Manda Pawelczyk LMU Portfolio

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Manda Pawelczyk I NTER I OR DES I G N & DECOR A TI ON POR TFOLI O ID: 17002880

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Who I am and why I would love to join the Interior Design and Decoration program.

STYLING/DECORATING Examples of my decorating and styling skills across interiors and floral design.

FURNITURE/UPHOLSTERY A wide selection of furniture projects from upholstery and painting to refinishing and upcycling.

26 39 45 PAGE

MAKING A collection of my creations from textile design and sewing to pottery.

DRAWING A variety of drawing techniques and mediums.

PHOTOGRAPHY Images that I have captured that inspire me and my designs.

H I, I’M MAN D A Since I was a little girl I have always loved the process of creating. I could get lost for hours gathering items from my backyard and brainstroming ways to make with them. And while my dedication to creating ebbed and flowed as I grew up – the past ten years I have focused on building a life centered around my creativity. I have explored outlets such as pottery, photography, sewing, upholstery, fixing up old furniture, and decorating my surroundings.

Pair these

skills with my love of furniture, fabric, homes and design and I know that becoming an Interior Design and Decoration student at London Met is the next big step in pursuing my dreams. Someday I hope to have my own line of fabrics, soft furnishings, furniture and home accessories. And I hope that through the pages of this portfolio you can see the passion and potential that I have within me to turn this dream into a reality.




“Some people look for a beautiful place, others make a place beautiful.” – Hazrat Inayat Khan



MY FEATURE IN COTTAGE COUNTRY MAGAZINE In t he s pri ng of 2 016 I was co ntacted by an e ditor fr om Engage d Life style Me dia. They wer e p utting t ogethe r a s pecial editi on magazi ne here i n t he US titled Cottage Co unt ry. They ha d c ome acro ss my bl og (www.lostint hefou nd.c om) a nd t ho ught t hat my style co uld b e a per fect fit for the magazi ne. I su bmitte d sam ple ph otos o f th e s mall flat that I rented a nd a co uple of m onth s later fo un d out t hat I had been selecte d to be feature d. The magazine was relea sed in t he fall of 2 016 an d the followi ng pages s how my article.

This wa s in deed a very exciti ng

opp ort unity fo r me, not o nly to have my work show n for th ousa nd s to see b ut al so becau se th is a rticle i s w hat finally gave m e the co urage t o fully c hase my d ream s an d begi n t his pr oces s of a pplyi ng to sch ool fo r interior design.




NURSERY FOR MY NIECE 2016 is al so t he year my br other and si ster-in -law welco med a baby gi rl into thei r ho me. I gla dly accepted w hen t hey asked i f I wo uld lik e to help de sig n the nu rse ry. One of my drea ms ha s been to step int o the world o f de sign ing


This r oo m see med like t he per fect

opp ort unity for me t o give it a try. I design ed all three of the fabric s use d thr oug ho ut the nu rse ry (whic h yo u can rea d more a bo ut o n page s 27, 29, and 34 ). I wante d the r oo m to feel s oft, c ozy, and lig ht – th e kin d of place so meo ne woul d enj oy rocki ng my niece to sle ep. It was als o really im porta nt to me that t he r oo m had per sonal ized t ouch es, a s yo u will see wit h two of t he fabric desi gn s an d s om e o f the décor. This wa s a great learni ng ex perie nce for me a s I t ook el eme nts of t he r oo m fro m concept to creatio n – by gatheri ng ins piratio n, des igni ng the fab ric, and sewing each piece how I envisioned it.


The Details I enjoyed selecting some of the small details throughout the room, like these knobs for the dressers which added interest and tied in nicely with the white and distressed detail on the furniture.

Personal Touches Anchoring the changing table are the christening gowns that belonged to my brother and sister-in-law when they were babies as well as deer antlers that belonged to my father. These personal touches are mixed in with utilitarian items such as the changing pad cover and baskets filled with nappies and lotions.





