100 Ways to Know God Loves Me

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Text © 2008 Stephen Elkins All songs (except Public Domain*) written and arranged by Stephen Elkins. ©

by Wonder Workshop, Mt. Juliet, Tennessee.

Illustrations © 2008 Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson. Thomas Nelson is a registered trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc. Thomas Nelson, Inc., titles may be purchased in bulk for educational, business, fund-raising, or sales promotional use. For information, please e-mail SpecialMarkets@ThomasNelson.com. Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved. Library of Congress Control Number: 2008931094 ISBN-13: 978-1-4003-1157-6 Printed in China 09 10 11 12 RRD 6 5 4 3 2 1


God loves me because STORY He answers my prayers. He blessed me with a family. He blessed me with a home. He blessed me with friends. He blesses me. He calls me “friend.” He calls me His child. He calms me when I’m worried. He comforts me. He counsels me. He created a beautiful world for me. He died for my sins. He disciplines me. He encourages me. He fights for me. He forgives me. He gave me hands to work and play. He gave me life. He gives me confidence. He gives me direction. He gives me hope. He gives me joy. He gives me peace. He gives me rest. He gives me sleep. He gives me wisdom. He has a plan for my life. He has given me a purpose.

He has given me ears to hear and eyes to see. He has given me gifts and abilities. He has given me today! He has given us music. He has given us the Bible. He heals me. He hears my cry. He hears my prayers. He helps me make good choices. He helps me through trouble. He humbles me. He instructs me. He is always with me. He is coming again for me. He is faithful. He is good to me. He is kind to me. He is on my side. He is patient with me. He is preparing a place for me. He keeps His promises. He keeps me from harm. He keeps my family safe. He knows my needs before I ask. He leads me. He loves all the children! He made me part of His family. He made me special. He made all the animals. He makes all things possible. He makes me glad. He makes me laugh. He never forgets me. He picks me up when I fall.

He promises me eternal life. He promises to guide me. He promises to help me. He promises to watch over me. He protects me. He provides clothes for me. He provides everything I need. He provides food for me. He provides us with light. He rejoices over me with singing. He rescues me. He restores my soul. He saves my soul. He sends rain. He sent His Holy Spirit. He sent Jesus to die for me. He sets me apart as His own. He shelters me from the storm. He shows me grace. He shows me how to live. He speaks to me in His Word. He sticks closer than a brother. He strengthens me. He supports me. He takes away my fear. He takes care of me in the night. He takes my troubles. He teaches me not to worry. He teaches me to love others. He teaches me to say “No!� He thinks of me. He will give me the desires of my heart. He will never leave me.

He works for my good. His angels watch over me. His love will last forever. I see His miracles every day. Nothing will separate me from His love.

SONG He Will Answer By and By My Family Matters I’ve Got a Mansion Be a Friend Count Your Blessings What a Friend We Have in Jesus How Great Is the Love The Wind and Waves Obey Him He Will Quiet You Wherever He Leads I’ll Go For the Beauty of the Earth Do Remember Trust and Obey Blessed Assurance Onward, Christian Soldiers Forgive as the Lord Forgives You Let Us Lift Up Our Hands In His Own Image The Solid Rock Where Could I Go? Near the Cross Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee I’ve Got Peace Like a River Come to Me Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Lean Not on Your Own understanding The Plans I Have for You

The Reason He Made Me Be Thou My Vision I Am the Vine This Is the Day Come, Christians, Join to Sing Hidden in My Heart Lord, I Love You You Hear My Voice The Lord’s Prayer Let My Little Light Shine I Will Deliver You I Bowed on My Knees Teach Me Your Ways, O Lord Wide, Wide as the Ocean When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder The Lord Is My Rock God Is So Good Try to Be Kind Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus Be Patient The Kingdom of Heaven Standing on the Promises If We Ever Needed O Lord, My Lord (You Will Keep Us Safe) When I Remember You The Lord Is My Shepherd Jesus Loves the Little Children Children of God I Am Wonderfully Made All Creatures of Our God and King It’s Possible with God O Happy Day Is Anyone Happy? He Remembers Me

Be Thou Exalted When We All Get to Heaven The Lord Will Guide You My Help Comes from the Lord The Lord Never Slumbers You Are My Hiding Place Isn’t He Wonderful? He Meets My Needs Father, We Thank Thee Heavenly Sunlight He Keeps Me Singing I’m Calling on You, Lord The Lord Bless You and Keep You If You’re Saved and You Know It Showers of Blessing Have Thine Own Way, Lord I’ve Got Good News Praise Him, Praise Him I Saw the Light My Grace Is Sufficient, Child Imitators of Jesus My Word Will Never Pass Away Walking with Jesus The Joy, Joy, Joy of the Lord Leaning on the Everlasting Arms Do Not Fear What They Fear God Will Take Care of You Ask Anything He Is Lord So We Love Is Your All on the Altar? What Is Man? Create in Me a Pure Heart I Have Never Seen the Righteous Forsaken

In All Things Angels Are Watching over Me Tonight Jesus Loves Even Me Holy, Holy, Holy Jesus Loves Me

God will answer me, just as He answered Jeremiah.

