http://www.maat-arch.eu/ Studio Archilog - first half of 2016 - work on two competitions - first square in Mnichovo hradiště, second exposition in Mantional museum in Prague http://www.nm.cz/Hlavni-strana/Novinky/Vysledky-architekton icke-souteze-na- reseni-novych-expozic.html Student competition - Winner of student competition in CTU in 2016 called “Olověný Dušan”, in 2017 nominated again -other competition - Isover comfort house, YTONG, Central group Other waitress in Bar in Amsterdam, waitress in hotel restaurant on island Kos, au-pair on Mallorca
Hobbies, what I like Architecture!!! Travelling - architecture, culture, galleries, food Food - cooking and eating Art - movies (sci-fi, fantasy, Audrey Hepburn), music (rock & roll, rock, alternative rock), fine art (mainly 19th and 20th century) My favourite activity during designing (except designing itself ) is making final presentation. I can´t wait to make visualizations, axonometries and etc...
School Projects and competitions City block Smíchov - Winner project Space for Architects - TU Dresden Mountain cottages - Giant mountains Townhouses in Štětí Brno - Moravian gallery Astana - multicomfort houses
City block Smíchov School project in studio Cikán - winner project of “Olověný Dušan” in 2016 Together with Jan Novotný On the place of former cargo railway station was designed new part of Prague. urbanism was designed by studio D3A and our school studio designed there city blocks. In a team of two people we designed block. We wanted to create new urban spaces - public spaces - we used for that classic Prague passages (galleries). On this platform of passages we designed 9 houses for different people. “hipster house” for young single people, hostel and student accomodation, classic family flats, duplexes for big families and etc...
Main axonometry of the BLOCK. The block lies between very busy road with tram and new square with the church. Near this area is very popular business centre called “Anděl” (Angel) desgined by architect Jean Nouvel. Anděl provides us stream of people going there and fill this new area.
Public passages with shops and etc... Private entrance to the houses Entrance to office centre
City palace The biggest building in the block - the city palace. On the first floor is restaurant, shops and cinema. On the others are shops and showrooms and offces. On the roof you can find “sky village� composed of small houses for three families with their own tiny square and with one tree. With this solution we wanted to show importances of using flat roof, because is another important space on the building. In all block you can see many different oportunities how to use roofs. Sometimes as an village, sometimes as an green public terrace or private terrace.
Hipster house House for young people. Loners or couples. This provides many small flats with one big room, which can you use as you want. There is main core with sanitary and kitchen and then you can use space in the flat as studio or big living room, or you can divide it. Every flat has loggia (tha´t because of the noise made from trams - law in our country newly prohobits to have flats next to the roads with trams, but you can use loggies to reduce noise)
Multi - culti house This is house contains of student´s flats and hostel´s rooms. We think (and mainly in this time) is very important to mix a different life styles and culture. So we mixed in this house young people - students and tourist. In the basement, there is a club, where can everybody meet.
Space for Architects School project in studio Rothbauer - international student competition - result unknown yet -nomination for “Olověný Dušan” - result unknown yet Together with Jan Novotný TU Dresden needs a new school for Architects. In the campus, they don´t have their own space. We created school for architects as an open place, where you can work, relax, just spend your time as you want. We used a school moduls of teaching and created independent 5 schools. Every school has own “head” = professor and own outdoor space - terrace. It´s their own entrance. On the other hand, there is “dean hill” - official part of the school with Dean´ office. This space is in the shape of stairs - as all building is - because we think the most important things in the school are sitting places. You can literally sit everywhere.
Škola Architektury Pavla Maxová Jan Novotný
New building is situated between old Beyer-Bau school of civil engineering and new auditorium hall. We used this shape of new building not to overshadow Beyer-Bau and also to create a new stone place to relax - “mini square� with wooden sittin flower plot. Also we left most of the plants in the campus and we complete two important alleys (Poplar and Chestnut). Another important space, which is created is Leisure meadow in front of the auditorium hall.
Here, you can see school moduls, dean hill and underground floor with laboratories and archives. The highest is school of landscape architecture, then school of buildings and design, school of delineation, school of history and urbanism and last is school of climatology properties. You can see that every school has different needs. Needs less or more offices for professors, secretaries and assistants. Less or more classrooms. Every school has own sanitary rooms and big open space. All school are connected with inner stairs and with outer terraces. Dean hill is official part of the school. The first floor is open to public. Hall is big free space for meetings, discussion and lectures. Also there are cafeterie, shops and copycentre.
School of Delineation
School of Delineation This is one chosen school to show how it works. One the picture is main axonometry with open space, offices and classrooms. Also there are plans with movable partitions and with other things we described more concretly. Also anothe two pictures are about this school. One is from inside and one is from terrace.