One o f my favorite ways to sp en d my weeke nd s is brow sin g aro un d flea markets, garage sales, a nd t hrift sh op s lo oking fo r piece s that I ca n hel p bring to li fe. Thi s $25 mirr or is o ne o f my favorite exa mple s, not o nly did it tur n into a beauti ful state ment p iece per fect for ab ove a mantel but it also kept me on my toe s and thi nkin g creatively when thing s did n't go a s pla nne d. Whe n I purc hase d the mirr or I l oved the detail along t he to p b ut t he br own ma de it feel heavy and bo ring.

To ad d

interest I deci ded to u se milk pai nt to give it a time worn look. It was my fir st time us ing m ilk paint, whic h can be unp redictab le in its outco me. After the fir st layer of paint m ost o f it started to chip o ff o f the mirr or leavi ng drastic co ntrasts betwee n t he crea m paint an d dark stained woo d. I wasn ’t likin g the stark d iffere nce. The sol ution ? I gave the entire mir ror a wipe dow n with a white wash I had mixe d with water and latex paint. The res ult? A mirr or that wa s now well ble nde d, felt coh esive an d ha d ad ditio nal layers of dept h to make it feel authentically well loved and old.



FLORAL CENTERPIECE For a post on my blog, I was going to be photographing my dining room. I wanted to add a simple yet stunning centerpiece to the table. This floral centerpiece is what I put together from a bouquet of flowers and elements I had around my house. I love the softness of the candles and flowers mixed with the texture of the basket and the boldness of the blue striped fabric. It’s colors captivate me and leave me longing for a delicious meal in its presence.







Picture A

Picture B

Picture C

Picture D

I started by folding a piece of vintage blue striped fabric and layering a basket I had on top.

I filled the basket with three candles in holders that varied in height to add additional interest.

I sorted the bouquet of flowers into three piles based on their style of leaf or flower.

I then began layering the stems and flowers throughout the basket so they were evenly distributed and felt well balanced.



“The details are not the details, they make the design.” – Charles Eames



MODERN UPHOLSTERED WING BACK CHAIR In 2 012 I sp ent ju st over three mo nth s co mpleti ng my AMU SF Level 2 and Level 3 uph olste ry certificati on s in Kendal, Engla nd.

For my

mo dern piece o f u phol stery I com plete d this wi ng back.

I cho se

Schu mache r's Quail Mead ow fabr ic with co ntrasti ng pi pi ng fo r a bol d statement. Pe rhap s my favorite detail, an d o ne that I am mo st pr ou d of, is the aligne d pattern matchi ng at the joints arou nd the chair. The followi ng page show s so me o f the ste ps I co mpl eted in the proce ss o f upholstering this piece.


Smart Ideas Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.



TRADITIONALLY UPHOLSTERED CHAIR One of the reas on s I ch ose to stu dy up hol stery in t he UK is you r hig h standar ds whe n it co mes to traditi onal up hol stery met ho ds.

Thi s i s

rare to fi nd i n the U S, with few u ph olster s bei ng traine d with hair stuffi ng. To the ri ght i s the final c hair I c o mplete d of my co urs e – a chair d one c om pletely with tra ditio nal met ho ds, i nclu din g dee p butto nin g. Thi s was han ds d own the mo st challen ging a nd m ost ti me cons u ming p iece of furn iture I have ever worked o n but o ne that I am very prou d of.

In ad ditio n to buil din g on my trad itional up holste ry

skills t his piece als o taug ht me how to create my ow n patter n for tufting.




Smart Ideas Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.


UPHOLSTERED HEADBAORD I am a lover of fabr ics, and s o metime s whe n I come acro ss a patter n I love I will buy so me of it – not eve n k nowi ng w hat I will do with it yet. Thi s headb oard starte d o ut that same way. I saw t his Millie fabric by P. Kaufman n and g rabbe d a yard o f it. A year or so later whe n I move d into my re ntal I k new I wante d to up hol ster a head boar d for mysel f. Thi s fa bric see me d like the perfect fit for it. The o nly pr oble m was I only had o ne yard o f it. I knew that wouldn ’t be eno ug h to com pletely cover the b oard, so I decide d to a dd w ood tri m aro un d the sli des of t he headb oard t o make up for t he s ho rtage o f fab ric (an d to ad d s o me extra interest t o it.) plywoo d.

