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The Christian Outlook Outreach

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Our Adopt a Soul Prison Ministry's featured testimony is yet another witness to the fact that The Christian Outlook is an excellent outreach tool for those who are incarcerated. The Christian Outlook magazine helps change lives and helps those in need have hope in God, and the reality of knowing that God loves them, and they too can have a changed life, a new creature in Christ. The Adopt a Soul Prison ministry needs INSPIRATIONAL WRITERS. If you would like to be a corresponding mentor in this ministry. See link below.

Sponsorships are needed. Help spread the Word-become a Sponsorship! Our prison ministry is growing daily by word of mouth, and we need more SPONSORS. For only $10 you can help sponsor a soul for one issue of The Chritian Outlook and quarterly Sunday school book. Just scan code. TH EC HRISTIANOUTLOO K@PAWI NC. 0 RG

- ADDITIONAL OUTREACH TOOL Donate any amount of $50 or more, and we will send you our Preparation-End Times pamplet tract, with a customized four line wording of your choice. Please visit: www.pawbookstore.com and click the following: The Christian Outlook; Adopt-A-Soul then make your donation selection. For customized donation, write in comment section your customized wording you would like on the tracts. For more details, please call Evangelist Mona Thomas-Green 317.547.9541 Ext. 230

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