Mountain cottages - Giant mountains School project in studio HradeÄ?nĂ˝ The concept was to create relaxing places for people, who would like to live for a while in calm place without rush. In the cottages there is no electricity. For light you have to use candles, for hot water you have to use stove. Cottages are situated near bigger buildings with restaurant, whis has classical supplies. This small area is connected to others areas, which provide horseback riding. This area is bordered by fence and horses can life there free with people. Also this place is start position to the others areas. You can rent here a horse and ride on the other places.
Six connected areas. Every has own building and space for horses. Also there are some farms.
Site plan of fenced area. Big main building with cottages and barn.
Area has own cleaning system for waste and own source of water on the hill.
Main building with restaurant and with owner´s flat.
Cottage for 4 people.
Townhouses in Štětí School project in studio Kohout-Tichý The concept was to bring another kind of living to the small shrinking city, where is problem with poor people and families don´t want to live there. I designed two townhouses for two families, who want to spend some time with each other. They have big roof garden together. Every family has own house with big living room and smaller rooms. The shape of plot was very complex. But the main orientation is on the south and the garden is hidden from outside world. On the ground floor is farmer´s shop with bakery, which can own families or they can rent it.
Štětí is a small town not far from the Prague. It lies next to the rived Labe. It´s industrial city and has a lot of problems with poor unemployed people. In the studio we designed a lot of different king of living. I designed townhouses for two families. On the plot near by me is city house with flats. And also near is senior house.
This axonomtry shows us hidden world of the townhouses, which can´t be seen from anowhere in the block, because there are no high buildings and walls protect this garden. In the walls there are small windows, which can provide view and connection to the neighborhood.
Plans On the ground floor you can find farmer´s shop with bakery and entrances to the houses. On the first floor there are living rooms and the big garden and two other hidden gardens. On the second floor there are rooms of the family. Two child rooms and one parent room.
Space between to private hidden gardens. This place contain one big tree and windows to the hidden gardens.
Private hidden gardens. Every family has own garden.
The new Moravian gallery in Brno International student competition YTONG 2017 Together with Jan Novotný The main task was to create new building for contemporary art. The plot was very difficult. On one hand there was unfinished classical block. On the other hand there is historical building of Governor´s palace. Also there are many passageways and there are lot of plants. The plot is on the place of former defend walls. We designed shape of the building like former walls, which can be used as public spaces with green terraces and can be used for outside exhibitions. Inner space is fluent with a lot for sitting places. Because we thought that walking throuw the gallery can be very tiring and we wanted to provide a lot of places to relax.
You can see the shape of the building. Woth this location we create three different public spaces. First is in front of the gallery, we preserved current park and we ompleted it with tiny square. Inside the block we esigned city garden, which is typical for ours historical city. And on the roof of the new building are public terraces with the beautiful view of castle Ĺ pilberk, which you can see on the elevation below.
Very important was inner space. We created fluent space connected with sitting stairs and lifts.
Astana - Multicomfort houses International student competition Isover 2015 Together with Jan NovotnĂ˝ The task was to create new area in post-EXPO area. We have one big plot and we had to design sustainable area with own sources of energy. We designed block composed of residential building with living ground floor. In the middle there is lagoon, because they have a lot of undeground sources of water. In the summer this lagoon provides better climate in the winter it is frozen lake for skating. Building has flower plot instead of the railing. On the roof there wind turbines to make electricity, because in Astana there are strong winds.
Site plan shows that we wanted to bring to area traditional european blocks (because they have problem with defining public spaces in the city - every distance is too big), but also we wanted to area be through. In the middle is lagoon with tea houses (very typical for their life style). Also on the ground floor there are a lot of public spaces for markets, which are very important for their culture.
Summer visualization shows us using of lagoon. Lagoon isn´t deep. Children can play there safely. Also you can rent a small ship. Another imporant things are flowerpots on the balkony. In the summer is very sunny, they make shadow and also create better climate.
Winter visualization shows us using lagoon as the the place for skating and for plaing ice-hockey, which is national Kazakhstani sport. Also flowerpots are bare and the sun can go to the interior.
Around area we designed boulevards with weide roads, with cycle path, walking path, green lines with trees and with the space for parterre. Walking paths are very wide. Restaurant can have seatings there.
Work Archilog Competition for exhibition in National Museum in Prague Revitalization of square in Mnichovo hradiĹĄtÄ›
Exhibitions in National Museum Competition 2016 The task was to create exhibitions in old and new building of the National museum on Venceslar square in Prague. I helped with designing exhibition and main task was to made pictures to the competition. Studio wanted to preserved a lot of original furniture and to get closer to the museum in Wien.
We presented all floors in axonometry, which showed rooms of the exhibition and also showed main dominants on the floors. This is the old building from 19th century with the original furniture, which ic used there and complete with the new one. On other pictures will be visualization from this old building.
We presented all floors in axonometry, which showed rooms of the exhibition and also showed main dominants on the floors. This is the new building from 70´s in brutalistic style.
Square in Mnichovo hradiĹĄtÄ› Competition 2016 The task was to revitaliza old square with block of the houses in the middle of the square. Very imporant was traffic solution and also creating new public stone square for placing stage.
The end