To create t he headb oard I started wit h a p iece o f

I a dde d a layer o f foa m, polye ster batting, a nd the fab ric,

leaving a couple of inc hes aro u nd the boar der o f the plywoo d for a wood fra me. U sing piece s of woo d tri m fr o m a har dware sto re I c ut fou r piece s of tr im wit h a miteri ng saw then usi ng wo od gl ue an d corner brackets I b uild t he fra me. After it wa s dry I pai nted it w hite and attache d it to the head boar d.

The fi nis hi ng to uch wa s ad din g a

row of decorative tacks between the frame and fabric.



VINTAGE LIBRARY CART Some o f my favorite piece s t hat I have fo un d over t he year s have bee n for free – a ban do ned alo ng t he si de o f the r oad. That was t he case wit h this li brary cart. It was old a nd c overed i n layer s o f r ust b ut I cou ld see its pote ntial. I kn ew it nee ded ju st a little time a nd e ffort to make it shine again.


From Rusty and Dusty I gave the entire piece a good scrubbing with wire brushes to remove the layers of rust.

To Bright and Fresh I then added a couple of coats of white paint and sanded it down to have some of the original metal poke through.



HUTCH TURNED INTO A DESK The vintage li brary cart isn’t the o nly free ite m I have fo un d that received an impr es sive makeover. I was given an old Ho osie r hutc h to p that was in ba d shape.

It was in s uch ba d s hape I q uesti one d w hether I wo uld be able to

salvage it. The re were layer s and layers o f pai nt that were so t hick the r oll down to p was st uck i n place, the hi nge s were so r usty t he doo rs cou ld barely ope n and close, an d the shelve s were stained an d covered in dirt. I began by removi ng all of the h inge s and han dles, s oaking the m in a crock p ot with soapy water o n low heat u ntil the r ust so ftene d en ou gh that it co uld be cleaned off.

I the n be gan strip pi ng o ff the layers of paint until it was bare

eno ugh it c oul d be sa nde d a nd repai nted. The dec orative wi nd ows had to be scrape d to rem ove ol d paint and the roll top ha d to be rem oved a nd repai red. Once I fi nis he d it was like a w hole new piece – b ut I had to fig ure o ut w hat to do with it. Soo n a fter I ca me acro ss a s mall table at an a uction. I got it fo r $35 and it wa s als o covere d i n layers of paint.

After stri ppi ng o ff the t op I

discovere d a s urface of beautiful oak t hat just neede d a go od sa ndi ng a nd a wipe dow n of Tu ng oil. The table see med like t he per fect size fo r the hutc h and I ha d an i dea to t urn it int o a de sk, with t he rol l top sectio n be ing t he perfect place to hi de a com puter mo nitor. Pairin g the table with the hutc h I decide d to pai nt its base the sam e white col or a nd re place the k no b on t he desk d rawer to better match th e hutc h’s hardware. piece that looks like it always belonged together.


The re sult i s a cohe sive


Smart Ideas Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et


magnis dis parturient montes.




TWO TONED STAINED DRESSER While ma ny of the piece s I have s howcase d so far have be en painte d, I do also enj oy bri ngi ng a fur niture’ s natural wo od to life. This was o ne of t hose piece s. I love d the si mplicity of thi s d res ser w hen I fo un d it at a garage sale. I knew that it would have beautiful woo d un der the ol d varnish so I bega n the proc ess of stri ppi ng it d own a nd san ding it.


wanted to keep the i ntegrity o f the woo d grain w hile still doi ng so methi ng to make it pop.

My s oluti on was doi ng tw o to nes to t he

dres ser – a darke r fra me a nd li ghter drawer s. Fo r the fra me I wipe d o n a stain followe d by a layer of Tu ng oil. In the proce ss o f wipi ng dow n the drawers wit h a dam p cloth I realized thi s woo d had more of a reddi sh tint t han I was wantin g.