He Will Answer By and By CD 1 SONG 1

I know God loves me because

He answers my prayers. JEREMIAH 33

Jeremiah was a great teacher. He taught everyone that God is a listening God. God answers big prayers and little prayers, loud prayers and soft ones. But how do I know God answers my prayers? Jeremiah 33:3 promises that God will answer every prayer. God’s reply may not be heard with our ears and may not be what we expect. But He will hear, and He will answer. So let’s do what the Bible says. Let’s pray every day. God loves to hear your voice!

I know God loves me because He answers my every prayer. Call to me and I will answer you. Jeremiah 33:3

God has given me a place to belong, just as He did for Adam.

My Family Matters CD 1 SONG 2

I know God loves me because

He blessed me with a family. GENESIS 2 — 3

Adam was the first person God made. But he was alone. God knew it wasn’t good for Adam to be alone. So God created Eve and welcomed the very first family into the garden of Eden. He placed in their hearts a desire to belong. Psalm 68:6 says that God has given us families so we can belong to each other. A family is a place to grow, a place to love, a place to belong.

I know God loves me because He gave me my very own family. God sets the lonely in families. Psalm 68:6

God has given me a home where I feel safe and loved.

I’ve Got a Mansion CD 1 SONG 3

I know God loves me because

He blessed me with a home. ISAIAH 32:18

People love going on vacation. Sometimes we can go to the beach; other times we may drive to the mountains and stay in a cabin. It’s a lot of fun —for a while. But after a few days, we’re ready to go home. Home is the place where we are safe and loved. Isaiah 32:18 teaches that God gives us homes. He has provided safe, peaceful places where we can rest. Remember, a house is just a building made of wood or bricks. But a home is a place of love where a family dwells. God bless our happy homes!

I know God loves me because He blessed me with a home. My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest. Isaiah 32:18

God will give me friends who love me, just as He gave to the sick man who was brought to Jesus.

Be a Friend CD 1 SONG 4

I know God loves me because

He blessed me with friends. MARK 2:1 — 12

Jesus was inside a house. Suddenly pieces of mud and straw began to fall to the floor. Four men were lowering their sick friend down through a hole they had made in the roof! Jesus was pleased with the men’s love for their friend. Proverbs 17:17 says that a friend loves at all times. So to be a true friend, we must love . . . no matter what. We must always be willing to help.

I know God loves me because He has given me friends. A friend loves at all times. Proverbs 17:17

God blesses me, just as He blessed Ezekiel.

Count Your Blessings CD 1 SONG 5

I know God loves me because

He blesses me. EZEKIEL 34:25 — 31

Ezekiel must have loved a rainy day. He knew that rainy days were a blessing from God. Without the rain, there would be no apples or oranges or any other fruit. God showered Ezekiel with many good things we call blessings. Does God still send blessings to His people today? Ezekiel 34:26 gives us a promise. The Lord says, “I will send down showers . . . of blessing.” He promises to bless those who love and trust Him. Do you love God? I do too! So the next time a raindrop hits you on the nose, think of God’s many blessings.

I know God loves me because He showers me with blessings. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing. Ezekiel 34:26

God will call me friend, just as He called Abra ham friend, because I will obey Him too.

What a Friend We Have in Jesus CD 1 SONG 6

I know God loves me because

He calls me “friend.” JAMES 2:23

Abraham was called a friend of God. Why? Abraham trusted God. He offered everything he had to God. And because Abraham loved and obeyed Him, God called him “friend.” Can I be called a friend of God too? John 15:15 tells us that Jesus calls us His friends. To be called a friend, we must spend time with someone. We share our feelings with them. We love them. Isn’t it nice to know that Jesus calls you friend? Let’s spend time with Him.

I know God loves me because He calls me His friend. I no longer call you servants. . . . I have called you friends. John 15:15

God calls me His child, just as He calls all believers His children.

How Great Is the Love CD 1 SONG 7

He I know God loves me because

He calls me His child. 1 JOHN 3:1

John was a disciple of Jesus. He tells us something very special about our God: He loves us so much that He calls us His children! John also tells us God loves us with a great love and wants us to love Him too! When you ask Jesus to come into your life, you are saying, “I love You too, God.” In 1 John 3:1 we see that God’s love is deeper and wider than any ocean. So there’s plenty of love for you and me and the whole wide world. Have you asked Jesus into your life?

I know God loves me because He calls me His child. How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! 1 John 3:1

When I’m upset, God will calm me, just as He calmed the disciples and the roaring sea.

The Wind and Waves Obey Him CD 1 SONG 8

I know God loves me because

He calms me when I’m worried. MARK 4:35 —41 The disciples were so worried! Their boat was caught in a terrible storm. But Jesus lay sound asleep in the back of the boat. Hearing their panic, Jesus awoke and said, “Be still.” The storm went away and so did the disciples’ fears. Can Jesus calm my worries too? Mark 4:41 teaches that our God is a mighty God. He’s bigger than any problem. When worry and fear come our way, we just need to call the One who can handle it all.

I know God loves me because He calms my worries. Even the wind and the waves obey him! Mark 4:41

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