I was w orrie d that i f I ju st put t he

Tu ng oil al one on t he d rawers t hey woul d be t oo re d an d it wo uld n’t look r ight next t o the newly staine d dark frame of the dre sser. To hel p balance o ut the w ood of t he d rawers wit h the dark frame, I m ixed so me of t he stai n with the Tung oil (1 part stain w ith 3 part s oil ). Thi s helpe d give the drawers a si milar h ue as the fra me but in a lig hter tone. The knob s were the per fect way to tie in t he two to nes of woo d an d a dd a n extra element of design.


Mixing stain and Tung Oil together for the drawers.







“I’m going to make everything around me beautiful – that will be my life." – Elsie de Wolfe

On page 7, I had me ntio ne d that I de sig ned fab rics for my niece’ s nur sery. Th is was the fi rst one I desig ne d. I knew I wa nted t o


do a fl oral patter n for her roo m. I ha d neve r d one su rface pattern des ign before a nd had never use d Ado be Illu strator. But wit h the hel p o f so me clas ses on the we bsite Skill S hare I gathe red e no ug h i nfo rmati on t o work my way t hro ug h the pr ocess o f creating a desig n. The in spirati on for the m otives came fr om my sketche s and pict ures I ha d taken (whic h you can see o n the next page). O ne o f the pictur es s howe d a bra nch wit h a bl oo min g flower on it. Usi ng my Waco m tablet I traced t hat pictu re int o Illu strator a nd t hat becam e the basi s for my patter n. As I traced t he bra nch I ke pt envi sio ning placi ng it i n a way that with othe r branch es it wou ld c reate a diam on d pattern. And s o thi s pattern was bor n. I k now it is n’t per fect, b ut I am pr ou d o f myse lf fo r trying out a new skill, in a new program and creating a pattern that my niece can always keep as a memento from me.



PERSONALIZED FABRIC DESIGN As I wa s think ing t hro ugh t he othe r fabr ics I wante d to desig n for the nur sery, I k new I wante d on e to be very pers onal. I had t he i dea to have my m o m, my si ster-i n -law, and her mo m all w rite o ut my niece s na me, Haylee Marie. I would the n trace their writin gs with my Waco m tablet and create a patter n fro m it.

I dec ide d to d o it li nearly with

alternating colo rs to give it a stri ped affect.

The pi nk

writing i s Haylee’s m om’ s writi ng, t he gree n i s o ne o f her grand mot her’ s, an d the blue i s the other gran dm othe r’s. Again, I hope this is a design that she will always cherish.


NURSERY BEDDING Afte r having t he fa brics pri nted t hro ug h Sp oo n Flower I bega n the proce ss of sewin g the differe nt ele ments o f the nu rse ry. I wante d to use the fl oral fabric for the bu mpe r pa ds, which we re ab out 10 i nc hes hig h.

W hen playi ng wit h t he scale o f t he pattern I knew I

wanted t he d iam on d to take u p t he e ntire bu mpe r h eight, so I ha d it pri nted so it wo uld be just u nd er 10 i nc hes hig h. The cr ib sk irt, a pil low an d th e cha ngi ng pa d cover we re all made out of Haylee’s signature pattern.




NURSERY CURTAINS I als o inc or porated tho se same two fabric s i nto her c urtain s. Si nce t he flo ral fab ric had only b een use d in o ne row al ong t he b um per pads, I wanted to use e no ugh o f it on the cu rtain s to have it repeat for a few rows of diam on ds.

But I di dn’t wa nt the pattern to g o to far up t he

curtain s s o the roo m did n’t feel to o b usy. I decid ed to keep t he to p porti on of the c urtai ns si mple an d o nly a dd t he patterne d fabric to t he lower hal f.

The fl oral fabric anc hor s t he cu rtain s wit h a strip o f

Haylee’s sig nature fa bric being a nice tra nsiti on betwee n the floral an d white fab rics. I ad ded a row of pipi ng i n betwee n eac h layer to give it a clear divide between each pattern.



BOW’S DOG BED My brot her an d siste r-i n -law are close with thei r dog Bow so they req ueste d that he have a special place with in Haylee’s r oo m. I dec ide d to make hi m a per so nalized d og bed.

I was ins pire d by Haylee’s s ignat ure pattern a nd

thou ght, w hat i f I d o so methi ng si milar but with Bow’s paw print. U sing paint we captu red a paw pr int o f Bow ’s an d I began w orki ng wit h it in Adobe Il lust rator.

I we nt for

rand om


place ment s o f


p rint s in



coord inati ng colo rs to al mo st give the patter n a pol ka dot effect. O nce p rinte d I began t he proce ss of sewin g the bed. We had a pi ece o f fabric em broi dere d with Bow’s na me a nd usi ng o ne o f the setting s o n my sewi ng mac hin e I selected a decorative stitc h to ad d an a dditi onal ele me nt of detail to the pill ow. I ab sol utely loved how t his t ur ned out a nd k now that Bow loves it too.




EMBROIDERED PILLOW Thi s pillow wa s anot her c reation that ste m med fro m a t hri fty fin d. I ca me across a frame d pi ece of e mb roi dery for le ss tha n $1. I loved t he colo rs and the des ign. I tho ug ht that the e mb roi dery be ing behi nd t he frame l ost its texture a nd e ffect. I decide d to take it out of the fram e an d tur n it i nto a pillow. Because the piece of e mbr oide ry wasn’t big e nou gh to cover an entire pillow I use d s o me ot her scrap fabr ics t hat I had o n ha nd t o exte nd the pill ow on either side a nd so me tri m that I ha nd stitched on t o cover up the sea ms of t he two pieces of fabric.

The res ult is a sweet pi llow that

brings some color and dimension to a sofa.



CLAY TREE ORNAMENTS Shortly after I starte d my marketi ng research career in C hicago, I was craving a creative o utlet.

Near my

flat was a p ottery st ud io so I s igne d up fo r a few pottery classe s. It was a relaxing

c raft

a nd


wo uld


headi ng to my class du ring t he week and spe nd ing tim e i n th e o pen st udi o on Sat urday s.

Even wit h th e extra

effort I p ut in I ad mit my p ottery throwi ng skill s were lacking an d very few o f my w heel

creatio ns were

worth m uch. But I di d enjoy worki ng with clay o ff the


I was

ins pired by a collectio n of old lace and differe nt s haped cooki e cutter s and made a collecti on of Chri stma s tree or name nts.

I made a variety o f

color s but t his year I let t he pink one s shine on our tree.






“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way.” – Georgia O’Keefe

1 POINT PERSPECTIVE In 2 009, with a grow ing desi re to b uild a li fe cente red ar ou nd my creativity, I enrolle d in c ou rse s at Har ringt on College of Des ign. O ne o f the classe s I took was Drawing 101. This was the fir st time I ha d ever taken a drawing cla ss an d u p u ntil thi s poi nt it was a su bject that intimi dated me. Thi s was o ne o f my fir st pr ojects fro m that clas s o n one poi nt per spective. Thi s s howe d me t hat drawi ng d oes n’t have to be scary and t hat you d on ’t always have to be an arti st to be abl e to express yourself through paper and pencil.


HARRINGTON HALLWAY Thi s was anot her p roject fr om my time at Har ringt on C ollege o f Desig n. We had to pick a secti on of the sch ool t o draw a nd ren der. The re are s ome el eme nts of th is d rawing t hat I am pro ud of – especially t he s ink a nd the wi nd ow lo oki ng int o th e ot her r oo m. Othe r section s, s uch as t he hallway a nd ceilin g to t he le ft, see m t o be les s accurate. But wit hin t his drawi ng I ca n see my p otential a nd I kn ow with additi onal i nstr uctio n an d regula r practice my drawin g skill s will continue to flourish.


GREEN BOTTLE IN PASTELS Duri ng my vis it to Lon do n Metr op olitan Univer sity and my meeti ng with Kaye, she encoura ged me to sig n u p for a drawing clas s to contin ue to w ork o n my skill s an d co nfide nce. I fo un d a class in my town an d en rolle d. Most o f the drawi ng we focu sed on were of still li fe objects, s uch a s thi s b ottle. This wa s my fir st time w orki ng with pastel s and I fe ll in love wit h that me diu m. I have since p urcha sed my own set to co ntin ue to expe rim ent. I l ove t he p roce ss of layerin g an d blen di ng color s to p rod uce the light s an d s hadow s o n o bjects. To me, pastel s add a warmth and coziness to a drawing that closely mirror my style.


APPLE IN COLOR PENCIL Thi s i s p erha ps t he drawing fr o m my clas s that I a m most pr ou d o f. With its varying s hade s acros s the apple ’s ski n, dip w here the ste m sho uld be, and li ght re flecti ng o ff t he top o f it, I fee l like I co uld pick the ap ple o ff the page and take a bite fr o m it. Th is drawin g ha s helpe d me see that maybe I have m ore arti stic tale nt tha n I realize a nd t hat all it takes is not being afraid an d taking a step to nu rture my artistic abilities.


PATTERN DESIGN DOODLES As I step ped into the worl d o f sur face pattern de sign, I starte d a notebo ok for d oo dles,

r oug h sketc hes,

an d

ideas. To the right are so me of the se element s t hat co uld beco me part of a pattern d esig n or are a r ou gh sketc h of a fi nal i dea ( suc h a s th e u m brella pattern).

Agai n drawing i s one area

where I have always que stio ned my abilities a nd I a m sl owly b uildi ng my con fide nce. Thr ou gh re gular practice I can’t wait to see how I develop over the coming years.






“Always keep your eyes open. Keep watching because whatever you see can inspire you.” – Grace Coddington

INSPIRATION IN A SEASIDE TOWN Shortly be fore starti ng my blog in 2015 I

be gan

ex plo ring

phot ograp hy.



worl d

has bee n a

of fu n

adventure a s I have lear ned to move away from th e auto matic setti ngs o n my


an d


abo ut


princi ple s of lig ht and sh utter s peed. Since

t hen


ins piratio n as camera len s.


fo un d l ots o f

I lo ok

th rou gh


The se are so me o f the

ins piri ng eleme nts I capture d du ring a visit to a small costal town he re in Florida calle d Apalac hicola.

I was

ins pired by ele ment s o f dri ft wo od, oyster s hell

li ned

si de

walks a nd

chande liers, a s well as vintage li ght fixtur es,

s uccule nt

fille d

win dow

boxes, an d varying col ors o f brick si de by side.


Smart Ideas Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.


ARCHITECTURAL INSPIRATION Als o o n the coast of Flori da are tw o tow ns calle d Alys Beac h an d Ro sema ry Beach. Th ey are the type of town s that are picture per fect, with large h ou ses featur ing arc hitectural c haracteri stics t hat woul d make anyo ne dr ool.

I spe nt a weekend t here an d coul dn ’t put my

camera down as t here wa s i ns piratio n all ar ou nd me.

The fol lowi ng

pages sh ow s ome o f the ho me s an d thei r de sig n ele ment s that i ns pire d me – vi ne covere d walls, stateme nt worthy plante rs, an d d oor s that b eg you to stop and admire before walking through them.


Creative Project


Smart Ideas

Creative Peoples

Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis

Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis

Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis

euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et

euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et

euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et

magnis dis parturient montes.

magnis dis parturient montes.

magnis dis parturient montes.

Creative Project


Smart Ideas

Creative Peoples

Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis

Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis

Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis

euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et

euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et

euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et

magnis dis parturient montes.

magnis dis parturient montes.

magnis dis parturient montes.

Creative Project


Smart Ideas

Creative Peoples

Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis

Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis

Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis

euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et

euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et

euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et

magnis dis parturient montes.

magnis dis parturient montes.

magnis dis parturient montes.

FLORAL INSPIRATION Capturi ng the w orld aro un d me thro ug h fil m has also bee n param ou nt as I b egan t he jo ur ney o f learn ing su rface pattern des ign.

Ele ment s,

such as intricate fl owers, are eas ier t o st udy over a nd over agai n throu gh a pict ure.

An d it has been a fun pr oces s o f getti ng o ut,

explori ng t he wo rld a rou nd m e, seei ng w hat ki nd of beauty I ca n capture an d dream ing u p ideas to bri ng that beauty into my ideas an d designs.



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